1. 创建新数据库
create database newdb;
1) 新创建一个数据库:
NAME = newdb_dat, --逻辑名
FILENAME = 'c: \newdb.mdf', --存放位置
SIZE = 5MB, --初始大小
MAXSIZE = 100MB, --最大存储空间
NAME = newdb_log,
FILENAME = 'c: \newdb.ldf',
SIZE = 10MB,
2) 创建一个新的表
--设定主键不为空, --值不为空
create table newtable (
id int primary key not null,
name nvarchar(10) not null,
birthday smalldatetime
2. 插入数据
insert into table values ('001','张三','1980-9-8');
3. 修改数据
update table set name = '张三' where name = '李四';
update student set age = age+1;
4. 删除数据(
注意:DELETE和DROP TABLE之间有一个非常重要的区别。
而DROP TABLE则将表的内容和表的大纲全都一起删除。
但在执行DROP TABLE语句后,表将完全删除)
delete from student where sex = '女';
delete from student where stid = ’002’;
5. 修改表
alter table student add age char(20) null;
drop column name;
alter column age smallint;
6. 修改列名
EXEC sp_rename '要修改的表名.[要修改的字段名]','修改后的字段名','COLUMN';
7. 删除表
drop table student;
1. 查询学生表中的所有数据,用‘*’代表
select * from student;
2. 查询学生表中的name列
select name from student;
3. 查询学生表中的name列和stid列
select stid, name from student;
4. 查询学生表中姓名为'张三'的学号
select idFrom studentWhere name ='张三';
5. 从学生表中查询出前5列的学员信息
select TOP 5 * from student;
6. 查询学生表中姓名不为'张三'的学号
#where name != '张三'
select id from student where name <> '张三';
7. 查询学生表中年龄大于24岁的学员姓名
select name from student where age > 24;
8. 查询学生表中年龄在22至24岁之间的学员姓名
select name from student where age >= 22 and age <= 24;
9. 查询学生表中学号为'001'和'008'的学员姓名
#where id in(001,008)
select name from student where id=001 or id=008 ;
10. 查询学生表中年龄小于22岁,而大于24岁的学员姓名
#或 where age not between 22 and 24
select name from student where age < 22 or age > 24;
11. 查询学生表中班级编号为’001’,而年龄大于24岁的学员姓名
select name from student where classid =’001’ and age > 24;
12. 查询学生表中的所有的班级编号(不要重复)
select distinct classid from student;
13. NOT操作的优先级最高,AND其次,OR最低 比较以下两个语句的不同:
select * from student where age > 22 and age < 24 or classid = '001' and sex = '男';
select * from student where ((age>22 and age<24) or classid='001') and sex='男';
14. 查询不属于班级编号为'T01'的所有学员姓名
select name from student where not classid ='T01';
15. 查询学生表中班级编号为空的学员姓名
select name from student where classid is null;
16. 查询学生表中班级编号不为空的学员姓名
select name from student where classid is not null;
17. 查询学生总人数
select count(*) from student;
18. 计算学员的平均年龄
select avg(age) from student;
19. 查询学员的最大年龄
select max(age) from student;
20. 查询学生表中的所有数据,并以年龄降序排列
select * from student order by age desc;
21. 计算每个地址中不同城市的数目
select address as 城市, count(address) from student group by address;
22. HAVING子句定义了用于行组的条件判断。HAVING子句对行组来说所具有的意义,与WHERE子句对于每一单独的行所具有的意义是相同的。
1) 计算每个班级中学员的最大年龄,并按班号从大到小排列,使用下面的语句:
SELECT classid, MAX(age) as 最大年龄 FROM student GROUP BY classid ORDER BY classid desc;
2) 要返回平均年龄在22到24之间的班级编号,使用下面的查询语句:
SELECT classid as 班号,AVG(age) as 平均年龄 FROM student GROUP BY classid
HAVING AVG(age) between 22 and 24;
23. LIKE操作符用于将列的值与某个特定的模式做比较。列的数据类型可以是任何字符或者日期型数据。通配符 %:any 代表零个或多个任意字符 _:single 代表某一个任意字符
1) 查询所有姓名以李开头的学员的姓名和编号
select id,name from student where name like '李%';
2) 查询所有姓名中第二个是'新'的学员的姓名和编号
select id,name from student where name like '_新%';
3) 查询所在地名称是以C到F的字符打头的所有部门的详细资料
select * from department where address like '[C-F]%';
4) 查询姓名开头不是'李'开头的学员的姓名和编号
select stid,name from student where name not like '李%';
5) 查询姓(firstname)的打头字母不是J,K,L,M,N,O,并且名(lastname)的打头字母不是E或者Z的所有学生的编号和名字
select stid,name from student where firstname like '[^J-O]%' and lastname like '[^EZ]%';
24. 子查询
select name from student where classid in (
select classid
from class
where name='T01'
25. 多表查询 1) 合并union
SELECT ContactName,city,postalcode FROM customers UNION SELECT lastname + ' ' + firstname ,city,postalcode FROM employees;
2) 内联接
select s.name,c.name from student as s inner join class as c on s.classid=c.classid;
select s.name,c.name from student as s,class as c where s.classid=c.classid;
3) 外联接
a) 左外联接
select s.name,c.name
from student as s left join class as c on s.classid=c.classid;
b) 右外联接
select s.name,c.name
from student as s right join class as c on s.classid=c.classid;
c) 完全联接
select s.name,c.name
from student as s full join class as c on s.classid=c.classid;
d) 交叉联接
select s.name,c.name from student as s cross join class as c;
select s.name,c.name from student as s ,class as c;
4) 自联接查询学生表中的所有学生的上级领导姓名
Select 学生表.name as 学生姓名, 领导表.name as 领导姓名 from student as 学生表 left join student as 领导表 on 学生表.leaderid=领导表.stid;