oracle sql语句
原创juhaodejiaoya ©著作权
创建表格 插入数据
create table student (xuehao int, xingming char(20), nianling int, xingbie char(10), xihao int);
insert into student values (1,'zs',20,'m',10);
create table sc (xuehao int, kechenghao int, chengji int);
insert into sc values (1,11,98);
create table course (kechenghao int, kechengming char(50), xueshishu int);
insert into course values (11, 'yuwen',20);
select a.xuehao,a.xingming,b.chengji from student a,sc b where a.xihao=20 and a.xuehao=b.xuehao;
select xuehao,xingming,nianling from student where nianling>(select nianling from student where xuehao=1)+3;
创建视图st_view 检索选修课程在3门以上的学生的系号,学号,姓名,最低分,最高分,平均分,选修门数,要求按照系号,平均分降序排列。
select xuehao,count(kechenghao) as sum_kch,max(chengji) as max_cj,min(chengji) as min_cj,round(avg(chengji)) as avg_cj from sc group by xuehao;
Select * from (select xuehao,count(kechenghao) as sum_kch,max(chengji) as max_cj,min(chengji) as min_cj,round(avg(chengji)) as avg_cj from sc group by xuehao) where sum_kch>3;
With t2 as (
Select * from (select xuehao,count(kechenghao) as sum_kch,max(chengji) as max_cj,min(chengji) as min_cj,round(avg(chengji)) as avg_cj from sc group by xuehao) where sum_kch>3
Select t1.xihao,t1.xuehao,t2.min_cj,t2.max_cj,t2.avg_cj,t2.sum_kch from student t1,t2
where t1.xuehao=t2.xuehao order by 1,5 desc;
Create view st_view as
With t2 as (
Select * from (select xuehao,count(kechenghao) as sum_kch,max(chengji) as max_cj,min(chengji) as min_cj,round(avg(chengji)) as avg_cj from sc group by xuehao) where sum_kch>3)
Select t1.xihao,t1.xuehao,t2.min_cj,t2.max_cj,t2.avg_cj,t2.sum_kch from student t1,t2
where t1.xuehao=t2.xuehao order by 1,5 desc;
Select * from st_view;
Select xuehao from sc where kechenghao in (select kechenghao as kch from sc where xuehao=3) group by xuehao
Having count( xuehao) =(select count(kechenghao) from sc where xuehao=3)
And xuehao !=3
With abc as
Select xuehao from sc where kechenghao in (select kechenghao as kch from sc where xuehao=3) group by xuehao
Having count( xuehao) =(select count(kechenghao) from sc where xuehao=3)
And xuehao !=3)
Select t1.xuehao,t1.xingming from abc t2,student t1 where t1.xuehao=t2.xuehao order by 1 ;
oracle sql命令
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