Connor Mcdonald-一位Oracle极客为我们分享了一个AIX平台上11g独享服务进程内存占用过量的问题,该问题最后被确认为Bug"11G SERVER PROCESSES CONSUMING MUCH MORE MEMORY THAT 10G OR 9I",相关文档如下:   Memory Footprint For Dedicated Server Processes More Than Doubled After 11g Upgrade On AIX Platform [ID 1246995.1] Bug 9796810: 11G SERVER PROCESSES CONSUMING MUCH MORE MEMORY THAT 10G OR 9I Bug 10190759: PROCESSES CONSUMING ADDITIONAL MEMORY DUE TO 'USLA HEAP' 可以看到上述问题仅发生在从9i/10g升级到11g后,作为一个已确认的升级Bug值得我们大家去关注;最近几年这样的升级会越来越多,同时希望该Bug能在11.2.0.3中修复。 实际上我在10.2.0.3上就遇到过类似的Process Large Footprints问题:用户在打上一个one-off patch[6110331]后单个server process的rss量明显上升,主机的内存使用量大幅提高,虽然这个问题同样提交了SR,但最后没有确认为Bug;用户试图询问Oracle GCS关于rss上升的原因,但语焉而不详。 Search Criteria:AIX 11.2 Memory Footprint For Dedicated Server Processes More Than Doubled After 11g Upgrade On AIX Platform (Doc ID 1246995.1) 1. Have you installed the patch 10190759 ? Review the note: Memory Footprint For Dedicated Server Processes More Than Doubled After 11g Upgrade On AIX Platform (Doc ID 1246995.1) If you have not installed the patch ? -->>there is one available for,, If you need me to review the patches you have installed you can upload the opatch listing? opatch lsinventory -patch -detail 2. If you have already installed the patch 10190759 then The additional memory seen allocated to oracle processes in the 11.2 release is a consequence of the additional link options added to the oracle link line, -bexpfull and -brtllib. The two link options were specifically added in to support the online patching feature. Patch Name or Number: 10190759   Changes in the make file have been implemented such that you can relink without these options (-bexpfull and -brtllib) to avoid additional memory overhead incurred by adding these options.These changes are available via a one-off patch. This is a known bug: BUG:10190759 - PROCESSES CONSUMING ADDITIONAL MEMORY DUE TO 'USLA HEAP' Install