SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_SCCMSCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_MDT_02


Copied binaries for ConfigMgr 2012 to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\\Bin

Copied extension files for ConfigMgr 2012 to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\\XmlStorage\Extensions

Successfully connected to WMI namespace \\\root\sms

Located the provider for site 666 on server

Validated site server and site code.

Compiled D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\\Bin\Microsoft.BDD.CM12Actions.mof, rc = 0


Operation completed successfully.



 SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_MDT8456_03



我们再管理中心站点或者主站点 层次结构设置属性里 去掉这个勾 仅允许已批准用于层次结构的控制台扩展 选项,然后再次进行MDT扩展完成 ,在进入SCCM控制台看启动映像包/任务序列就有Create Boot image using MDT选项了。

 SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_Create Boot image _04




再次打开 Configure ConfigMgr Integration,在勾选一遍 Install the MDT extensions for Configuration Manager

SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_MDT8456_05




 SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_SCCM_06


再次打开SCCM控制台就有Create Boot image using MDT选项了。

 SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_SCCM2103_07SCCM2103集成MDT8456控制台无Create Boot image using MDT选项_MDT8456_08