BANGALORE: IBM has established a Watson software and services team in its Bangalore facility, the first such outside the US.

Watson is IBM's powerful artificial intelligence computing system that rose to fame last year when it beat the best of human competitors in the complex quiz show Jeopardy in the US. The computer uses natural language processing capabilities, machine learning and the vast quantities of data fed into it to directly and precisely answer questions posed in everyday human diction in seconds.

Manoj Saxena, GM of IBM's Watson solutions group, said he expected the Indian team to help in feeding Watson with pertinent information, tagging and annotating that information, and then building domain specific models of how all of the information relate to each other. He expects that some of the methods and tools built will eventually help to automate processes across domains.

"IBM has already done a lot of innovative stuff in India, and I expect many innovative approaches to Watson coming out of here," Saxena told TOI on a visit to Bangalore on Friday.

Watson learns in three ways. It learns by reading. For instance, it has read 7 million pages of information on cancer in six months as part of an on-going project with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in the US.

It learns by answering questions or what IBM calls the teach phase. In the cancer project, specialist doctors put specific questions to Watson, and then fine-tune the answers if Watson's reply is not absolutely accurate. And finally, Watson learns by doing, or in other words, it learns from its own mistakes and finds new patterns as it goes about its work, just as it happens with human beings.

In the cancer project, Watson got into the teach phase a week ago, and this is expected to continue for 6 to 12 weeks. Thereafter it will get into the run or operational phase. The goal is to give oncologists located anywhere the ability to obtain detailed diagnostic and treatment options based on updated research that will help them decide how best to care for an individual patient.

Human beings by themselves are enormously error prone. In healthcare, the amount of medical information available is doubling every five years, but physicians don't have the time to update themselves on most of the latest advances. In the US, it is estimated that one in five diagnoses are incorrect or incomplete and that nearly 1.5 million medication errors are made every year. Watson can potentially help increase the accuracy of diagnoses, improve the quality of patient care, and bring down costs for patients.

Watson is already being used by WellPoint, one of the biggest medical insurers in the US, to improve the accuracy and speed of insurance approval and authorization. It's also being used byCitibank, but Citi has not yet made public the uses it is putting Watson to.

The Indian team, which will be part of the India Software Labs, will work with all of these clients. "It will also start understanding new markets where Watson could be used," Saxena said. Saxena, who grew up in Hyderabad and did a management sciences degree from BITS Pilani, went to the US in 1988 for an MBA. He subsequently founded two companies in the US, the second of which was acquired by IBM in 2006, and he has been with IBM since.

IBM has nearly a third of its employees in India, and its engineers here have done leading edge work in areas like analytics and solar data centres.