Collectl 是一个轻量级的性能监控工具,可监控包括 CPU、磁盘、带宽、内存、网络、NFS、进程等等信息。

对系统资源的监控,是系统管理员的一个必备的任务,我们经常需要监控系统资源以便解决相应的系统问题。Linux系统也自带很多的监控工具,如 top、vmstat、iostat、sar等,对这些工具的熟练使用时非常重要的,但是这些工具太散了,有时候我们可能会需要看一些更全面地数 据,Collectl就是一个这样的超级工具。之前我已经介绍过IBM的监控工具nmon了,nmon监控也是非常全面的,而且可视化做的也非常好,但是 相对nmon的话,collectl是支持socket发送数据,对于很多机器的监控,nmon得开很多的窗口,而collectl只需在一个窗口就能看 到所有机器的数据,所以必须要推荐之!


Unlike most monitoring tools that eitherfocus on a small set of statistics, format their output in only one way, runeither interatively or as a daemon but not both, collectl tries to do it all.You can choose to monitor any of a broad set of subsystems which currentlyinclude buddyinfo, cpu, disk, inodes, infiniband, lustre, memory, network, nfs,processes, quadrics, slabs, sockets and tcp.

不同于大多数的监控工具那样集中于一小部分数据的统计,然后以一种方式格式化输出数据,以交互的方式或作为一个守护进程后台运行,但是不能同时支持两种方式,collectl尝试实现以上所有的功能。你可以选择监控任何一个广大子系统的一个子集,这些子系统包括buddyinfo, cpu, disk, inodes, infiniband, lustre,memory, network, nfs, processes, quadrics, slabs, sockets and tcp信息。

下面的框图显示,collectl是远远超过一个工具,从/ proc中读取数据,将其结果写入到一个文件中,或在终端上。花几分钟的时间研究这个图可以帮助更好地了解不同的方式,你可能会更有效地使用 collectl。正如你可以看到,有一个数据可以按照不同的路径和哪些需要取决于你所选择的选项。

 Linux下系统资源监控工具Collectl基本介绍 _collect


Interactive Mode

This is the default and in this mode datais read from /proc and passes throughanalyze. It is really nothing morethan a function that looks at the change between the current and previousvalues. It then divides by the duration of the interval (unless you specicify-on) and produces the rate, for those values that are indeed rate based. Thisfunction is also responsible for formatting/disposing the output. More on thatin a little while.


这是默认的模式,在这种模式下数据从/ proc读取并且分析。这实在是没有什么特殊的功能,就是着眼于当前和之前值之间的变化。此功能,负责格式化/配置输出。

Record Mode

Data passes from /proc the same way as InteractiveMode but instead of going through theAnalyze function it written itto a file. By eliminating the calculations and formatting, this is the mostefficient path the data can take and is why collectl it so light-weight whenrun in this way.



Playback Mode

Here collectl works virtually identical to InteractiveMode except instead of reading data from /proc it reads it from a file.This means all the switches that control data formatting still apply. There arealso a couple of switches that allow you to select the time period from whichyou want to play back data.

