



#cat /etc/syslog.conf

# @(#)34  src/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf, cmdnet,bos61N, n2011_13B1 2/21/11 04:02:04


# This is anautomatically generated prolog.

# bos61Nsrc/bos/etc/syslog/syslog.conf

# LicensedMaterials - Property of IBM

# COPYRIGHTInternational Business Machines Corp. 1988,1989

# All RightsReserved

# US GovernmentUsers Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or

# disclosurerestricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



#COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDNET) Network commands.






# (C) COPYRIGHTInternational Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1989

# All RightsReserved

# LicensedMaterials - Property of IBM


# US GovernmentUsers Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or

# disclosurerestricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


#/etc/syslog.conf - control output of syslogd



# Each line mustconsist of two parts:-


# 1) A selectorto determine the message priorities to which the

#    line applies

# 2) An action.


# Each line cancontain an optional part:-


# 3) Rotation.


# The fieldsmust be separated by one or more tabs or spaces.


# format:


#<msg_src_list> <destination> [rotate [size <size> k|m] [files<files>] [time <time> h|d|w|m|y] [compress] [archive<archive>]]


# where<msg_src_list> is a semicolon separated list of<facility>.<priority>

# where:


#<facility> is:

#       * - all (except mark)

#       mark - time marks


#       kern,user,mail,daemon, auth,... (seesyslogd(AIX Commands Reference))


#<priority> is one of (from high to low):


#       emerg/panic,alert,crit,err(or),warn(ing),notice,info,debug

#       (meaning all messages of this priority orhigher)


#<destination> is:

#       /filename - log to this file

#       username[,username2...] - write touser(s)

#       @hostname - send to syslogd on thismachine

#       * - send to all logged in users


# [rotate [size<size> k|m] [files <files>] [time <time> h|d|w|m|y][compress] [archive <archive>]] is:

#       If <destination> is a regular fileand the word "rotate" is

#       specified, then the <destination>is limited by either

#       <size> or <time>, or both<size> and <time>. The <size> causes

#       the <destination> to be limited to<size>, with <files> files

#       kept in the rotation. The <time>causes the <destination> to be rotated after

#       <time>. If both <time> and<size> are specified then logfiles

#       will be rotated once the the logfilesize exceeds the <size>

#       or after <time>, whichever isearlier. The rotated filenames

#       are created by appending a period and anumber to <destination>,

#       starting with ".0".


#       If compress option is specified then thelogfile names will be

#       generated with a ".Z"extension. The files keyword will be applicable

#       to the logfiles which are currentlyunder rotation. For example

#       if we specify the compress option thenonly fileis with ".Z" extension

#       will be under rotation and number ofsuch files will be limited by

#       <files> files. Any logfiles withan extension other than ".Z"

#       will not be under the rotation schemeand thus will not be within

#       the limit of <files> files.Similarly if we remove the compress

#       option then the files which have beengenerated with ".Z" extension

#       will no longer be the part of rotationscheme and will not be limited

#       by the <files> files.


#       The minimum size that can be specifiedis 10k, the minimum

#       number of files that can be specified is2. The default

#       size is 1m (meg) and the default for<files> is unlimited.

#       Therefore, if only "rotate" isspecified, the log will be

#       rotated with <size> = 1m.

#       The compress option means that rotatedlog files that are not

#       in use will be compressed.

#       The archive option will save rotated logfiles that are not

#       in use to <archive>.

#       The default is not to rotate log files.


# example:

# "mailmessages, at debug or higher, go to Log file. File must exist."

# "allfacilities, at debug and higher, go to console"

# "allfacilities, at crit or higher, go to all users"

#  mail.debug           /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog

#  *.debug              /dev/console

#  *.crit                       *

#  *.debug              /var/log/syslog.out     rotate size 100k files 4

#  *.crit               /var/log/syslog.out     rotate time 1d


*.info /var/adm/ras/syslog.caarotate size 1m files 10






# lssrc -s syslogd

Subsystem         Group            PID          Status

 syslogd          ras              5177376      active

# cat /etc/


# ps -ef | grep syslogd

    root 5177376  2162834   0  Feb 01      -  0:04 /usr/sbin/syslogd

    root 5898452  5767218   0 10:49:35 pts/1  0:00 grep syslogd

# stopsrc -s syslogd

0513-044 Thesyslogd Subsystem was requested to stop.

# ps -ef | grep syslogd

    root 5898454  5767218   0 10:50:01 pts/1  0:00 grep syslogd

# startsrc -s syslogd

0513-059 Thesyslogd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5898456.

# ps -ef | grep syslogd

    root 5898456  2162834   0 10:50:09      - 0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd

    root 7209178  5767218   0 10:50:20 pts/1  0:00 grep syslogd



1 、将调试级或以上的所有邮件功能消息记录到文件 /tmp/mailsyslog,可以输入以下命令:


      mail.debug /tmp/mailsyslog


          mail 是功能。

          debug 是优先级。

          /tmp/mailsyslog 是目标。

2、将除来自邮件功能以外的所有系统消息发送到名为 rigil 的主机(此处可以直接使用IP地址),可以输入以下命令:

      *.debug;mail.none @rigil


          * 和 mail 是功能。

          debug 和 none 是优先级。

          @rigil 是目标。

3、将来自所有功能的emerg 优先级的消息和来自邮件及守护进程的 crit 及以上优先级的消息发送到用户nick 和 jam,可以输入以下命令:

      *.emerg;mail,daemon.crit nick, jam


          *、mail 和 daemon 是功能。

          emerg 和 crit 是优先级。

          nick 和 jam 是目标。


    mail.debug *


          mail 是功能。

          debug 是优先级。

          * 是目标。