# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Module for managing logrotate. ''' # Import python libs import os import logging # Import salt libs import salt.utils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) default_conf = '/etc/logrotate.conf' # Define a function alias in order not to shadow built-in's __func_alias__ = { 'set_': 'set' }
def __virtual__(): ''' Only work on POSIX-like systems ''' if salt.utils.is_windows(): return False return True
def is_windows(): ''' Simple function to return if a host is Windows or not ''' return sys.platform.startswith('win')
def _parse_conf(conf_file=default_conf): ''' Parse a logrotate configuration file. Includes will also be parsed, and their configuration will be stored in the return dict, as if they were part of the main config file. A dict of which configs came from which includes will be stored in the 'include files' dict inside the return dict, for later reference by the user or module. ''' ret = {} mode = 'single' multi_name = '' multi = {} with salt.utils.fopen(conf_file, 'r') as ifile: for line in ifile: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('#'): continue comps = line.split() if '{' in line and '}' not in line: mode = 'multi' multi_name = comps[0] continue if '}' in line: mode = 'single' ret[multi_name] = multi multi_name = '' multi = {} continue if mode == 'single': key = ret else: key = multi if comps[0] == 'include': if 'include files' not in ret: ret['include files'] = {} for include in os.listdir(comps[1]): if include not in ret['include files']: ret['include files'][include] = [] include_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(comps[1], include) include_conf = _parse_conf(include_path) for file_key in include_conf: ret[file_key] = include_conf[file_key] ret['include files'][include].append(file_key) if len(comps) > 1: key[comps[0]] = ' '.join(comps[1:]) else: key[comps[0]] = True return ret
def show_conf(conf_file=default_conf): ''' Show parsed configuration CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' logrotate.show_conf ''' return _parse_conf(conf_file)
$ sudo salt 'gintama-qa-server' logrotate.show_conf gintama-qa-server: ---------- /var/log/btmp: ---------- create: 0600 root utmp missingok: True monthly: True rotate: 1 /var/log/cron: True /var/log/dracut.log: ---------- create: 0600 root root missingok: True notifempty: True size: 30k yearly: True /var/log/httpd/*log: ---------- /sbin/service: httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true delaycompress: True endscript: True missingok: True notifempty: True postrotate: True sharedscripts: True /var/log/maillog: True /var/log/messages: True /var/log/salt/cloud: ---------- compress: True missingok: True notifempty: True rotate: 5 weekly: True /var/log/salt/key: ---------- compress: True missingok: True notifempty: True rotate: 5 weekly: True /var/log/salt/master: ---------- compress: True missingok: True notifempty: True rotate: 5 weekly: True /var/log/salt/minion: ---------- compress: True missingok: True notifempty: True rotate: 5 weekly: True /var/log/salt/ssh: ---------- compress: True missingok: True notifempty: True rotate: 5 weekly: True /var/log/secure: True /var/log/spooler: True /var/log/wtmp: ---------- create: 0664 root utmp minsize: 1M monthly: True rotate: 1 /var/log/yum.log: ---------- create: 0600 root root missingok: True notifempty: True yearly: True create: True dateext: True include: /etc/logrotate.d include files: ---------- dracut: - /var/log/dracut.log httpd: - /var/log/httpd/*log salt: - /var/log/salt/master - /var/log/salt/ssh - /var/log/salt/cloud - /var/log/salt/key - /var/log/salt/minion syslog: - /var/log/secure - /var/log/messages - /var/log/maillog - /var/log/cron - /var/log/spooler - { yum: - /var/log/yum.log rotate: 4 weekly: True {: ---------- /bin/kill: -HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true endscript: True postrotate: True sharedscripts: True
def set_(key, value, setting=None, conf_file=default_conf): ''' Set a new value for a specific configuration line CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' logrotate.set rotate 2 Can also be used to set a single value inside a multiline configuration block. For instance, to change rotate in the following block:: /var/log/wtmp { monthly create 0664 root root rotate 1 } Use the following command: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' logrotate.set /var/log/wtmp rotate 2 This module also has the ability to scan files inside an include directory, and make changes in the appropriate file. ''' conf = _parse_conf(conf_file) for include in conf['include files']: if key in conf['include files'][include]: conf_file = os.path.join(conf['include'], include) if isinstance(conf[key], dict) and not setting: return ( 'Error: {0} includes a dict, and a specific setting inside the ' 'dict was not declared'.format(key) ) if setting: if isinstance(conf[key], str): return ('Error: A setting for a dict was declared, but the ' 'configuration line given is not a dict') # We're going to be rewriting an entire stanza stanza = conf[key] if value == 'False': del stanza[value] else: stanza[value] = setting new_line = _dict_to_stanza(key, stanza) log.debug(stanza) log.debug(new_line) log.debug(key) __salt__['file.psed'](conf_file, '{0}.*{{.*}}'.format(key), new_line) else: # This is the new config line that will be set if value == 'True': new_line = key elif value == 'False': new_line = '' else: new_line = '{0} {1}'.format(key, value) log.debug(conf_file) log.debug(key) log.debug(new_line) __salt__['file.psed'](conf_file, '^{0}.*'.format(key), new_line, flags='gM')
sudo salt 'gintama-qa-server' logrotate.set rotate 4
def _dict_to_stanza(key, stanza): ''' Convert a dict to a multi-line stanza ''' ret = '' for skey in stanza: if stanza[skey] is True: stanza[skey] = '' ret += ' {0} {1}\n'.format(skey, stanza[skey]) return '{0} {{\n{1}}}'.format(key, ret)