


public class​ QuickSortClass {

    ​public static int​ Partialize(​int​[] array,​int​ low_index,​int​ high_index)


        ​int​ base_value;

        base_value = array[low_index];

        ​while​(high_index > low_index)


           ​while​((array[high_index] >= array[low_index])&&(high_index > low_index))


               high_index -= 1;


           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[high_index] =  array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           ​while​((array[low_index] <= array[high_index])&&(high_index > low_index))


               low_index += 1;


           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[high_index] =  array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];


        array[high_index] = base_value;

        /* return the index of base_value */

        ​return​ high_index;


    ​public static void​ SortArray(​int​[] array,​int​ low_index,​int​ high_index)


        ​if​(low_index >= high_index)




        ​int​ base_value_index = ​Partialize​(array,low_index,high_index);

        ​SortArray​(array,low_index,base_value_index - 1);

        ​SortArray​(array,base_value_index + 1,high_index);


    ​public static void​ main(String[] args) {

        // ​TODO​ Auto-generated method stub

        ​int​[] array_data = {1,5,3,6,2,4,7,8,4,12,55,22,99,47,12,53};

        ​int​ i,array_length;

        array_length = array_data.length;

        /* display raw data */

        System.​out​.println("data before sorted:");

        ​for​(i = 0;i < array_length;i++)


           System.​out​.print(array_data[i] + ",");



        ​SortArray​(array_data,0,array_length - 1);

        /* display result data */

        System.​out​.println("data after sorted:");

        ​for​(i = 0;i < array_length;i++)


           System.​out​.print(array_data[i] + ",");





databefore sorted:

1, 5,3, 6, 2, 4, 7, 8, 4, 12, 55, 22, 99, 47, 12, 53,

dataafter sorted:

1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 12, 22, 47,53, 55, 99,



public class​ QuickSortClass {

    ​public static int​ Partialize(​int​[] array,​int​ low_index,​int​ high_index)


        ​int​ base_value;

        base_value = array[low_index];

        ​while​(high_index > low_index)


           ​while​((array[high_index] >= array[low_index])&&(high_index > low_index))


               high_index -= 1;


           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[high_index] =  array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           ​while​((array[low_index] <= array[high_index])&&(high_index > low_index))


               low_index += 1;


           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[high_index] =  array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];

           array[low_index]  = array[low_index] ^ array[high_index];


        array[low_index] = base_value;

        /* return the index of base_value */

        ​return​ high_index;


    ​public static void​ SortArray(​int​[] array,​int​ low_index,​int​ high_index)


        ​if​(low_index >= high_index)




        ​int​ base_value_index = ​Partialize​(array,low_index,high_index);

        ​SortArray​(array,low_index,base_value_index - 1);

        ​SortArray​(array,base_value_index + 1,high_index);


    ​public static void​ main(String[] args) {

        // ​TODO​ Auto-generated method stub

        ​int​[] array_data = {1,5,3,6,2,4,7,8,4,12,55,22,99,47,12,53};

        ​int​ i,array_length;

        array_length = array_data.length;

        /* display raw data */

        System.​out​.println("data before sorted:");

        ​for​(i = 0;i < array_length;i++)


           System.​out​.print(array_data[i] + ",");



        ​SortArray​(array_data,0,array_length - 1);

        /* display result data */

        System.​out​.println("data after sorted:");

        ​for​(i = 0;i < array_length;i++)


           System.​out​.print(array_data[i] + ",");





databefore sorted:

1, 5,3, 6, 2, 4, 7, 8, 4, 12, 55, 22, 99, 47, 12, 53,

dataafter sorted:

1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 12, 22, 47,53, 55, 99,
