1.  写个从用户接受文件名的shell脚本。如果文件是普通文件,则显示以下信息:


————is an ordinary file-display? 



sorry _______has no read permission.








  1 echo “enter a file or directory name:”

  2 read  fname

  3 if  test  -f   ${fname}

  4      then echo “${fname} is an ordinary file-diaplay?”

  5      read ans

  6          if test $ans = 'y'

  7            then

  8           if test -r ${fname}

  9                then  cat ${fname}

 10                else echo “sorry,${fname} has no read permission”

 11                fi

 12 fi

 13 elif  test  -d  ${fname}

 14 then echo “${fname} is a directory file – display?”

 15 read ans

 16 if test $ans = 'y'

 17 then

 18   if test -r ${fname}

 19   then  /bin/ls  -l  ${fname}

 20   else  echo “sorry,${fname} has no read permission”

 21   fi

 22 fi

 23 else  echo “${fname} is neither an ordinary file nor a directory”

 24 fi





   1 if test -z "$2"

  2 then

  3    echo "you need to supply the start time and time as parameters"

  4    echo "USAGE: $0<start_time><End_Time>"

  5    echo "the time should be in hh:mm format –24 hour day"

  6    exit

  7 fi

  8  hour_after=`echo $1|cut -d: -f1`

  9  min_after=`echo $1 | cut -d: -f2`

 10  total_after=`expr $hour_after \* 60`

 11  total_after=`expr $total_after + $min_after`

 12 hour_before=`echo $2 | cut -d: -f1`

 13  min_before=`echo $2 | cut -d: -f2`

 14  total_before=`expr $hour_after \* 60`

 15  total_before=`expr $total_before + $min_before`

 16 echo "the following users have logged in between $1 and $2"

 17 echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"

 18 for user in `who | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f1,5 | tr ' ' ':' `

 19 do

 20 hour=`echo $user | cut -d: -f2`

 21        min=`echo $user | cut -d: -f3`

 22        total=`expr $hour \* 60`

 23        total=`expr $total + $min`

 24         echo "total=$total total_after=$total_after before=$total_before"

 25  if [ $total -ge $total_after -a $total -le $total_before ]

 26         then

 27           username=`echo $user | cut -d: -f1`

 28           echo  "${username}"

 29          fi

 30  done


