
关于在VC++6.0下编译xvidcore的方法在 MPEG-4 Xvid VC6.0编译指南 一文中中已有详细描述,但是因为我的VC6.0装不上sp5/sp5,也就装不上vcpp5.exe(Visual C++ Processor Pack),所以编译的时候总有错误:

error C2520: conversion from unsigned __int64 to double not implemented, use signed __int64

sp5装不上主要表现在在安装最后updating system 的时候,总是有“pdm.dll unable to register itself int system registry”的错误,随后就是。。。not successfully completed,google/baidu了好久,才找到一种手动注册pdm.dll的方法 regsvr32 pdm.dll,试了试,还是不成功,返回错误代码 0x80070005 错误代码,搜索得知这是因为用户权限不够所致,遂改为 adminstrator 帐户登录,再次 regsvr32 pdm.dll 还是不行,其间有找到一篇讲通过 RegMon 修改 access的办法来注册 pdm.dl的文章,但本人实在愚昧,又失败了。这时我已经耗费了一天多的时间而无果了,这逼得我静下心来想是否会有另一种解决问题的办法,果然在中我找到了解决问题的办法。编译成功,大喜!



1> 遇到问题,要自己先思考,不要把思考的权利拱手让给Google/Baidu

2> 对VC的开发环境的设置比较生疏,如Project->setting 下的 preprocessor defintions,Additional include directores,Additional libray,Object/libray modules,Addtional libray path;Tools->Options下的directories;Build->Set Active Configuration等

3> 对程序的生死,链接等过程比较陌生


1> 尊重自己思考的权利,懂得因为自己思考而带来的问题解决的高效性;

2> 找一本Windows编程的经典著作研读之

Visual C++ 6.0 Processor Pack

这个vcpp, 真差劲啊~

  • The Visual C++ 6.0 Processor Pack is not compatible with Visual C++ Service Pack 6. If you install the Visual C++ Service Pack 6 on a machine on which the Processor Pack is already installed, the Processor Pack functionality will become unavailable. Likewise, if you install the Processor Pack on a machine on which the Service Pack 6 is already installed, the Service Pack 6 will no longer function.
  • The Processor Pack is a nonlocalized component, which will install and work correctly with localized versions of Visual C++ 6.0. However, it is important to note that the Setup program overwrites your localized compiler files with an English version. Error and warning messages will occur in English.
  • There is no uninstall; you must uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and manually remove the remaining Processor Pack files.
  • The Processor Pack documentation is installed in the VC98 folder. MASM version 6.15 is installed in the bin folder located in the VC98 folder.