If you get the error message "A base installation repository was not found at that location." now, this is probably because you have an SATA hard drive and an IDE DVD/CD drive, and the installer didn't load the IDE driver. To fix this, hit Alt+F2 to switch to another console window and run
modprobe ide-generic
in that console window. Then switch back to the install window by hitting Alt+F1 and select Local media again.
光盘安装xen时,提示not found 解决方法
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虚拟机安装系统时,提示system not found,解决方法
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SQL Server2000安装时提示挂起的解决方法
SQL Server2000安装时提示挂起的解决方法
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提示-bash: telnet: command not found的解决方法
Linux centos 运行telnet命令,出现下面的错误提示: 解决方法: 安装telnet服务 centos、ubuntu安装telnet命令的方法.
centos bash ubuntu安装 安装包 linux