 * Parse the command line arguments.
 * @param optctx an opaque options context
 * @param argc   number of command line arguments
 * @param argv   values of command line arguments
 * @param options Array with the definitions required to interpret every
 * option of the form: -option_name [argument]
 * @param parse_arg_function Name of the function called to process every
 * argument without a leading option name flag. NULL if such arguments do
 * not have to be processed.
void parse_options(void *optctx, int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options,
                   void (* parse_arg_function)(void *optctx, const char*));

main函数会传递argc,argv等命令行参数给parse_options,argc是参数个数,argv是二维数组保存参数内容,options是ffplay提供的可供选择的参数设置数组,而parse_arg_function将被static void opt_input_file(void *optctx, const char *filename)函数指针赋值,保存输入文件


static const OptionDef options[] = {
    { "x", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_width }, "force displayed width", "width" },
    { "y", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_height }, "force displayed height", "height" },
    { "s", HAS_ARG | OPT_VIDEO, { .func_arg = opt_frame_size }, "set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)", "size" },
    { "fs", OPT_BOOL, { &is_full_screen }, "force full screen" },
    { "an", OPT_BOOL, { &audio_disable }, "disable audio" },
    { "vn", OPT_BOOL, { &video_disable }, "disable video" },
    { "sn", OPT_BOOL, { &subtitle_disable }, "disable subtitling" },
    { "ast", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &wanted_stream_spec[AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO] }, "select desired audio stream", "stream_specifier" },
    { "vst", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &wanted_stream_spec[AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO] }, "select desired video stream", "stream_specifier" },
    { "sst", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &wanted_stream_spec[AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE] }, "select desired subtitle stream", "stream_specifier" },
    { "ss", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_seek }, "seek to a given position in seconds", "pos" },
    { "t", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_duration }, "play  \"duration\" seconds of audio/video", "duration" },
    { "bytes", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG, { &seek_by_bytes }, "seek by bytes 0=off 1=on -1=auto", "val" },
    { "seek_interval", OPT_FLOAT | HAS_ARG, { &seek_interval }, "set seek interval for left/right keys, in seconds", "seconds" },
    { "nodisp", OPT_BOOL, { &display_disable }, "disable graphical display" },
    { "noborder", OPT_BOOL, { &borderless }, "borderless window" },
    { "alwaysontop", OPT_BOOL, { &alwaysontop }, "window always on top" },
    { "volume", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG, { &startup_volume}, "set startup volume 0=min 100=max", "volume" },
    { "f", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_format }, "force format", "fmt" },
    { "pix_fmt", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_VIDEO, { .func_arg = opt_frame_pix_fmt }, "set pixel format", "format" },
    { "stats", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &show_status }, "show status", "" },
    { "fast", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &fast }, "non spec compliant optimizations", "" },
    { "genpts", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &genpts }, "generate pts", "" },
    { "drp", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &decoder_reorder_pts }, "let decoder reorder pts 0=off 1=on -1=auto", ""},
    { "lowres", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &lowres }, "", "" },
    { "sync", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { .func_arg = opt_sync }, "set audio-video sync. type (type=audio/video/ext)", "type" },
    { "autoexit", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &autoexit }, "exit at the end", "" },
    { "exitonkeydown", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &exit_on_keydown }, "exit on key down", "" },
    { "exitonmousedown", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &exit_on_mousedown }, "exit on mouse down", "" },
    { "loop", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &loop }, "set number of times the playback shall be looped", "loop count" },
    { "framedrop", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &framedrop }, "drop frames when cpu is too slow", "" },
    { "infbuf", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &infinite_buffer }, "don't limit the input buffer size (useful with realtime streams)", "" },
    { "window_title", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG, { &window_title }, "set window title", "window title" },
    { "left", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &screen_left }, "set the x position for the left of the window", "x pos" },
    { "top", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &screen_top }, "set the y position for the top of the window", "y pos" },
    { "vf", OPT_EXPERT | HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_add_vfilter }, "set video filters", "filter_graph" },
    { "af", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG, { &afilters }, "set audio filters", "filter_graph" },
    { "rdftspeed", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG| OPT_AUDIO | OPT_EXPERT, { &rdftspeed }, "rdft speed", "msecs" },
    { "showmode", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_show_mode}, "select show mode (0 = video, 1 = waves, 2 = RDFT)", "mode" },
    { "default", HAS_ARG | OPT_AUDIO | OPT_VIDEO | OPT_EXPERT, { .func_arg = opt_default }, "generic catch all option", "" },
    { "i", OPT_BOOL, { &dummy}, "read specified file", "input_file"},
    { "codec", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_codec}, "force decoder", "decoder_name" },
    { "acodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT, {    &audio_codec_name }, "force audio decoder",    "decoder_name" },
    { "scodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT, { &subtitle_codec_name }, "force subtitle decoder", "decoder_name" },
    { "vcodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT, {    &video_codec_name }, "force video decoder",    "decoder_name" },
    { "autorotate", OPT_BOOL, { &autorotate }, "automatically rotate video", "" },
    { "find_stream_info", OPT_BOOL | OPT_INPUT | OPT_EXPERT, { &find_stream_info },
        "read and decode the streams to fill missing information with heuristics" },
    { "filter_threads", HAS_ARG | OPT_INT | OPT_EXPERT, { &filter_nbthreads }, "number of filter threads per graph" },
    { NULL, },


1)设置find_stream_info的参数:ffplay  -i rtsp://admin:admin12345@ -fflags nobuffer -nofind_stream_info




void parse_options(void *optctx, int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options,
                   void (*parse_arg_function)(void *, const char*))
    const char *opt;
    int optindex, handleoptions = 1, ret;

    /* perform system-dependent conversions for arguments list */
    prepare_app_arguments(&argc, &argv);

    /* parse options */
    optindex = 1;

//循环读取每一个参数的变量内容,目前以(ffplay -i rtsp://admin:admin12345@ -fflags nobuffer -nofind_stream_info)作为传递参数进行分析,具体分析第五个参数 -nofind_stream_info
    while (optindex < argc) {

//当optindex=6,*opt=  "-nofind_stream_info"
        opt = argv[optindex++];

 //handleoptions=1 opt[0]= '-' opt[1] !='\0',满足条件,进入里面if函数体

      if (handleoptions && opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] != '\0') {

            if (opt[1] == '-' && opt[2] == '\0') {
                handleoptions = 0;

//自增,去掉-, *opt=  "nofind_stream_info"

            if ((ret = parse_option(optctx, opt, argv[optindex], options)) < 0)
            optindex += ret;
        } else {
            if (parse_arg_function)
                parse_arg_function(optctx, opt);


int parse_option(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg,
                 const OptionDef *options)
    const OptionDef *po;
    int ret;

//第一次传递进去*opt = 'nofind_stream_info'

    po = find_option(options, opt);

    if (!po->name && opt[0] == 'n' && opt[1] == 'o') {
        /* handle 'no' bool option */

        po = find_option(options, opt + 2);
        if ((po->name && (po->flags & OPT_BOOL)))

//name对应find_stream_info  flags对应262150,这个时候,获取到参数值0
            arg = "0";
    } else if (po->flags & OPT_BOOL)
        arg = "1";

    if (!po->name)
        po = find_option(options, "default");
    if (!po->name) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unrecognized option '%s'\n", opt);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if (po->flags & HAS_ARG && !arg) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Missing argument for option '%s'\n", opt);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    ret = write_option(optctx, po, opt, arg);
    if (ret < 0)
        return ret;

    return !!(po->flags & HAS_ARG);


static const OptionDef *find_option(const OptionDef *po, const char *name)




//po->name "find_stream_info"

//po->flags  262150

//po->u 指向0x00007ff63e84f0a4 {ffplayd.exe!int find_stream_info}

//po->help “read and decode the streams to fill missing information with heuristics” 
    const char *p = strchr(name, ':');
    int len = p ? p - name : strlen(name);

    while (po->name) {
        if (!strncmp(name, po->name, len) && strlen(po->name) == len)
    return po;


static int write_option(void *optctx, const OptionDef *po, const char *opt,
                        const char *arg)
    /* new-style options contain an offset into optctx, old-style address of
     * a global var*/

    void *dst = po->flags & (OPT_OFFSET | OPT_SPEC) ?
                (uint8_t *)optctx + po->u.off : po->u.dst_ptr;
    int *dstcount;

    if (po->flags & OPT_SPEC) {
        SpecifierOpt **so = dst;
        char *p = strchr(opt, ':');
        char *str;

        dstcount = (int *)(so + 1);
        *so = grow_array(*so, sizeof(**so), dstcount, *dstcount + 1);
        str = av_strdup(p ? p + 1 : "");
        if (!str)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        (*so)[*dstcount - 1].specifier = str;
        dst = &(*so)[*dstcount - 1].u;

    if (po->flags & OPT_STRING) {
        char *str;
        str = av_strdup(arg);
        if (!str)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        *(char **)dst = str;
    } else if (po->flags & OPT_BOOL || po->flags & OPT_INT) {

        *(int *)dst = parse_number_or_die(opt, arg, OPT_INT64, INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
    } else if (po->flags & OPT_INT64) {
        *(int64_t *)dst = parse_number_or_die(opt, arg, OPT_INT64, INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX);
    } else if (po->flags & OPT_TIME) {
        *(int64_t *)dst = parse_time_or_die(opt, arg, 1);
    } else if (po->flags & OPT_FLOAT) {
        *(float *)dst = parse_number_or_die(opt, arg, OPT_FLOAT, -INFINITY, INFINITY);
    } else if (po->flags & OPT_DOUBLE) {
        *(double *)dst = parse_number_or_die(opt, arg, OPT_DOUBLE, -INFINITY, INFINITY);
    } else if (po->u.func_arg) {
        int ret = po->u.func_arg(optctx, opt, arg);
        if (ret < 0) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                   "Failed to set value '%s' for option '%s': %s\n",
                   arg, opt, av_err2str(ret));
            return ret;
    if (po->flags & OPT_EXIT)

    return 0;
