Zentyal Server:
1. install below modules:
DNS Service
File Sharing and Domain Services
Network Configuration
Users and Computers

2. add a user with Administrator Privileges in "Domain Admins" group

Client node:
vi /etc/resolv.conf
search mydomain.com
nameserver x.x.x.x


chmod +x pbis-open-

domainjoin-cli join MYDOMAIN.COM MyJoinAccount

/opt/pbis/bin/config  AssumeDefaultDomain true
/opt/pbis/bin/config  LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash
/opt/pbis/bin/config  HomeDirTemplate %H/%U
/opt/pbis/bin/config  Local_HomeDirTemplate %H/%U
/opt/pbis/bin/config  RemoteHomeDirTemplate %H/%U


3. configure zentyal as an internal DNS server
apt-get -y install vim
vi /etc/zentyal/dns.conf
# Internal networks allowed to do recursive queries
# to Zentyal DNS caching server. Local networks are already
# allowed and this setting is intended to networks
# reachables through static routes.
# Example: intnets =,
intnets =

restart dns service through WEB UI