一. 先配置git send-mail 的 smtp服务器:
1. 安装git-email:
# apt-get install git git-core git-email
修改gitconfig文件:vim ~/.gitconfig
[color] ui = auto [commit] template = ~/.commit_template [user] name = *** email = ***@***.com [alias] pretty = log --branches --remotes --tags --graph --oneline --decorate [sendemail] smtpencryption = tls smtpserver = smtp.gmail.com smtpuser = *****.****@gmail.com smtpserverport = 587 smtppass = abcdef suppresscc = all //will suppress all auto cc values confirm = always #to = *****.****@gmail.com //Specify the primary recipient #cc = s***linux@freelists.org //CC list
2. Then edit the .git/hooks/pre-commit file to contain only the following two lines:
#!/bin/sh exec git diff --cached | scripts/checkpatch.pl --no-signoff - || true
二. 好了,下面就是提交的步骤了。
1. 按功能分类提交commit ,提交之前先执行脚本 ./scripts/cleanfile xx.
git commit --amend --author " Xxx Zhang "(添加实际的author,如果author是本人,则不要写)
commit message 第一行要是patch的主题(包括patch的从属子系统,和概述),第二行是patch的详细描述。
a)git format-patch -n
b)git reset到那个commit,如要更改或添加某个文件,git add; 如要删除某个commit的文件,(git reset HEAD^ file),然后 commit --amend
c)git am *.patch (不用git apply,因为apply命令只将patch应用到index,而不会将commit message同时应用到git仓库上。如果当前目录下之前执行过git-am,而没有发送email,需要先执行git am --abort放弃掉之前的am信息。遇到了一次abort不掉的时候,执行rm -rf .git/rebase-apply/就可以了,参照如下Linkhttp://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/Dangerous-quot-git-am-abort-quot-behavior-td5853324.html)
2. 生成patch:
git format-patch -2 --cover-letter//2表示从HEAD的commit开始,向前生成两个commit的patch。--cover-letter会生成一个0000-cover-letter.patch,格式和commit message类似,第一行是patchset的主题,第二行描述这组patchset的详细信息,它就是邮件中的【PATCH 0/n】(有必要的话,将测试结果和基于的主线版本写在0000-cover-letter.patch中的详细描述中)。
git format-patch -numbered --cover-letter --subject-prefix="PATCH v2" (如果不是第一版 patch需要添加版本号,以v2为例)
3. 检查patch:
0001-nfs-add-a-pr_info.patch (不用检查0000-cover-letter.patch)
4. 发邮件列表:
git send-email *.patch
$ git send-email
3 files to edit
Who should the emails appear to be from? [chunyan.zhang ]zh**.****@gmail.com//输入发件人邮箱
Emails will be sent from: zhang.lyra@gmail.com
Who should the emails be sent to? z***@gmail.com //输入收件人邮箱
Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email?for_test//随便输入一个ID
The canonical patch subject line is:
Subject: [PATCH 001/123] subsystem: summary phrase
The canonical patch message body contains the following:
- A "from" line specifying the patch author.
- An empty line.
- The body of the explanation, which will be copied to the
permanent changelog to describe this patch.
- The "Signed-off-by:" lines, described above, which will
also go in the changelog.
- A marker line containing simply "---".
- Any additional comments not suitable for the changelog.
- The actual patch (diff output).