Elasticsearch 7.10.2+






通过搜索_bulk API找到​​RestBulkAction​​​。在​​RestBulkAction​​可以看到:


public List<Route> routes() {
return List.of(
new Route(POST, "/_bulk"),
new Route(PUT, "/_bulk"),
new Route(POST, "/{index}/_bulk"),
new Route(PUT, "/{index}/_bulk"));


public RestChannelConsumer prepareRequest(final RestRequest request, final NodeClient client) throws IOException {
BulkRequest bulkRequest = Requests.bulkRequest();
String defaultIndex = request.param("index");
String defaultRouting = request.param("routing");
FetchSourceContext defaultFetchSourceContext = FetchSourceContext.parseFromRestRequest(request);
String defaultPipeline = request.param("pipeline");
String waitForActiveShards = request.param("wait_for_active_shards");
if (waitForActiveShards != null) {
Boolean defaultRequireAlias = request.paramAsBoolean(DocWriteRequest.REQUIRE_ALIAS, null);
bulkRequest.timeout(request.paramAsTime("timeout", BulkShardRequest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT));
bulkRequest.add(request.requiredContent(), defaultIndex, defaultRouting,
defaultFetchSourceContext, defaultPipeline, defaultRequireAlias, allowExplicitIndex, request.getXContentType());

return channel -> client.bulk(bulkRequest, new RestStatusToXContentListener<>(channel));



public <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse>
void doExecute(ActionType<Response> action, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
// Discard the task because the Client interface doesn't use it.
try {
executeLocally(action, request, listener);
} catch (TaskCancelledException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException e) {
// #executeLocally returns the task and throws TaskCancelledException if it fails to register the task because the parent
// task has been cancelled, IllegalStateException if the client was not in a state to execute the request because it was not
// yet properly initialized or IllegalArgumentException if header validation fails we forward them to listener since this API
// does not concern itself with the specifics of the task handling

* Execute an {@link ActionType} locally, returning that {@link Task} used to track it, and linking an {@link ActionListener}.
* Prefer this method if you don't need access to the task when listening for the response. This is the method used to
* implement the {@link Client} interface.
* @throws TaskCancelledException if the request's parent task has been cancelled already
public < Request extends ActionRequest,
Response extends ActionResponse
> Task executeLocally(ActionType<Response> action, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
return taskManager.registerAndExecute("transport", transportAction(action), request, localConnection,
(t, r) -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
assert false : new AssertionError("callback must handle its own exceptions", e);
throw e;
}, (t, e) -> {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
assert false : new AssertionError("callback must handle its own exceptions", ex);
throw ex;


public <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse>
Task registerAndExecute(String type, TransportAction<Request, Response> action, Request request, Transport.Connection localConnection,
BiConsumer<Task, Response> onResponse, BiConsumer<Task, Exception> onFailure) {
final Releasable unregisterChildNode;
if (request.getParentTask().isSet()) {
unregisterChildNode = registerChildConnection(request.getParentTask().getId(), localConnection);
} else {
unregisterChildNode = () -> {};
final Task task;
try {
task = register(type, action.actionName, request);
} catch (TaskCancelledException e) {
throw e;
// NOTE: ActionListener cannot infer Response, see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8203195
action.execute(task, request, new ActionListener<Response>() {
public void onResponse(Response response) {
try {
Releasables.close(unregisterChildNode, () -> unregister(task));
} finally {
onResponse.accept(task, response);

public void onFailure(Exception e) {
try {
Releasables.close(unregisterChildNode, () -> unregister(task));
} finally {
onFailure.accept(task, e);
return task;


* Use this method when the transport action should continue to run in the context of the current task
public final void execute(Task task, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
ActionRequestValidationException validationException = request.validate();
if (validationException != null) {

if (task != null && request.getShouldStoreResult()) {
listener = new TaskResultStoringActionListener<>(taskManager, task, listener);

RequestFilterChain<Request, Response> requestFilterChain = new RequestFilterChain<>(this, logger);
requestFilterChain.proceed(task, actionName, request, listener);

* Continue processing the request. Should only be called if a response has not been sent through
* the given {@link ActionListener listener}
* 摘自父类ActionFilterChain的注释
public void proceed(Task task, String actionName, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
int i = index.getAndIncrement();
try {
if (i < this.action.filters.length) {
// 先执行filter逻辑
this.action.filters[i].apply(task, actionName, request, listener, this);
} else if (i == this.action.filters.length) {
// 执行TransportAction逻辑
this.action.doExecute(task, request, listener);
} else {
listener.onFailure(new IllegalStateException("proceed was called too many times"));
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.trace("Error during transport action execution.", e);


* Use this method when the transport action should continue to run in the context of the current task
* 摘自父类TransportAction的注释
protected void doExecute(Task task, BulkRequest bulkRequest, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener) {
final int indexingOps = bulkRequest.numberOfActions();
final long indexingBytes = bulkRequest.ramBytesUsed();
final boolean isOnlySystem = isOnlySystem(bulkRequest, clusterService.state().metadata().getIndicesLookup(), systemIndices);
final Releasable releasable = indexingPressure.markCoordinatingOperationStarted(indexingOps, indexingBytes, isOnlySystem);
final ActionListener<BulkResponse> releasingListener = ActionListener.runBefore(listener, releasable::close);
final String executorName = isOnlySystem ? Names.SYSTEM_WRITE : Names.WRITE;
try {
doInternalExecute(task, bulkRequest, executorName, releasingListener);
} catch (Exception e) {

protected void doInternalExecute(Task task, BulkRequest bulkRequest, String executorName, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener) {
final long startTime = relativeTime();
final AtomicArray<BulkItemResponse> responses = new AtomicArray<>(bulkRequest.requests.size());

boolean hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines = false;
final Metadata metadata = clusterService.state().getMetadata();
final Version minNodeVersion = clusterService.state().getNodes().getMinNodeVersion();
for (DocWriteRequest<?> actionRequest : bulkRequest.requests) {
IndexRequest indexRequest = getIndexWriteRequest(actionRequest);
if (indexRequest != null) {
// Each index request needs to be evaluated, because this method also modifies the IndexRequest
boolean indexRequestHasPipeline = IngestService.resolvePipelines(actionRequest, indexRequest, metadata);
hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines |= indexRequestHasPipeline;

if (actionRequest instanceof IndexRequest) {
IndexRequest ir = (IndexRequest) actionRequest;
if (ir.getAutoGeneratedTimestamp() != IndexRequest.UNSET_AUTO_GENERATED_TIMESTAMP) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("autoGeneratedTimestamp should not be set externally");

if (hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines) {
// this method (doExecute) will be called again, but with the bulk requests updated from the ingest node processing but
// also with IngestService.NOOP_PIPELINE_NAME on each request. This ensures that this on the second time through this method,
// this path is never taken.
try {
if (Assertions.ENABLED) {
final boolean arePipelinesResolved = bulkRequest.requests()
assert arePipelinesResolved : bulkRequest;
if (clusterService.localNode().isIngestNode()) {
processBulkIndexIngestRequest(task, bulkRequest, executorName, listener);
} else {
ingestForwarder.forwardIngestRequest(BulkAction.INSTANCE, bulkRequest, listener);
} catch (Exception e) {

// Attempt to create all the indices that we're going to need during the bulk before we start.
// Step 1: collect all the indices in the request
final Map<String, Boolean> indices = bulkRequest.requests.stream()
// delete requests should not attempt to create the index (if the index does not
// exists), unless an external versioning is used
.filter(request -> request.opType() != DocWriteRequest.OpType.DELETE
|| request.versionType() == VersionType.EXTERNAL
|| request.versionType() == VersionType.EXTERNAL_GTE)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(DocWriteRequest::index, DocWriteRequest::isRequireAlias, (v1, v2) -> v1 || v2));

// Step 2: filter the list of indices to find those that don't currently exist.
final Map<String, IndexNotFoundException> indicesThatCannotBeCreated = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> autoCreateIndices = new HashSet<>();
ClusterState state = clusterService.state();
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> indexAndFlag : indices.entrySet()) {
final String index = indexAndFlag.getKey();
boolean shouldAutoCreate = indexNameExpressionResolver.hasIndexAbstraction(index, state) == false;
// We should only auto create if we are not requiring it to be an alias
if (shouldAutoCreate && (indexAndFlag.getValue() == false)) {

// Step 3: create all the indices that are missing, if there are any missing. start the bulk after all the creates come back.
if (autoCreateIndices.isEmpty()) {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);
} else {
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(autoCreateIndices.size());
for (String index : autoCreateIndices) {
createIndex(index, bulkRequest.timeout(), minNodeVersion, new ActionListener<>() {
public void onResponse(CreateIndexResponse result) {
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
threadPool.executor(executorName).execute(new ActionRunnable<>(listener) {

protected void doRun() {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);

public void onFailure(Exception e) {
final Throwable cause = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e);
if (cause instanceof IndexNotFoundException) {
indicesThatCannotBeCreated.put(index, (IndexNotFoundException) e);
else if ((cause instanceof ResourceAlreadyExistsException) == false) {
// fail all requests involving this index, if create didn't work
for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {
DocWriteRequest<?> request = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
if (request != null && setResponseFailureIfIndexMatches(responses, i, request, index, e)) {
bulkRequest.requests.set(i, null);
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
final ActionListener<BulkResponse> wrappedListener = ActionListener.wrap(listener::onResponse, inner -> {
threadPool.executor(executorName).execute(new ActionRunnable<>(wrappedListener) {
protected void doRun() {
executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, wrappedListener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);

public void onRejection(Exception rejectedException) {


 void executeBulk(Task task, final BulkRequest bulkRequest, final long startTimeNanos, final ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener,
final AtomicArray<BulkItemResponse> responses, Map<String, IndexNotFoundException> indicesThatCannotBeCreated) {
new BulkOperation(task, bulkRequest, listener, responses, startTimeNanos, indicesThatCannotBeCreated).run();


* This method has the same semantics as {@link Runnable#run()}
* @throws InterruptedException if the run method throws an InterruptedException
* 摘自父类AbstractRunnable的注释
protected void doRun() {
assert bulkRequest != null;
final ClusterState clusterState = observer.setAndGetObservedState();
if (handleBlockExceptions(clusterState)) {
final ConcreteIndices concreteIndices = new ConcreteIndices(clusterState, indexNameExpressionResolver);
Metadata metadata = clusterState.metadata();
for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {
DocWriteRequest<?> docWriteRequest = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
//the request can only be null because we set it to null in the previous step, so it gets ignored
if (docWriteRequest == null) {
if (addFailureIfRequiresAliasAndAliasIsMissing(docWriteRequest, i, metadata)) {
if (addFailureIfIndexIsUnavailable(docWriteRequest, i, concreteIndices, metadata)) {
Index concreteIndex = concreteIndices.resolveIfAbsent(docWriteRequest);
try {
// The ConcreteIndices#resolveIfAbsent(...) method validates via IndexNameExpressionResolver whether
// an operation is allowed in index into a data stream, but this isn't done when resolve call is cached, so
// the validation needs to be performed here too.
IndexAbstraction indexAbstraction = clusterState.getMetadata().getIndicesLookup().get(concreteIndex.getName());
if (indexAbstraction.getParentDataStream() != null &&
// avoid valid cases when directly indexing into a backing index
// (for example when directly indexing into .ds-logs-foobar-000001)
concreteIndex.getName().equals(docWriteRequest.index()) == false &&
docWriteRequest.opType() != DocWriteRequest.OpType.CREATE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only write ops with an op_type of create are allowed in data streams");

switch (docWriteRequest.opType()) {
case CREATE:
case INDEX:
prohibitAppendWritesInBackingIndices(docWriteRequest, metadata);
prohibitCustomRoutingOnDataStream(docWriteRequest, metadata);
IndexRequest indexRequest = (IndexRequest) docWriteRequest;
final IndexMetadata indexMetadata = metadata.index(concreteIndex);
MappingMetadata mappingMd = indexMetadata.mapping();
Version indexCreated = indexMetadata.getCreationVersion();
// 路由解析,比如别名等获取
// id 处理,如果没有指定id,在这里会生成id
indexRequest.process(indexCreated, mappingMd, concreteIndex.getName());
case UPDATE:
// 路由解析,比如别名等获取,如果路由有问题,这里会快速失败
TransportUpdateAction.resolveAndValidateRouting(metadata, concreteIndex.getName(),
(UpdateRequest) docWriteRequest);
case DELETE:
docWriteRequest.routing(metadata.resolveWriteIndexRouting(docWriteRequest.routing(), docWriteRequest.index()));
// check if routing is required, if so, throw error if routing wasn't specified
if (docWriteRequest.routing() == null && metadata.routingRequired(concreteIndex.getName())) {
throw new RoutingMissingException(concreteIndex.getName(), docWriteRequest.id());
default: throw new AssertionError("request type not supported: [" + docWriteRequest.opType() + "]");
} catch (ElasticsearchParseException | IllegalArgumentException | RoutingMissingException e) {
BulkItemResponse.Failure failure = new BulkItemResponse.Failure(concreteIndex.getName(),
docWriteRequest.id(), e);
BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse = new BulkItemResponse(i, docWriteRequest.opType(), failure);
responses.set(i, bulkItemResponse);
// make sure the request gets never processed again
bulkRequest.requests.set(i, null);

// first, go over all the requests and create a ShardId -> Operations mapping
// 将请求按照shard维度聚合,以便同一个shard的document可以在一次请求中处理掉。
Map<ShardId, List<BulkItemRequest>> requestsByShard = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {
DocWriteRequest<?> request = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
if (request == null) {
String concreteIndex = concreteIndices.getConcreteIndex(request.index()).getName();
ShardId shardId = clusterService.operationRouting().indexShards(clusterState, concreteIndex, request.id(),
List<BulkItemRequest> shardRequests = requestsByShard.computeIfAbsent(shardId, shard -> new ArrayList<>());
shardRequests.add(new BulkItemRequest(i, request));

if (requestsByShard.isEmpty()) {
listener.onResponse(new BulkResponse(responses.toArray(new BulkItemResponse[responses.length()]),

final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(requestsByShard.size());
String nodeId = clusterService.localNode().getId();
for (Map.Entry<ShardId, List<BulkItemRequest>> entry : requestsByShard.entrySet()) {
final ShardId shardId = entry.getKey();
final List<BulkItemRequest> requests = entry.getValue();
BulkShardRequest bulkShardRequest = new BulkShardRequest(shardId, bulkRequest.getRefreshPolicy(),
requests.toArray(new BulkItemRequest[requests.size()]));
if (task != null) {
bulkShardRequest.setParentTask(nodeId, task.getId());
client.executeLocally(TransportShardBulkAction.TYPE, bulkShardRequest, new ActionListener<>() {
public void onResponse(BulkShardResponse bulkShardResponse) {
for (BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse : bulkShardResponse.getResponses()) {
// we may have no response if item failed
if (bulkItemResponse.getResponse() != null) {
responses.set(bulkItemResponse.getItemId(), bulkItemResponse);
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {

public void onFailure(Exception e) {
// create failures for all relevant requests
for (BulkItemRequest request : requests) {
final String indexName = concreteIndices.getConcreteIndex(request.index()).getName();
DocWriteRequest<?> docWriteRequest = request.request();
responses.set(request.id(), new BulkItemResponse(request.id(), docWriteRequest.opType(),
new BulkItemResponse.Failure(indexName, docWriteRequest.id(), e)));
if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {

private void finishHim() {
listener.onResponse(new BulkResponse(responses.toArray(new BulkItemResponse[responses.length()]),
bulkRequest = null; // allow memory for bulk request items to be reclaimed before all items have been completed

这里需要注意的是:又到了NodeClient executeLocally方法了:

NodeClient executeLocally=>
TaskManager registerAndExecute=>
action execute(此处action为TransportShardBulkAction.TYPE)=>
TransportAction execute =>
TransportAction proceed =>
action doExecute(此处action为TransportShardBulkAction.TYPE)=>



protected void doExecute(Task task, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
assert request.shardId() != null : "request shardId must be set";
runReroutePhase(task, request, listener, true);

private void runReroutePhase(Task task, Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener, boolean initiatedByNodeClient) {
try {
// ReroutePhase也是继承 AbstractRunnable 从而要到ReroutePhase找 doRun
new ReroutePhase((ReplicationTask) task, request, listener, initiatedByNodeClient).run();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {


protected void doRun() {
setPhase(task, "routing");
final ClusterState state = observer.setAndGetObservedState();
final ClusterBlockException blockException = blockExceptions(state, request.shardId().getIndexName());
if (blockException != null) {
if (blockException.retryable()) {
logger.trace("cluster is blocked, scheduling a retry", blockException);
} else {
} else {
final IndexMetadata indexMetadata = state.metadata().index(request.shardId().getIndex());
if (indexMetadata == null) {
// ensure that the cluster state on the node is at least as high as the node that decided that the index was there
if (state.version() < request.routedBasedOnClusterVersion()) {
logger.trace("failed to find index [{}] for request [{}] despite sender thinking it would be here. " +
"Local cluster state version [{}]] is older than on sending node (version [{}]), scheduling a retry...",
request.shardId().getIndex(), request, state.version(), request.routedBasedOnClusterVersion());
retry(new IndexNotFoundException("failed to find index as current cluster state with version [" + state.version() +
"] is stale (expected at least [" + request.routedBasedOnClusterVersion() + "]",
} else {
finishAsFailed(new IndexNotFoundException(request.shardId().getIndex()));

if (indexMetadata.getState() == IndexMetadata.State.CLOSE) {
finishAsFailed(new IndexClosedException(indexMetadata.getIndex()));

if (request.waitForActiveShards() == ActiveShardCount.DEFAULT) {
// if the wait for active shard count has not been set in the request,
// resolve it from the index settings
assert request.waitForActiveShards() != ActiveShardCount.DEFAULT :
"request waitForActiveShards must be set in resolveRequest";

final ShardRouting primary = state.getRoutingTable().shardRoutingTable(request.shardId()).primaryShard();
if (primary == null || primary.active() == false) {
logger.trace("primary shard [{}] is not yet active, scheduling a retry: action [{}], request [{}], "
+ "cluster state version [{}]", request.shardId(), actionName, request, state.version());
retryBecauseUnavailable(request.shardId(), "primary shard is not active");
if (state.nodes().nodeExists(primary.currentNodeId()) == false) {
logger.trace("primary shard [{}] is assigned to an unknown node [{}], scheduling a retry: action [{}], request [{}], "
+ "cluster state version [{}]", request.shardId(), primary.currentNodeId(), actionName, request, state.version());
retryBecauseUnavailable(request.shardId(), "primary shard isn't assigned to a known node.");
final DiscoveryNode node = state.nodes().get(primary.currentNodeId());
if (primary.currentNodeId().equals(state.nodes().getLocalNodeId())) {
// 是当前节点,继续执行
performLocalAction(state, primary, node, indexMetadata);
} else {
// 不是当前节点,转发到对应的node上进行处理
performRemoteAction(state, primary, node);

如果分片在当前节点,task当前阶段置为“waiting_on_primary”,否则为“rerouted”,两者都走到同一入口,即performAction(…), 在performAction方法中,会调用TransportService的sendRequest方法,将请求发送出去(不管是local还是remote都会发请求)。


void retry(Exception failure) {
assert failure != null;
if (observer.isTimedOut()) {
// we running as a last attempt after a timeout has happened. don't retry
setPhase(task, "waiting_for_retry");
observer.waitForNextChange(new ClusterStateObserver.Listener() {
public void onNewClusterState(ClusterState state) {

public void onClusterServiceClose() {
finishAsFailed(new NodeClosedException(clusterService.localNode()));

public void onTimeout(TimeValue timeout) {
// Try one more time...


        transportService.registerRequestHandler(transportPrimaryAction, executor, forceExecutionOnPrimary, true,
in -> new ConcreteShardRequest<>(requestReader, in), this::handlePrimaryRequest);

// we must never reject on because of thread pool capacity on replicas
transportService.registerRequestHandler(transportReplicaAction, executor, true, true,
in -> new ConcreteReplicaRequest<>(replicaRequestReader, in), this::handleReplicaRequest);


protected void handlePrimaryRequest(final ConcreteShardRequest<Request> request, final TransportChannel channel, final Task task) {
Releasable releasable = checkPrimaryLimits(request.getRequest(), request.sentFromLocalReroute(),
ActionListener<Response> listener =
ActionListener.runBefore(new ChannelActionListener<>(channel, transportPrimaryAction, request), releasable::close);

try {
new AsyncPrimaryAction(request, listener, (ReplicationTask) task).run();
} catch (RuntimeException e) {



TransportReplicationAction handlePrimaryRequest =>
AsyncPrimaryAction doRun()=>
// 注意:runWithPrimaryShardReference,该函数会在处理完主分片后
// 开始处理分片副本
AsyncPrimaryAction runWithPrimaryShardReference(final PrimaryShardReference primaryShardReference)
ReplicationOperation execute()=>
PrimaryShardReference perform(Request request, ActionListener<PrimaryResult<ReplicaRequest, Response>> listener)=>
TransportWriteAction shardOperationOnPrimary =>
TransportShardBulkAction dispatchedShardOperationOnPrimary =>
// 注意:
// 1、performOnPrimary会调用shardOperationOnPrimary注册监听器
// 当ReplicationOperation handlePrimaryResult完成时 会调用maybeSyncTranslog 进行flush translog
// 2、performOnPrimary doRun()会遍历BulkShardRequest中BulkItemRequest[]
TransportShardBulkAction performOnPrimary =>
// executeBulkItemRequest处理单个请求及异常
// 会根据BulkItemRequest的不同类型而进行不同的处理。
// 其实就是IndexRequest,DeleteRequest,UpdateRequest。
TransportShardBulkAction executeBulkItemRequest =>
IndexShard applyIndexOperationOnPrimary =>
IndexShard applyIndexOperation =>
IndexShard index =>
InternalEngine index =>
InternalEngine indexIntoLucene =>



    private void maybeSyncTranslog(final IndexShard indexShard) throws IOException {
if (indexShard.getTranslogDurability() == Translog.Durability.REQUEST &&
indexShard.getLastSyncedGlobalCheckpoint() < indexShard.getLastKnownGlobalCheckpoint()) {


* Perform document index operation on the engine
* @param index operation to perform
* @return {@link IndexResult} containing updated translog location, version and
* document specific failures
* Note: engine level failures (i.e. persistent engine failures) are thrown
public IndexResult index(Index index) throws IOException {
assert Objects.equals(index.uid().field(), IdFieldMapper.NAME) : index.uid().field();
final boolean doThrottle = index.origin().isRecovery() == false;
try (ReleasableLock releasableLock = readLock.acquire()) {
// 监测shard是否close,如果close了,这里会抛出异常
assert assertIncomingSequenceNumber(index.origin(), index.seqNo());
int reservedDocs = 0;
try (Releasable ignored = versionMap.acquireLock(index.uid().bytes());
Releasable indexThrottle = doThrottle ? throttle.acquireThrottle() : () -> {}) {
lastWriteNanos = index.startTime();
// 在非自定义id的情况下,直接将文档add,否则需要update
// 而update比add成本高很多。
* if we have an autoGeneratedID that comes into the engine we can potentially optimize
* and just use addDocument instead of updateDocument and skip the entire version and index lookupVersion across the board.
* Yet, we have to deal with multiple document delivery, for this we use a property of the document that is added
* to detect if it has potentially been added before. We use the documents timestamp for this since it's something
* that:
* - doesn't change per document
* - is preserved in the transaction log
* - and is assigned before we start to index / replicate
* NOTE: it's not important for this timestamp to be consistent across nodes etc. it's just a number that is in the common
* case increasing and can be used in the failure case when we retry and resent documents to establish a happens before
* relationship. For instance:
* - doc A has autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = 10, isRetry = false
* - doc B has autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = 9, isRetry = false
* while both docs are in in flight, we disconnect on one node, reconnect and send doc A again
* - now doc A' has autoGeneratedIdTimestamp = 10, isRetry = true
* if A' arrives on the shard first we update maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp to 10 and use update document. All subsequent
* documents that arrive (A and B) will also use updateDocument since their timestamps are less than
* maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp. While this is not strictly needed for doc B it is just much simpler to implement since it
* will just de-optimize some doc in the worst case.
* if A arrives on the shard first we use addDocument since maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp is < 10. A` will then just be skipped
* or calls updateDocument.

// 检查版本号是否冲突等
// 1、尝试从versionMap中读取待写入文档的version,也即从内存中读取。
// versionMap会暂存还没有commit到磁盘的文档版本信息。
// 具体逻辑在:InternalEngine getVersionFromMap中
// 2、如果第1步中没有读到,则从index中读取,也即从文件中读取。
// 具体逻辑在VersionsAndSeqNoResolver loadDocIdAndVersion中(loadDocIdAndVersion是Lucene的方法)
// 注意:这里不会get整个文档,而是只会获取文档的版本号做对比。
final IndexingStrategy plan = indexingStrategyForOperation(index);
reservedDocs = plan.reservedDocs;

final IndexResult indexResult;
if (plan.earlyResultOnPreFlightError.isPresent()) {
assert index.origin() == Operation.Origin.PRIMARY : index.origin();
indexResult = plan.earlyResultOnPreFlightError.get();
assert indexResult.getResultType() == Result.Type.FAILURE : indexResult.getResultType();
} else {
// generate or register sequence number
if (index.origin() == Operation.Origin.PRIMARY) {
index = new Index(index.uid(), index.parsedDoc(), generateSeqNoForOperationOnPrimary(index), index.primaryTerm(),
index.version(), index.versionType(), index.origin(), index.startTime(), index.getAutoGeneratedIdTimestamp(),
index.isRetry(), index.getIfSeqNo(), index.getIfPrimaryTerm());

final boolean toAppend = plan.indexIntoLucene && plan.useLuceneUpdateDocument == false;
if (toAppend == false) {
} else {

assert index.seqNo() >= 0 : "ops should have an assigned seq no.; origin: " + index.origin();

if (plan.indexIntoLucene || plan.addStaleOpToLucene) {
// 将数据写入lucene,最终会调用lucene的文档写入接口
indexResult = indexIntoLucene(index, plan);
} else {
indexResult = new IndexResult(
plan.versionForIndexing, index.primaryTerm(), index.seqNo(), plan.currentNotFoundOrDeleted);
if (index.origin().isFromTranslog() == false) {
final Translog.Location location;
if (indexResult.getResultType() == Result.Type.SUCCESS) {
location = translog.add(new Translog.Index(index, indexResult));
} else if (indexResult.getSeqNo() != SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO) {
// if we have document failure, record it as a no-op in the translog and Lucene with the generated seq_no
final NoOp noOp = new NoOp(indexResult.getSeqNo(), index.primaryTerm(), index.origin(),
index.startTime(), indexResult.getFailure().toString());
location = innerNoOp(noOp).getTranslogLocation();
} else {
location = null;
if (plan.indexIntoLucene && indexResult.getResultType() == Result.Type.SUCCESS) {
final Translog.Location translogLocation = trackTranslogLocation.get() ? indexResult.getTranslogLocation() : null;
new IndexVersionValue(translogLocation, plan.versionForIndexing, index.seqNo(), index.primaryTerm()));
if (indexResult.getTranslogLocation() == null) {
// the op is coming from the translog (and is hence persisted already) or it does not have a sequence number
assert index.origin().isFromTranslog() || indexResult.getSeqNo() == SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO;
indexResult.setTook(System.nanoTime() - index.startTime());
return indexResult;
} finally {
} catch (RuntimeException | IOException e) {
try {
if (e instanceof AlreadyClosedException == false && treatDocumentFailureAsTragicError(index)) {
failEngine("index id[" + index.id() + "] origin[" + index.origin() + "] seq#[" + index.seqNo() + "]", e);
} else {
maybeFailEngine("index id[" + index.id() + "] origin[" + index.origin() + "] seq#[" + index.seqNo() + "]", e);
} catch (Exception inner) {
throw e;



void runWithPrimaryShardReference(final PrimaryShardReference primaryShardReference) {
try {


new ReplicationOperation<>(primaryRequest.getRequest(), primaryShardReference,
responseListener.map(result -> result.finalResponseIfSuccessful),
newReplicasProxy(), logger, threadPool, actionName, primaryRequest.getPrimaryTerm(), initialRetryBackoffBound,
} catch (Exception e) {
handleException(primaryShardReference, e);


public void execute() throws Exception {
// checkActiveShardCount返回null表示副本符合要求
// 注意点:这个检查是在写入主副本之前,如果活跃分片不符合要求,
// 则这时就终止整个请求了
final String activeShardCountFailure = checkActiveShardCount();
final ShardRouting primaryRouting = primary.routingEntry();
final ShardId primaryId = primaryRouting.shardId();
if (activeShardCountFailure != null) {
finishAsFailed(new UnavailableShardsException(primaryId,
"{} Timeout: [{}], request: [{}]", activeShardCountFailure, request.timeout(), request));

pendingActions.incrementAndGet(); // increase by 1 until we finish all primary coordination
// 主副本写入完成 回调ReplicationOperation handlePrimaryResult
primary.perform(request, ActionListener.wrap(this::handlePrimaryResult, resultListener::onFailure));

* Checks whether we can perform a write based on the required active shard count setting.
* Returns **null* if OK to proceed, or a string describing the reason to stop
* wait_for_active_shards 参数 真正起作用的地方
protected String checkActiveShardCount() {
final ShardId shardId = primary.routingEntry().shardId();
final ActiveShardCount waitForActiveShards = request.waitForActiveShards();
if (waitForActiveShards == ActiveShardCount.NONE) {
return null; // not waiting for any shards
final IndexShardRoutingTable shardRoutingTable = primary.getReplicationGroup().getRoutingTable();
if (waitForActiveShards.enoughShardsActive(shardRoutingTable)) {
return null;
} else {
final String resolvedShards = waitForActiveShards == ActiveShardCount.ALL ? Integer.toString(shardRoutingTable.shards().size())
: waitForActiveShards.toString();
logger.trace("[{}] not enough active copies to meet shard count of [{}] (have {}, needed {}), scheduling a retry. op [{}], " +
"request [{}]", shardId, waitForActiveShards, shardRoutingTable.activeShards().size(),
resolvedShards, opType, request);
return "Not enough active copies to meet shard count of [" + waitForActiveShards + "] (have " +
shardRoutingTable.activeShards().size() + ", needed " + resolvedShards + ").";


        private void handlePrimaryResult(final PrimaryResultT primaryResult) {
this.primaryResult = primaryResult;
final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest = primaryResult.replicaRequest();
if (replicaRequest != null) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[{}] op [{}] completed on primary for request [{}]", primary.routingEntry().shardId(), opType, request);
// we have to get the replication group after successfully indexing into the primary in order to honour recovery semantics.
// we have to make sure that every operation indexed into the primary after recovery start will also be replicated
// to the recovery target. If we used an old replication group, we may miss a recovery that has started since then.
// we also have to make sure to get the global checkpoint before the replication group, to ensure that the global checkpoint
// is valid for this replication group. If we would sample in the reverse, the global checkpoint might be based on a subset
// of the sampled replication group, and advanced further than what the given replication group would allow it to.
// This would entail that some shards could learn about a global checkpoint that would be higher than its local checkpoint.
final long globalCheckpoint = primary.computedGlobalCheckpoint();
// we have to capture the max_seq_no_of_updates after this request was completed on the primary to make sure the value of
// max_seq_no_of_updates on replica when this request is executed is at least the value on the primary when it was executed
// on.
final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes = primary.maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes();
assert maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes != SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO : "seqno_of_updates still uninitialized";
final ReplicationGroup replicationGroup = primary.getReplicationGroup();
final PendingReplicationActions pendingReplicationActions = primary.getPendingReplicationActions();
markUnavailableShardsAsStale(replicaRequest, replicationGroup);
// 并发写入 所有副本
performOnReplicas(replicaRequest, globalCheckpoint, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, replicationGroup, pendingReplicationActions);

private void performOnReplicas(final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest, final long globalCheckpoint,
final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, final ReplicationGroup replicationGroup,
final PendingReplicationActions pendingReplicationActions) {
// for total stats, add number of unassigned shards and
// number of initializing shards that are not ready yet to receive operations (recovery has not opened engine yet on the target)

final ShardRouting primaryRouting = primary.routingEntry();

for (final ShardRouting shard : replicationGroup.getReplicationTargets()) {
if (shard.isSameAllocation(primaryRouting) == false) {
performOnReplica(shard, replicaRequest, globalCheckpoint, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, pendingReplicationActions);

private void performOnReplica(final ShardRouting shard, final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest,
final long globalCheckpoint, final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes,
final PendingReplicationActions pendingReplicationActions) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("[{}] sending op [{}] to replica {} for request [{}]", shard.shardId(), opType, shard, replicaRequest);
final ActionListener<ReplicaResponse> replicationListener = new ActionListener<>() {
public void onResponse(ReplicaResponse response) {
try {
updateCheckPoints(shard, response::localCheckpoint, response::globalCheckpoint);
} finally {

public void onFailure(Exception replicaException) {
logger.trace(() -> new ParameterizedMessage(
"[{}] failure while performing [{}] on replica {}, request [{}]",
shard.shardId(), opType, shard, replicaRequest), replicaException);
// Only report "critical" exceptions - TODO: Reach out to the master node to get the latest shard state then report.
if (TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(replicaException) == false) {
RestStatus restStatus = ExceptionsHelper.status(replicaException);
shardReplicaFailures.add(new ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo.Failure(
shard.shardId(), shard.currentNodeId(), replicaException, restStatus, false));
String message = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "failed to perform %s on replica %s", opType, shard);

// failShardIfNeeded 具体执行何种操作要看 replicasProxy的真正实现类:
// 如果是WriteActionReplicasProxy,则会报告shard错误。
// 在写入场景中replicasProxy的真正实现类就是WriteActionReplicasProxy。
replicasProxy.failShardIfNeeded(shard, primaryTerm, message, replicaException,
ActionListener.wrap(r -> decPendingAndFinishIfNeeded(), ReplicationOperation.this::onNoLongerPrimary));

public String toString() {
return "[" + replicaRequest + "][" + shard + "]";

* A proxy for <b>write</b> operations that need to be performed on the
* replicas, where a failure to execute the operation should fail
* the replica shard and/or mark the replica as stale.
* This extends {@code TransportReplicationAction.ReplicasProxy} to do the
* failing and stale-ing.
class WriteActionReplicasProxy extends ReplicasProxy {

// 注意 如果写入副本节点失败,则主节点将问题报告给主节点,
// 然后主节点更新Meta中索引的InSyncAllocations配置并删除副本节点。
// 也就是说 之后,它将不再处理读取请求。
// 在Meta更新到达每个节点之前,用户仍然可以在此副本节点上读取数据,
// 但是在Meta更新完成之后不会发生。
// 这个解决方案并不严格。 考虑到ES是近乎实时的系统,因此在写入数据后,需要刷新才能使其可见。
// 因此,一般而言,可以在短时间内读取旧数据是可以接受的。
public void failShardIfNeeded(ShardRouting replica, long primaryTerm, String message, Exception exception,
ActionListener<Void> listener) {
if (TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(exception) == false) {
logger.warn(new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] {}", replica.shardId(), message), exception);
replica.shardId(), replica.allocationId().getId(), primaryTerm, true, message, exception, listener);

public void markShardCopyAsStaleIfNeeded(ShardId shardId, String allocationId, long primaryTerm, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
shardStateAction.remoteShardFailed(shardId, allocationId, primaryTerm, true, "mark copy as stale", null, listener);

* A proxy for <b>write</b> operations that need to be performed on the
* replicas, where a failure to execute the operation should fail
* the replica shard and/or mark the replica as stale.
* This extends {@code TransportReplicationAction.ReplicasProxy} to do the
* failing and stale-ing.
class WriteActionReplicasProxy extends ReplicasProxy {

public void failShardIfNeeded(ShardRouting replica, long primaryTerm, String message, Exception exception,
ActionListener<Void> listener) {
if (TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(exception) == false) {
logger.warn(new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] {}", replica.shardId(), message), exception);
replica.shardId(), replica.allocationId().getId(), primaryTerm, true, message, exception, listener);

public void markShardCopyAsStaleIfNeeded(ShardId shardId, String allocationId, long primaryTerm, ActionListener<Void> listener) {
shardStateAction.remoteShardFailed(shardId, allocationId, primaryTerm, true, "mark copy as stale", null, listener);








重要的是要注意,此设置大大减少了写操作未写入所需数量的分片副本的机会,但并不能完全消除这种可能性,因为此检查发生在写操作开始之前。 一旦执行写操作,仍然有可能在任何数量的分片副本上失败,但在主副本上仍然成功。 写入操作响应的_shards部分显示复制成功/失败的分片副本数。