latch: shared pool等待事件
The shared pool latch is used to protect critical operations when allocating and freeing memory in the shared pool. Typically a miss rate for this latch less than 95% results in poor performance. There is only one latch of this type in the shared pool, so when there is contention for this latch, significant degradation in performance can occur.
ORA-4031 errors are seen in the alert log if a trace file is generated (such as when a background process receives this error instead of when a user proc may get it. This means the session cannot allocate contiguous memory in shared pool for incoming SQL statement.
Since the number of shared pool latch gets is influenced by the volume of shared pool activity like parse operations, anything that can reduce the this activity will improve the availability of this latch and overall database performance (see Reducing the Number of SQL Statements).
如何解决 Odoo 的 psycopg2.pool.PoolError: The Connection Pool Is Full 错误:增加 PostgreSQL 最大连接数
PostgreSQL 配置文件 postgresql -
_library_cache_advice和latch:shared pool、latch:shared pool simulator
版本10.2.0.4和11.1.0.6中"_library_cache_advice"=TRUE的情况下可能出现高latch:shared pool、latch: shared pool simulator等latch争用等待事件,默认情况下_library_cache_advice受到参数"statistics_level"的影响为TRUE,当_library_cache_advice=TRUE
Oracle pool simulator latch:shared _library_cache_advic -
Oracle latch free 等待事件 说明
一. Latch 说明有关Latch,在我之前的Blog里也有一些说明: 锁 死锁 阻塞 Latch
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遇到latch: row cache objects等待事件
latch: row cache objects
latch row cache objects sql 等待事件 参考文档