1. 用MS将已经建立好的模型导出为pdb格式的文件

2. 将pdb格式的文件导入到VMD,步骤为file->new molecule..->filename(文件路径)->load

3. 导入的文件在OpenGL Display窗口中显示可能会出现乱七八糟的键,为了清除这些键,在vmd类似于终端的窗口中输入 topo clearbonds,然后回车,这样乱七八糟的键就会没有了

4. 为了重新建立模型中原子间的键,在Graphics->Representations -> Drawing Method(选择DynamicBonds)->Selected Atoms下面空白栏中填入成键关系的原子类型(具体信息在Selections中选择,Selections中keyword中有很多,每一个都有对应的value,双击Keyword中的关键词,Selected Atoms中就会有相对应的显示,也可在Selected atoms 中输入相应的关键词)

5.选择好之后,点击Create Rep就会在(Style Color Selection)下面的空白栏新增一个刚刚操作的新Rep。(注意:创建新Rep的时候,上述额空白栏中之前的Rep不要使选中的状态)

6. 若是更改某一类或者某一些的原子的大小,颜色,则根据上述选择,创建新的Rep进行更改。(此过程若是新的Rep中原子比老的Rep中的Rep原子大,则会覆盖,否则不会覆盖,那就需要删除老的Rep;除此之外,若是通过DynamicBonds建立的键,不会随着新Rep中相对应的成键原子颜色的改变而改变,若想改变通过DynamicBonds建立的键的颜色,则需要通过VMD main窗口中Graphics-> Colors..-->Element中找到相对应的原子种类在Colors中更改颜色,更改之后,OpenGL Display 中通过DynamicBonds 创立的新的键的颜色也就会随之改变。

7. 至于其他原子的颜色大小,键的粗细,都可以在Graphics Representations中进行更改,新的Rep中的参数之后比老的Rep中的参数大时才会覆盖之前的,OpenGL Display中显示的才会有相对应的改变,若是新Rep和老的Rep中的参数相同,虽然OpenGL Display 中也会有相对应的改变,但是如果调整分辨率时,可能会出现新老Rep混合的现象。

8. 至于灯光,VMD main窗口中Display 下有Light 0、Light 1、Light 2、Light 3 四种灯光根据需要选择相对应的灯光(其他不知道),剩下的亮度之类的,应该是在Display--> Display Setting中更改某些参数。

9. 将重新调整好的模型进行输出。

9.1 坐标轴根据需要要不要隐藏,在VMD main --> Display--> Axes 进行坐标轴的显示与关闭

9.2  VMD main --> Display-->Rendermode--GLSL 为了后面使用tachyon渲染器进行输出图片

9.3 模型盒子的显示,若是pdb文件导入的,则在VMD类似终端的窗口输入pbc set {a b c} -all   (a、b、c都是对应的在MS中模型实际的数值,单位为Angstrom),其他具体见http://bbs.keinsci.com/thread-3552-1-1.html,也可参考https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv4466929/

9.4 显示模型盒子的框线,则在VMD类似终端的窗口中输入 pbc box -on

9.5 将模型旋转一定的角度,则在VMD类似终端的窗口中输入 rotate x by 90 (此为沿着x轴旋转90度,其他角度根据需要进行更改)

9.6 修改盒子框线颜色粗细,则在VMD类似终端的窗口中输入:pbc box -color red -width 10 -style dashed  (该句意思为盒子框线颜色为红色,粗细为10,线型为虚线)参考:http://bbs.keinsci.com/thread-11904-1-1.html

9.7 调整好模型进行输出则是进入File-->Render-->Render the current scene using: Tachyon -->选择保存路径-->Render Command 中输入相对应的参数,具体操作可见https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/398515892http://bbs.keinsci.com/thread-9178-1-1.html (做此部之前一定要进行9.2的操作)

附:tachyon渲染器中相关Render command 相关参数

Model file formats supported:
  filename.dat -- The model files originated with this package.
  filaname.ac  -- AC3D model files.
  filename.nff -- The NFF scene format used by Eric Haines' SPD.

Valid options:  (** denotes default behaviour)
Message Options:
  +V verbose messages on
  -V verbose messages off **

Speed Tuning Options:
  -raydepth xxx     (maximum ray recursion depth
  -numthreads xxx   (** default is auto-determined)
  -boundthresh xxx  (** default threshold is 16)

Shading Options:
  -fullshade    best quality rendering (and slowest) **
  -mediumshade  good quality rendering, but no shadows
  -lowshade     low quality rendering, preview (and fast)
  -lowestshade  worst quality rendering, preview (and fastest)

Lighting Options:
  -rescale_lights xxx rescale light intensity values by
                      specified factor (performed before other
                      lighting overrides take effect)
  -auto_skylight xxx  force use of ambient occlusion lighting,
                      auto-rescaling direct light sources to
                      compensate for ambient occlusion factor.
                      (use value 0.7 as a good starting point)
  -add_skylight xxx   force use of ambient occlusion lighting,
                      manually-rescaling direct light sources to
                      compensate for ambient occlusion factor.
  -skylight_samples xxx number of sample rays to shoot.

Specular Highlight Shading Options:
  -shade_phong       Phong specular highlights
  -shade_blinn       Blinn's specular highlights**
  -shade_blinn_fast  fast approximation to Blinn's highlights
  -shade_nullphong   disable specular highlights

Transparency Shading Options:
  -trans_max_surfaces xxx  Limit the number of transparent
                           surfaces shown to the number specified
  -trans_orig        Original implementation**
  -trans_raster3d    Raster3D angle-based opacity modulation
  -trans_vmd         Opacity post-multiply used by VMD

Transparent Surface Shadowing Options:
  -shadow_filter_on  Transparent objects cast shadows**
  -shadow_filter_off Transparent objects do not cast shadows

Fog Shading Options:
  -fog_radial        Radial fog implementation**
  -fog_vmd           Planar OpenGL-like fog used by VMD

Surface Normal/Winding Order Fixup Mode:
  -normalfixup [off | flip | guess]  (**off is default)

Antialiasing Options:
  -aasamples xxx  (maximum supersamples taken per pixel)
                  (** default is 0, or scene file determined)

Output Options:
  -res Xres Yres  override scene-defined output image size
  -o outfile.tga  set output file name
  -clamp          clamp pixel values to [0 to 1) (** default)
  -normalize      normalize pixel values to [0 to 1)
  -gamma val      normalize apply gamma correction
  -format BMP     24-bit Windows BMP  (uncompressed)
  -format JPEG    XXX Not compiled into this binary XXX
  -format PNG     XXX Not compiled into this binary XXX
  -format PPM     24-bit PPM          (uncompressed)
  -format PPM48   48-bit PPM          (uncompressed)
  -format PSD48   48-bit PSD          (uncompressed)
  -format RGB     24-bit SGI RGB      (uncompressed)
  -format TARGA   24-bit Targa        (uncompressed) **

Animation Related Options:
  -camfile filename.cam  Animate using file of camera positions.
  -nosave                Disable writing of output frames to disk
                        (only used for doing real-time rendering)

Interactive Spaceball/SpaceNavigator Control:
  -spaceball       Enable Spaceball/SpaceNavigator camera flight
  -spaceballport serialportdevicename (only for serial devices)