介绍他人的时候经常用 This is …

This is Miss Sophie Dupont.
Sophie is a new student.
She is French.

a, an 是不定冠词
用于:1、可数名字单数前面 2、具有不确定意义的事或名词前面
This is a watch
a 用在普通名词前面, an 用于元音音素(元音发音的单词)前面
a pen an apple an umbrella an egg an hour a university

the 是定冠词,表示特指
Look, look, a man is coming into the classroom.
The man is my teacher.


and 用在句首表示转折
too 一般用于肯定句中


选择疑问句的标志词是 or
Is she a French student or an English student?

Is he a worker or a teacher?
He isn't a worker, he's a teacher.