
ESC: 调整启动顺序

F2: 进入BIOS Setup

F12: 网络启动


其实VMware的配置文件.vmx可以控制这个过程, 网上提示有两种参数可以设置,不过只有第一个经实验成功:

  1. 加入一行:bios.forceSetupOnce = "TRUE" ;开机就自动进入BIOS!


  2. 延长启动画面时间:bios.bootDelay = "5000";5000为5秒。不过我的VMware Workstation 6.5不识别这个参数,可能对老版本的VMware适用。


Today I just got to know there are some ways to boot into Vmware workstation's BIOS :

1. As Vmware prompt, press F2 to enter into setup. But there will be a problem. The system always runs faster then you hit F2. You always see the system boot into hard disk:( Not the BIOS you want to see;

2. Update the .vmx configuration file:

1) add :

bios.bootDelay = "5000"; this adds a 5000 ms (5 seconds)   But according to my test, Vmware could not recognize the parameter. I think this one only work for the old version VMware Workstation, it's not working for 6.5;

2) add 

bios.forceSetupOnce = "TRUE" ; 

This works fine. I entered into the BIOS directly after power on. (Remember, the next when you power on it will automatically change to "bios.forceSetupOnce = "False"". You have to change it back again. 

The attachment are the BIOS pictures. In fact not so much difference as the physical systems.