My topic is BackTrack5 installation

3.接着就直接以root用户进去了这个系统的命令行控制终端,输入startx 进入图形用户模式。
4.桌面有个Install BackTrack的图标,点击开始安装这个系统。

My topic is BackTrack5 installation
    The last time I installed BackTrack5 Linux system. I believe that some people still do not know that under this system, I first introduce this system.
Backtrack security testing system is a very popular, it is a system based on Ubuntu, added security testing tools toolset. Very effective network security network can detect whether security. You can improve the security of the network.
Probably introduced later, then speaking under my step-by-step installation process
I installed U disk, the first is the system is written to the U disk to go. Set the BIOS first start as U disk, save and exit
First began our interface is installed, I chose the default installation.
Then directly to the root user into a terminal command-line control of the system, type startx into the graphical user mode.
Desktop Install BackTrack icon, click to start the installation of this system.
Then select the language you want to use during the installation process. The drop-down bar down you will see the Chinese.
Then it will test your keyboard layout.
Then will you start partition on the hard disk to start. Next to the computer to automatically install to your hard drive
After the installation is complete, will be asked to enter a user name and password, the system root user's default password is toor.