1.Paramiko is a python's modules for link remote server.The following two methods are about how to use Paramiko link remote servers

The first method

  1. ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() 
  2. ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 
  3. ssh.connect("某IP地址",22,"用户名", "口令") 

The second line code useage allow connecting unknow hosts in know-hosts file in above.


2.Example,Next code show the function about login server and excute a command and print into client.

  1. #!/usr/bin/python  
  2. import paramiko 
  4. ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() 
  5. ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 
  6. ssh.connect("某IP地址",22,"用户名", "口令") 
  7. stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("你的命令") 
  8. print stdout.readlines() 
  9. ssh.close() 

The usual command:

/sbin/service/ xxxservice start/stop/restart:启动、停止、重启某服务
netstat -ntl |grep 8080:查看8080端口的使用情况 
 或者 nc -zv localhost :查看所有端口的使用情况 
find / -name XXX:查找某文件
So we nearly do nothing face to more servers if you use the python code


3.Realize download file 

  1. #!/usr/bin/python  
  2. import paramiko 
  4. t = paramiko.Transport((“主机”,”端口”)) 
  5. t.connect(username = “用户名”, password = “口令”) 
  6. sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) 
  7. remotepath=’/var/log/system.log’ 
  8. localpath=’/tmp/system.log’ 
  9. sftp.get(remotepath, localpath) 
  10. t.close() 


4.Realize upload file

  1. #!/usr/bin/python  
  2. import paramiko 
  4. t = paramiko.Transport((“主机”,”端口”)) 
  5. t.connect(username = “用户名”, password = “口令”) 
  6. sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) 
  7. remotepath=’/var/log/system.log’ 
  8. localpath=’/tmp/system.log’ 
  9. sftp.put(localpath,remotepath) 
  10. t.close()