在Qt creator中使用Qt for VS2008建立Debug工具  

     如果在Qt creator中使用VS2008的SDK的话,Debug的时候会提示“The Application requires the debugger engine 'Cdb' , which is disabled”。打开这个引擎就需要使用Windows SDK里面的Debugging tool for Windows工具,而且需要设置Symbol Server。详细设置方法如下:

Debugging tools for Windows

Using this engine requires you to install the Debugging tools for Windows 32-bit or 64-bit package (Version for the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of Qt Creator, respectively), which is freely available for download from the Microsoft Developer Network. The Qt Creator help browser does not allow you to download files, and therefore, you must copy the above links to a browser.

Note: Visual Studio does not include the Debugging tools needed, and therefore, you must install them separately.

The pre-built Qt SDK for Windows makes use of the library if it is present on the system. When manually building Qt Creator using the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler, the build process checks for the required files in "%ProgramFiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows".

It is highly recommended that you add the Symbol Server provided by Microsoft to the symbol search path of the debugger. The Symbol Server provides you with debugging informaton for the operating system libraries for debugging Windows applications.

Setting the Symbol Server in Windows

To obtain debugging information for the operating system libraries for debugging Windows applications, add the Symbol Server provided by Microsoft to the symbol search path of the debugger:

  1. Select Tools > Options... > Debugger > Cdb.
  2. In the Symbol paths field, open the Insert... menu and select Symbol Server....
  3. Select a directory where you want to store the cached information and click OK. C:\temp\symbolcache.

Note: Populating the cache might take a long time on a slow network connection.

Note: The first time you start debugging by using the Debugging tools for Windows, Qt Creator prompts you to add the Symbol Server.