       //7-7.c -- 统计字符,单词和行
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define STOP '|'
int main (void)
       char c;
       char prev;
       long n_chars = 0l;
       int n_lines = 0;
       int n_words = 0;
       int p_lines = 0;
       int inword = 0;
       printf ("Enter text to be analyzed (| to terminate ):\n");
       prev = '\n';
       while ((c = getchar ()) != STOP)
              n_chars ++;
              if (c == '\n')
                     n_lines ++;
              if (!isspace (c) && !inword)
                     inword = 1 ;
       if (isspace (c) && !inword)
              inword = 0;
       prev = c;
       if (prev != '\n')
              p_lines = 1;
       printf ("charcters = %ld,words = %d,lines = %d,",n_chars,n_words,n_lines);
       printf("partial lins = %d\n",p_lines);
       return 0 ;
       C提供一种简写的方式来表示if else 语句的一种形式,这被称为条件表达式,并使用条件运算符(?:)。这是个有三个运算符分两部分的运算符。它的一般形式:
expression1 ? expression2 : expression3
//7-8.c -- 使用条件运算符
#include <stdio.h>
#define COVERAGE 200
int main (void)
       int sq_feet;
       int cans;
       printf ("Enter number of square feet to be painted:\n");
       while (scanf("%d",&sq_feet ) == 1)
              cans = sq_feet / COVERAGE;
              //printf ("%.f",cans);
              cans += ((sq_feet % COVERAGE == 0)) ? 0 : 1;
              printf ("You need %d %s of paint .\n",cans,cans == 1 ? "can":"cans");
              printf ("Enter next value (q to quit):\n");
       return 0 ;
因为程序使用了int 类型所以除法被截断,也就是说215/200的结果为1。因此cans 被四舍五入为整数部分,如果sq_feet % COVERAGE == 0那么cans值不变否则有余数所以加上1
cans += ((sq_feet % COVERAGE == 0)) ? 0 : 1;
循环辅助手段:continue 和break
//7-9.c 使用continue 跳过部分循环
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
       const float MIN = 0.0f;
       const float MAX = 100.0f;
       float score ;
       float total = 0.0f;
       int n = 0;
       float min = MIN;
       float max = MAX;
       printf ("Enter the first score(q to quit):");
       while (scanf ("%f",&score) == 1)
              if (score < MIN || score > MAX)
                     printf ("%0.1f is an invalid value .Try again:",score);
       printf ("Accepting %0.1f :\n",score);
       min = (score < min) ? score : min;
       max = (score > max) ? score : max;
       total += score;
       printf ("Enter next score (q to quit ):");
       if (n > 0)
       printf ("Average of %d score is %0.1f.\n",n ,total / n);
       printf ("Low = %0.1f,high = %0.1f\n",min,max);
              printf ("NO valid scores were entered.\n");
       return 0 ;
程序说明:while 循环读取输入内容,直到输入一个非数字的数据,循环里的if 筛选出无效的分数值,当输入的值不在0-100之间,那么他printf ("%0.1f is an invalid value .Try again:",score); 然后continue 语句导致程序跳过循环其余的用于处理有效输入的部分,程序进入下一个循环周期,试图读取下一个输入值。
在这种情况下使用continue 的好处为:可以增加程序的可读性,另个一个好处是作为占位符用。在什么地方继续循环:在while 和do while循环中continue 语句之后发生的动作为求循环判断表达式的值。而对于for则首先更新表达式的值然后再求循环判断表达式的值。

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