- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # coding=utf8
- # Filename: down_51cto_ops_pdf.py
- # Last modified: 2013-04-18 11:22
- # Author: itnihao
- # Mail: itnihao@qq.com
- '''''
- =========即将下载51cto《Linux运维趋势》所有pdf=========
- 当前目录下创建51cto_ops_pdf文件夹,下载后的文件保存于此
- '''
- import os,urllib2, re
- #pdf下载地址
- URL = "http://os.51cto.com/down/?dir=linuxops"
- #判断51cto_ops_pdf文件是否存在
- if not os.path.isdir('51cto_ops_pdf'):
- print "51cto_ops_pdf dirctory is missed, it will be created"
- os.mkdir('51cto_ops_pdf')
- os.chdir('51cto_ops_pdf')
- else:
- os.chdir('51cto_ops_pdf')
- s= urllib2.urlopen(URL).read()
- pat = re.compile(r'http://.+?.pdf"')
- urls= re.findall(pat,s)
- print __doc__
- for i in urls:
- url = i.replace('"', '')
- #页面抓取的url为http://os.51cto.com/downlinuxops/51cto_linuxops_issue23.pdf
- #实际下载地址h为http://os.51cto.com/down/linuxops/51cto_linuxops_issue23.pdf
- url = url.replace('downlinuxops', 'down/linuxops')
- #获取文件名
- pdf_name = os.path.basename(url)
- #下载保存文件
- if not os.path.isfile(pdf_name):
- try:
- conn= urllib2.urlopen(url)
- data = conn.read()
- print "downloading" + url + "*"*24
- with open(pdf_name,'wb') as pdf:
- pdf.write(data)
- except:
- print url,"url error"