Ubuntu 12.04


每次开机都会跳出来一个 unlock the login kering 对话框,要求输入密码。

一开始看到文章说可以删掉 ~/.gnome2/keyrings$ /login.keyring 文件。。



我苦逼的又设置了密码,只好在passwords and keys 中更改密码为空。

how to get rid of  unlock the login keyring_对话框



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Thanks to @duffydack's hint, I discovered this:

  • In the Password application, right-click the Passwords: default
    how to get rid of  unlock the login keyring_对话框_02
  • Select Change password
  • Enter the old password, and no new password then click OK
  • Confirm to use unencrypted passwords:
    how to get rid of  unlock the login keyring_密码_03

... But oddly, this does not work: after rebooting, I must enter the password again. Any hints?