
    NSString *astring = @"This is a String!";


    NSString *astring = [[NSString alloc] init];
    astring = @"This is a String!";
  [astring release];


    NSString *astring = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"This is a String!"];
    [astring release];


    char *Cstring = "This is a String!";
    NSString *astring = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:Cstring];
    [astring release];

    int i = 1;
    int j = 2;
    NSString *astring = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.This is %i string!",i,j]];
    [astring release];


    NSString *astring;
    astring = [NSString stringWithCString:"This is a temporary string"];

    NSString *path = @"astring.text";
    NSString *astring = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    [astring release];

    NSString *astring = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"This is a String!"];
    NSString *path = @"astring.text";   
    [astring writeToFile: path atomically: YES];
    [astring release];


    char string1[] = "string!";
    char string2[] = "string!";
    if(strcmp(string1, string2) = = 0)

    NSString *astring01 = @"This is a String!";
    NSString *astring02 = @"This is a String!";
    BOOL result = [astring01 isEqualToString:astring02];

    NSString *astring01 = @"This is a String!";
    NSString *astring02 = @"This is a String!";   
    BOOL result = [astring01 compare:astring02] = = NSOrderedSame;   

    //NSOrderedSame 判断两者内容是否相同

    NSString *astring01 = @"This is a String!";
    NSString *astring02 = @"this is a String!";
    BOOL result = [astring01 compare:astring02] = = NSOrderedAscending;   


    //NSOrderedAscending 判断两对象值的大小(按字母顺序进行比较,astring02大于astring01为真)

    NSString *astring01 = @"this is a String!";
    NSString *astring02 = @"This is a String!";
    BOOL result = [astring01 compare:astring02] = = NSOrderedDescending;   

    //NSOrderedDescending 判断两对象值的大小(按字母顺序进行比较,astring02小于astring01为真)

//不考虑大 小写比较字符串1
    NSString *astring01 = @"this is a String!";
    NSString *astring02 = @"This is a String!";
    BOOL result = [astring01 caseInsensitiveCompare:astring02] = = NSOrderedSame;   



NSString *urlString = [urlInput stringValue];

if (!urlString) {

NSLog( @”NO INPUT.” );

} else {

if ([urlString length] == 0 ) {

NSLog( @”NO INPUT.” );

} else {


Convert NSString to int
1 NSString *aNumberString = @"123";
2 int i = [aNumberString intValue];



use @"abc" to mean NSString
ex: NSString *str = @"Hello";

use content of file to create NSString
ex: NSString *str = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/to/file"]

use c characters to create NSString
ex: char *cStr="hello";
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithCString: cStr]

get length of NSString
ex: unsigned int strLen = [str length]

append on NSString to another
ex: NSString *str = @"Hello";
NSString *str2 = [str stringByAppendingString: @"abc"]

append a format:
ex: NSString *str3 = [str2 stringByAppendingFormat: @"%d", 2003]

search for subString:
ex: NSRange loc = [str rangeOfString:@"The"]

what is NSRange:
typedef struct _NSRange{
unsigned int location;
unsigned int length;

breaking a string into components:
ex: NSArray *fields = [str componentsSeperatedByString:@"abc"];

create NSMutableString from NSString:
ex: NSString *str = @"hello";
NSMutableString *ms = [NSMutableString stringWithString: str];



1 合并一个字符串数组到单个字符串。

  1. NSArray *chunks = ... get an array, say by splitting it;
  2. string = [chunks componentsJoinedByString: @" :-) "];


  1. oop :-) ack :-) bork :-) greeble :-) ponies

2 将一个字符串分割成数组

  1. NSString *string = @"oop:ack:bork:greeble:ponies";
  2. NSArray *chunks = [string componentsSeparatedByString: @":"];

3 将字符串转换成整型数

  1. NSString *string = ...;
  2. int value = [string intValue];


4 遍历属性字符串(Attributed string)中的属性

  1. - (void) iterateAttributesForString: (NSAttributedString *) string
  2. {
  3. NSDictionary *attributeDict;
  4. NSRange effectiveRange = { 0, 0 };
  5. do {
  6. NSRange range;
  7. range = NSMakeRange (NSMaxRange(effectiveRange),
  8. [string length] - NSMaxRange(effectiveRange));
  9. attributeDict = [string attributesAtIndex: range.location
  10. longestEffectiveRange: &effectiveRange
  11. inRange: range];
  12. NSLog (@"Range: %@ Attributes: %@",
  13. NSStringFromRange(effectiveRange), attributeDict);
  14. } while (NSMaxRange(effectiveRange) < [string length]);
  15. }

5 制作本地化的字符串

  1. "BorkDown" = "BorkDown";
  2. "Start Timer" = "Start Timer";
  3. "Stop Timer" = "Stop Timer";



  1. [statusItem setTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"BorkDown", nil)];


6 无多余信息的NSLog

  1. #include <stdarg.h>
  2. void LogIt (NSString *format, ...)
  3. {
  4. va_list args;
  5. va_start (args, format);
  6. NSString *string;
  7. string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: format arguments: args];
  8. va_end (args);
  9. printf ("%sn", [string cString]);
  10. [string release];
  11. }

7 在属性字符串中加入图片

  1. - (NSAttributedString *) prettyName
  2. {
  3. NSTextAttachment *attachment;
  4. attachment = [[[NSTextAttachment alloc] init] autorelease];
  5. NSCell *cell = [attachment attachmentCell];
  6. NSImage *icon = [self icon]; // or wherever you are getting your image
  7. [cell setImage: icon];
  8. NSString *name = [self name];
  9. NSAttributedString *attrname;
  10. attrname = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: name];
  11. NSMutableAttributedString *prettyName;
  12. prettyName = (id)[NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:
  13. attachment]; // cast to quiet compiler warning
  14. [prettyName appendAttributedString: attrname];
  15. return (prettyName);
  16. }


8 除去字符串中的换行符

  1. NSMutableString *mstring = [NSMutableString stringWithString:string];
  2. NSRange wholeShebang = NSMakeRange(0, [mstring length]);
  3. [mstring replaceOccurrencesOfString: @"
  4. withString: @""
  5. options: 0
  6. range: wholeShebang];
  7. return [NSString stringWithString: mstring];


9 字串匹配

  1. NSRange range = [[string name] rangeOfString: otherString options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];

10 今天日期的字符串
将一个日期转换成字符串的通用方法就是通过NSDateFormatter。有时你想生成一个格式比较友好的日期字符串。比如你需要"December 4, 2007",这种情况下就可以使用:

  1. [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%B %e, %Y" timeZone: nil locale: nil]

(感谢Mike Morton提供该方法)

11 除去字符串末尾的空格

  1. NSString *ook = @"n tt hello there tn nn";
  2. NSString *trimmed =
  3. [ook stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
  4. [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
  5. NSLog(@"trimmed: '%@'", trimmed);

2009-12-24 18:24:42.431 trim[6799:903] trimmed: 'hello there'

1 绘制一个粗体字符串

  1. - (void) drawLabel: (NSString *) label
  2. atPoint: (NSPoint) point
  3. bold: (BOOL) bold {
  4. NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
  5. NSFont *currentFont = [NSFont userFontOfSize: 14.0];
  6. if (bold) {
  7. NSFontManager *fm = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
  8. NSFont *boldFont = [fm convertFont: currentFont
  9. toHaveTrait: NSBoldFontMask];
  10. [attributes setObject: boldFont
  11. forKey: NSFontAttributeName];
  12. } else {
  13. [attributes setObject: currentFont
  14. forKey: NSFontAttributeName];
  15. }
  16. [label drawAtPoint: point withAttributes: attributes];;
  17. }