loop.sh nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql & sleep 1 nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql & sleep 1 nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql & sleep 1 nohup sqlplus su/su@failover @verify.sql & sleep 1 verify.sql (检验SQL) REM set pagesize 1000 REM the following query is for TAF connection verification col sid format 999 col serial# format 9999999 col failover_type format a13 col failover_method format a15 col failed_over format a11 select sid, serial#, failover_type, failover_method, failed_over from v$session where username = 'SU'; REM the following query is for load balancing verification select instance_name from v$instance; exit REM you can also combine two queries: col inst_id format 999 col sid format 999 col serial# format 9999999 col failover_type format a13 col failover_method format a15 col failed_over format a11 select inst_id, sid, serial#, failover_type, failover_method, failed_over from gv$session where username = 'SU'; REM a simple select to see the distribution of users when testing REM connection load balancing select inst_id, count(*) from gv$session group by inst_id; 用法: ./loop.sh
Script:RAC Failover检验脚本loop.sh
原创maclean_007 ©著作权
RAC root.sh
oracle perl 检查点 -
Make Connection NON Load Balance But Failover to RAC
今天在Q群里有朋友问如何配置客户端以限制应用仅连接到特定的一个实例,而将其他实例作为Failover的对象;有网友称这是拿RAC来做双机热备。实际上在过去的8i 时代,OPS就是被人们用来充当一种升级版的双机热备的,因为双机热备仍只有1台服务器在运行,而OPS让原来闲置的备机资源也得到一定程度的利用,而且其MTTR要短于双机热备,所以虽然当时的OPS仍有着显著的性能问题(没有cache fusio
name service application failover transparent tnsname -
Linux Bash Script loop
Linux Bash Script loopforshell 编程之流程控制
Linux bash script loop for linux -
第一节点运行root.sh脚本的结果: 第二节点运行root.sh脚本的结果:
RAC oracle css analyzer 3d