Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构

create table LHRTEST as select * from dual;
select * from user_tables where table_name='LHRTEST';
select * from ALL_tables where table_name='LHRTEST';
select * from dba_tables where table_name='LHRTEST';
select * from cdb_tables where table_name='LHRTEST'; --sys用户会在每一个open状态的pdb中创建一个表,而普通用户不会


在  CDB  中,数据字典元数据在根和   PDB   之间       是分离的,那对于  Oracle  提供的系统对象   (   系统级别数据字典   )   要如何访问呢,   Oracle   通过内部指针的方式来实现       。

CDB_xxx  视图的结果是来自根以及当前所有打开的   PDB   上的相应   DBA_xxx   视图的结果的集合。从   PDB   查询   CDB_xxx   视图时,其仅显示它在相应   DBA_xxx   视图中显示的信息。      如果连接到根并查询  CDB_USERS  ,将得到每个容器的公用和本地用户的列表。如果查询   DBA_USERS   ,将得到公用用户的列表(在根中仅存在公用用户)。现在如果连接到   PDB   并查询   CDB_USERS   或   DBA_USERS   ,将得到   PDB   的相同公用和本地用户的列表。

Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构_Oracle 12c CDB

数据字典就是元数据的集合,比如创建的表,列,约束,触发器等等这些都是元数据,需要保存到数据库中。除此之外,Oracle自身的一些数据库对象,如目录,PL/SQL代码等等这些都是元数据,都需要存放在数据字典中。随着12c 容器数据的普及,Oracle数据字典发生了哪些变化呢,下文即是具体描述。















在Oracle 12c之前的数据库版本,系统数据字典和用户数据字典采取了混合存放的处理方式。

在Oracle 12c CDB数据库中采取分离存放的方式,及各个PDB数据字典独立存放。








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Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构_Oracle 12c CDB_03


如下图显示PDB中的数据字典包含指向根中数据字典的指针。在内部,Oracle提供的对象(如数据字典表定义和PL / SQL包)仅在根中表示。

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        例如,DBMS_ADVISORCDB不是将PL / SQL包的源代码存储在每个PDB中,而是将其存储在CDB$ROOT其中,从而节省了磁盘空间。











  Oracle数据库12 c版本1(中的数据链接称为对象链接。









  2         DECODE (cdb,

  3                 'YES', 'Multitenant Option enabled',

  4                 'Regular 12c Database: ')

  5            "Multitenant Option",

  6         open_mode,

  7         con_id

  8  FROM   v$database;   --如查询结果所示,为非CDB数据库

NAME      Multitenant Option         OPEN_MODE                CON_ID

--------- -------------------------- -------------------- ----------

NOCDB     Regular 12c Database:      READ WRITE                    0


SQL> select name,owner#,ctime from obj$ where name='T1';

no rows selected


SQL> select count(*) from obj$;





SQL> create user leshami identified by pass

  2  default tablespace users;


SQL> grant dba,resource,connect to leshami;

SQL> conn leshami/pass

SQL> create table t1(id number,ename varchar2(20));

SQL> conn / as sysdba


SQL> select name,owner#,ctime from obj$ where name='T1';


---------- ---------- ---------

T1                 72 01-JUN-17


SQL> select count(*) from obj$;






  2         DECODE (cdb,

  3                 'YES', 'Multitenant Option enabled',

  4                 'Regular 12c Database: ')

  5            "Multitenant Option",

  6         open_mode,

  7         con_id

  8  FROM   v$database;   --此查询结果如下,即连接到了CDB数据库

NAME      Multitenant Option         OPEN_MODE                CON_ID

--------- -------------------------- -------------------- ----------

CDB1      Multitenant Option enabled READ WRITE                    0


SQL> select name,con_id,open_mode from v$containers;

NAME                    CON_ID OPEN_MODE

------------------- ---------- ----------

CDB$ROOT                     1 READ WRITE

PDB$SEED                     2 READ ONLY

CDB1PDB1                     3 MOUNTED


SQL> select name,owner#,ctime from obj$ where name='T1';

no rows selected


SQL> select count(*) from obj$;





SQL> alter pluggable database cdb1pdb1 open;

Pluggable database altered.


SQL> alter session set container=CDB1PDB1;


SQL> select name,owner#,ctime from obj$ where name='T1';

no rows selected


SQL> select count(*) from obj$;





$ sqlplus hr/hr@cdb1pdb1


SQL> create table t1(id number,ename varchar2(20));


SQL> conn / as sysdba

SQL> select 'Leshami' Author,'' Blog,

  2  '645746311' QQ from dual;

AUTHOR  BLOG                         QQ

------- ---------------------------- ---------

Leshami 645746311

SQL> select name,owner#,ctime from obj$ where name='T1';

no rows selected

SQL> select count(*) from obj$;  --数据库对象在cdb中不存在,总数也没有增加





SQL> alter session set container=CDB1PDB1;

SQL> select name,owner#,ctime from obj$ where name='T1'; --数据字典中存在已创建的对象

NAME                OWNER# CTIME

--------------- ---------- ---------

T1                     107 01-JUN-17

SQL> select count(*) from obj$;      --数据字典总数目增加1条






Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构_Oracle 12c CDB_05

Data Dictionary Architecture in a CDB

From the user and application perspective, the data dictionary in each container in a CDB is separate, as it would be in a non-CDB.

For example, the   DBA_OBJECTS   view in each PDB can show a different number of rows. This dictionary separation enables Oracle Database to manage the PDBs separately from each other and from the root.


Purpose of Data Dictionary Separation

In a newly created non-CDB that does not yet contain user data, the data dictionary contains only system metadata. For example, the   TAB$   table contains rows that describe only Oracle-supplied tables, for example,   TRIGGER$   and   SERVICE$  .

The following graphic depicts three underlying data dictionary tables, with the red bars indicating rows describing the system.

Figure 19-2 Unmixed Data Dictionary Metadata in a Non-CDB

Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构_Oracle 12c CDB_06
Description of "Figure 19-2 Unmixed Data Dictionary Metadata in a Non-CDB"

If users create their own schemas and tables in this non-CDB, then the data dictionary now contains some rows that describe Oracle-supplied entities, and other rows that describe user-created entities. For example, the   TAB$   dictionary table now has a row describing   employees   and a row describing   departments  .

Figure 19-3 Mixed Data Dictionary Metadata in a Non-CDB

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Description of "Figure 19-3 Mixed Data Dictionary Metadata in a Non-CDB"

In a CDB, the data dictionary metadata is split between the root and the PDBs. In the following figure, the   employees   and   departments   tables reside in a PDB. The data dictionary for this user data also resides in the PDB. Thus, the   TAB$   table in the PDB has a row for the   employees   table and a row for the   departments   table.

Figure 19-4 Data Dictionary Architecture in a CDB

Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构_Oracle 12c CDB_08
Description of "Figure 19-4 Data Dictionary Architecture in a CDB"

The preceding graphic shows that the data dictionary in the PDB contains pointers to the data dictionary in the root. Internally, Oracle-supplied objects such as data dictionary table definitions and PL/SQL packages are represented   only   in the root. This architecture achieves two main goals within the CDB:

  • Reduction of duplication

    For example, instead of storing the source code for the   DBMS_ADVISOR   PL/SQL package in every PDB, the CDB stores it only in   CDB$ROOT  , which saves disk space.

  • Ease of database upgrade

    If the definition of a data dictionary table existed in every PDB, and if the definition were to change in a new release, then each PDB would need to be upgraded separately to capture the change. Storing the table definition only once in the root eliminates this problem.


Metadata and Data Links

The CDB uses an internal linking mechanism to separate data dictionary information.

Specifically, Oracle Database uses the following automatically managed pointers:

  • Metadata links

    Oracle Database stores metadata about dictionary objects only in the CDB root. For example, the column definitions for the   OBJ$   dictionary table, which underlies the   DBA_OBJECTS   data dictionary view, exist only in the root. As depicted in   Figure 19-4  , the   OBJ$   table in each PDB uses an internal mechanism called a    metadata link    to point to the definition of   OBJ$   stored in the root.

    The   data   corresponding to a metadata link resides in its PDB, not in the root. For example, if you create table   mytable   in   hrpdb   and add rows to it, then the rows are stored in the PDB data files. The data dictionary views in the PDB and in the root contain different rows. For example, a new row describing   mytable   exists in the   OBJ$   table in   hrpdb  , but not in the   OBJ$  table in the CDB root. Thus, a query of   DBA_OBJECTS   in the CDB root and   DBA_OBJECTS   in   hrdpb   shows different results.

  • Data links


    Data links were called   object links   in Oracle Database 12  c   Release 1 (

    In some cases, Oracle Database stores the data (not only metadata) for an object only once in the application root. An application PDB uses an internal mechanism called a    data link    to refer to the objects in the application root. The application PDB in which the data link was created also stores the data link description. A data link inherits the data type of the object to which it refers.

  • Extended data link

    An extended data link is a hybrid of a data link and a metadata link. Like a data link, an extended data link refers to an object in an application root. However, the extended data link also refers to a corresponding object in the application PDB. Like a metadata link, the object in the application PDB inherits metadata from the corresponding object in the application root.

    When queried in the application root, an extended data-linked object fetches rows only from the application root. However, when queried in an application PDB, an extended data-linked object fetches rows from both the application root and application PDB.

Oracle Database automatically creates and manages metadata and data links to   CDB$ROOT  . Users cannot add, modify, or remove these links.

See Also:

  • "  Overview of the Data Dictionary  "

  • "  Application Common Objects  "


Container Data Objects in a CDB

A   container data object   is a table or view containing data pertaining to multiple containers or the whole CDB.

Container data privileges support a general requirement in which multiple PDBs reside in a single CDB, but with different local administration requirements. For example, if application DBAs do not want to administer locally, then they can grant container data privileges on appropriate views to the common users. In this case, the CDB administrator can access the data for these PDBs. In contrast, PDB administrators who do not want the CDB administrator accessing their data do not grant container data privileges.

Examples of container data objects are Oracle-supplied views whose names begin with   V$   and   CDB_  . All container data objects have a   CON_ID   column. The following table shows the meaning of the values for this column.

Table 19-1 Container ID Values

Container IDRows pertain to

Whole CDB, or non-CDB





All Other IDs

User-created PDBs, application roots, or application seeds

In a CDB, for every   DBA_   view, a corresponding   CDB_   view exists. The owner of a   CDB_   view is the owner of the corresponding   DBA_   view. The following graphic shows the relationship among the different categories of dictionary views:

Figure 19-5 Dictionary Views in a CDB

Oracle 12c CDB数据库中数据字典架构_Oracle 12c CDB_09
Description of "Figure 19-5 Dictionary Views in a CDB"

When the current container is a PDB, a user can view data dictionary information for the current PDB only. To an application connected to a PDB, the data dictionary appears as it would for a non-CDB. When the current container is the root, however, a common user can query   CDB_   views to see metadata for the root and for PDBs for which this user is privileged.


When queried from the root container,   CDB_   and   V$   views implicitly convert data to the AL32UTF8 character set. If a character set needs more bytes to represent a character when converted to AL32UTF8, and if the view column width cannot accommodate data from a specific PDB, then data truncation is possible.

The following table shows a scenario involving queries of   CDB_   views. Each row describes an action that occurs after the action in the preceding row.

Table 19-2 Querying CDB_ Views

Enter password: ********

The   SYSTEM   user, which is common to all containers in the CDB, connects to the root (see   "  Common Users in a CDB  "  ).


SYSTEM   queries   CDB_USERS   to obtain the number of common users in the CDB. The output indicates that 41 common users exist.


SYSTEM   queries   CDB_USERS   to determine the number of distinct containers in the CDB.

Enter password: ********

The   SYSTEM   user now connects to the PDB named   hrpdb  .


SYSTEM   queries   CDB_USERS  . The output indicates that 45 users exist. Because   SYSTEM   is not connected to the root, the   CDB_USERS   view shows the same output as   DBA_USERS  . Because   DBA_USERS   only shows the users in the   current  container, it shows 45.

See Also:

 Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide to learn more about container data objects


Data Dictionary Storage in a CDB

The data dictionary that stores the metadata for the CDB as a whole is stored only in the system tablespaces.

The data dictionary that stores the metadata for a specific PDB is stored in the self-contained tablespaces dedicated to this PDB. The PDB tablespaces contain both the data and metadata for an application back end. Thus, each set of data dictionary tables is stored in its own dedicated set of tablespaces.

See Also:

  • "  Overview of the Data Dictionary  "

  • "  Overview of Tablespaces and Database Files in a CDB  "