cemtos查看当前位置 查看当前地址位置_opencv


Have you found the address for a place that you would like to visit while browsing but no map is available on the website? Now you can see the map and an aerial view image using the Bookmaplet Bookmarklet.

您是否找到了想要在浏览时访问的地点的地址,但网站上没有地图? 现在,您可以使用Bookmaplet Bookmarklet查看地图和鸟瞰图图像。

Get the Bookmarklet


To install Bookmaplet visit the website, grab the bookmarklet with your mouse, and drag it onto your “Bookmarks Toolbar”. Now you are ready to view the maps and images for street addresses that you may find while browsing.

要安装Bookmaplet,请访问网站,用鼠标抓住书签,然后将其拖到“书签工具栏”上。 现在,您可以查看在浏览时可能会找到的街道地址的地图和图像。

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Bookmaplet in Action


Time to try our new bookmarklet. For our first test we wanted to view the map for Microsoft in Redmond, WA. When you find an address that you would like to see a map of highlight the address only, not any of the other information. Once you have highlighted the street address click on Bookmaplet…

是时候尝试我们的新书签了。 对于我们的第一个测试,我们想查看华盛顿州雷德蒙德的Microsoft地图。 当您找到一个地址时,您只想看到一个突出显示该地址的地图,而不是其他任何信息 。 突出显示街道地址后,单击Bookmaplet…

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The map will open in a popup window as shown here. Notice that there are three “views” available…

该地图将在弹出窗口中打开,如下所示。 请注意,有三个“视图”可用...

Note: During our tests the window could not be resized.


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Here is a close-up of the regular map after zooming in closer…


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Perhaps you would prefer an image instead? Click on “Satellite” to see an aerial view…

也许您更喜欢图像? 点击“卫星”以查看鸟瞰图…

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Both views can be combined if that is the style that works best for you.


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For our second test we decided to go International and look for Google’s offices in Singapore. Once again we made certain to only highlight the street address portion before clicking on Bookmaplet…

对于第二项测试,我们决定去国际化,并寻找Google在新加坡的办事处。 我们再次确保只在单击Bookmaplet之前突出显示街道地址部分…

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Very nice…


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After a little bit of zooming we have a good map ready to use.


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The aerial photo was not quite as clear here but still very useful.


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The combined view here is very helpful due to the higher number of buildings present and the slightly blurry image.


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If you find yourself needing a quick access map for street addresses that you find on websites, then you will certainly want to give this little bookmarklet a try.




Add the Bookmaplet Bookmarklet to Your Browser


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8389/see-maps-of-street-address-locations-the-easy-way/
