
^The start-of-line marker^tux matches any line that starts with tux
$The end-of-line markertux$ matches any line that ends with tux
.Matches any one characterHack. matches Hack1, Hacki but not Hack12, Hackil; only one additional character matches
[]Matches any one of the character set inside []coo[kl] matches cook or cool
[^]Exclusion set: the carat negates the set of characters in the square brackets; text matching this set will not be returned as a match9[^01] matches 92, 93 but not 91 and 90
[-]Matches any character within the range specified in [][1-5] matches any digits from 1 to 5
?The preceding item must match one or zero timescolou?r matches color or colour but not colouur
+The preceding item must match one or more timesRollno-9+ matches Rollno-99, Rollno-9 but not Rollno-
*The preceding item must match zero or more timesco*l matches cl, col, coool
()Creates a substring in the regex matchExplained below, in the section “Substring match and back-referencing”
{n}The preceding item must match exactly n times[0-9]{3} matches any three-digit number. This can be expanded as: [0-9][0-9][0-9]
{n,}Minimum number of times that the preceding item should match[0-9]{2,} matches any number that is two digits or more in length
{n, m}Specifies the minimum and maximum number of times the preceding item should match[0-9]{2,5} matches any number that is between two and five digits in length
|Alternation — one of the items on either side of | should matchOct (1st|2nd) matches Oct 1st or Oct 2nd
\The escape character for escaping any of the special characters given abovea\.b matches a.b but not ajb. The dot is not interpreted as the special “match any one character” regex shown above, but instead a literal dot (period) ASCII character is sought to be matched. Another example: if you’re searching for the US currency symbol “$”, and not the end-of-line marker, you must precede it with a back-slash, like this: \$






