一 tldr介绍

使用Linux时,会忘记某些命令的用法,经常去百度搜索命令或者通过Man手册查看,但是往往man手册的说明又实在太长太多,有一些根本就不需要,所以tldr出现了,'tldr'实际表示的是:Too Long; Didn’t Read

二 tldr安装

apt install tldr

yum install epel-release #安装epel仓库源
yum install tldr

三 tldr使用

  • 在使用上非常简单,直接tldr跟上你需要查询的Linux命令
tldr ps

root@myarm:~# tldr ps
Information about running processes.

 - List all running processes:
   ps aux

 - List all running processes including the full command string:
   ps auxww

 - Search for a process that matches a string:
   ps aux | grep {{string}}

 - List all processes of the current user in extra full format:
   ps --user $(id -u) -F

 - List all processes of the current user as a tree:
   ps --user $(id -u) f

 - Get the parent pid of a process:
   ps -o ppid= -p {{pid}}

 - Sort processes by memory consumption:
   ps --sort size

'tldr'简单说明该命令的用法,省去查看man手册时的冗长内容,希望能帮助到你! 欢迎关注我的微信公众号"辉哥运维"学习更多Linux运维技巧