

RTSP Interleaved Frame, Channel: 0x01, 60 bytes
    Magic: 0x24
    Channel: 0x01 (0x00是RTP数据包)(0x01是RTCP数据包)
    Length: 60
Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Receiver Report)
    10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2)
    ..0. .... = Padding: False
    ...0 0001 = Reception report count: 1
    Packet type: Receiver Report (201)
    Length: 7 (32 bytes)
    Sender ***C: 0xfebeb924 (4273912100)
    Source 1
        Identifier: 0x283e2070 (675160176)
        ***C contents
            Fraction lost: 253 / 256
            Cumulative number of packets lost: -1
        Extended highest sequence number received: 118657
        Interarrival jitter: 1235
        Last SR timestamp: 0 (0x00000000)
        Delay since last SR timestamp: 0 (0 milliseconds)
Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Source description)
    10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2)
    ..0. .... = Padding: False
    ...0 0001 = Source count: 1
    Packet type: Source description (202)
    Length: 6 (28 bytes)
    Chunk 1, ***C/CSRC 0xFEBEB924
        Identifier: 0xfebeb924 (4273912100)
        SDES items
            Type: CNAME (user and domain) (1)
            Length: 15
            Text: DESKTOP-KPVK7LH
            Type: END (0)


24 01 00 3c 81 c9 00 07 fe be b9 24 28 3e 20 70
fd ff ff ff 00 01 cf 81 00 00 04 d3 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 81 ca 00 06 fe be b9 24 01 0f 44 45
53 4b 54 4f 50 2d 4b 50 56 4b 37 4c 48 00 00 00

Packet type代表该报文的类型RTP与RTCP协议头比较类似,为将二者区分开来,只需要检查报文头部第二个字节的之是否为200~206(或更后)即可,若是,则可以肯定为RTCP报文而非RTP.



函数static int rtp_parse_one_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt, uint8_t **bufptr, int len)

#define RTP_VERSION 2

if ((buf[0] & 0xc0) != (RTP_VERSION << 6))//判断当前RTP版本是否是2
    return -1;


/* 枚举RTCP报文类型 */
enum RTCPType {
    RTCP_FIR    = 192,
    RTCP_NACK, // 193
    RTCP_SMPTETC,// 194
    RTCP_IJ,   // 195
    RTCP_SR     = 200,
    RTCP_RR,   // 201
    RTCP_SDES, // 202
    RTCP_BYE,  // 203
    RTCP_APP,  // 204
    RTCP_RTPFB,// 205
    RTCP_PSFB, // 206
    RTCP_XR,   // 207
    RTCP_AVB,  // 208
    RTCP_RSI,  // 209
    RTCP_TOKEN,// 210


#define RTP_PT_IS_RTCP(x) (((x) >= RTCP_FIR && (x) <= RTCP_IJ) || \
                           ((x) >= RTCP_SR  && (x) <= RTCP_TOKEN))

if (RTP_PT_IS_RTCP(buf[1])) {
        return rtcp_parse_packet(s, buf, len);



    Length: 6 (28 bytes)
    Chunk 1, ***C/CSRC 0xFEBEB924
        Identifier: 0xfebeb924 (4273912100)
        SDES items
            Type: CNAME (user and domain) (1)
            Length: 15
            Text: DESKTOP-KPVK7LH
            Type: END (0)

Length: 7 (32 bytes)该数据是如何计算出来的


长度: 16 比特 该 RTCP 包的长度减 1。其单位是 32 比特字,包括头和任何填充字节。


   length: 16 bits
      The length of this RTCP packet in 32-bit words minus one,
      including the header and any padding.  (The offset of one makes
      zero a valid length and avoids a possible infinite loop in
      scanning a compound RTCP packet, while counting 32-bit words

      avoids a validity check for a multiple of 4.)
该RTCP包长度除以4减去1,除以4是以32比特作为单位,所以长度7,换算回来就是(7+1)*4 = 32


  std::string strName = "fengyuzaitu@51.cto";
  int nLength = 2 + 2 + 8 + 20 + 4 + 6 + strName.size();
  std::string strRTCPBuffer;

//之所以需要增加长度是为了能够在CNAME字符串结尾添加0x0,保证wireshark能够解析出Type :0 (End)标志,%4是为了4个字节对齐
  int nRet = (strName.length() + 2) % 4;
  if (0 != nRet)
   nLength = nLength + 4 - nRet;
   nLength = nLength + 4;
  strRTCPBuffer[0] = 0x24;
  strRTCPBuffer[1] = 0x01;
  *(unsigned short*)&strRTCPBuffer[3] = htons(nLength - 4);
  //Sender Report
  strRTCPBuffer[4] = (char)(2 << 6);                              //  V=2,  P=RC=0
  strRTCPBuffer[5] = (char)200;                                 // PT=SR=200
  *(unsigned short*)&strRTCPBuffer[6] = htons(6);     // 7个32比特减一                            
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[8] = htonl(0x23456);
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[12] = htonl(m_video.sendtime >> 32);        // High 32-bits
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[16] = htonl(m_video.sendtime & 0xFFFFFFFF); // Low 32-bits
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[20] = htonl(m_nRtpTime);
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[24] = htonl(m_nSendPacketCount);
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[28] = htonl(m_nSendLength);
  //Source description
  strRTCPBuffer[32] = (char)(2 << 6) + 1;                          //  V=2, P=0, SC=1
  strRTCPBuffer[33] = 202;
  //RTCP源描述长度,减去4个字节($+channel+2个字节长度)减去Sender Report报文长度
  *(unsigned short*)&strRTCPBuffer[34] = htons((nLength - 4 - 7 * 4) / 4 - 1);
  *(unsigned int*)&strRTCPBuffer[39] = htonl(0x23456);
  strRTCPBuffer[40] = 1;                                         // CNAME=1
  strRTCPBuffer[41] = (char)strName.size();
  memcpy(&strRTCPBuffer[42], strName.c_str(), strName.size());





RTSP Interleaved Frame, Channel: 0x01, 80 bytes
    Magic: 0x24
    Channel: 0x01
    Length: 80
Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Receiver Report)
    10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2)
    ..0. .... = Padding: False
    ...0 0001 = Reception report count: 1
    Packet type: Receiver Report (201)
    Length: 7 (32 bytes)
    Sender ***C: 0xc009d701 (3221870337)
    Source 1
        Identifier: 0xbd7266dd (3178391261)
        ***C contents
            Fraction lost: 0 / 256
            Cumulative number of packets lost: 0
        Extended highest sequence number received: 2175
            Sequence number cycles count: 0
            Highest sequence number received: 2175
        Interarrival jitter: 0
        Last SR timestamp: 0 (0x00000000)
        Delay since last SR timestamp: 0 (0 milliseconds)
Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Source description)
    10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2)
    ..0. .... = Padding: False
    ...0 0001 = Source count: 1
    Packet type: Source description (202)
    Length: 11 (48 bytes)
    Chunk 1, ***C/CSRC 0xC009D701
        Identifier: 0xc009d701 (3221870337)
        SDES items
[RTCP frame length check: OK - 80 bytes](实际上这里解析出错)