GPORCA通过规则对表达式做转换,规则分为两类:Exploration,是对逻辑表达式做等价变换的;Implementation,是把逻辑操作符转换为物理操作符。Except the types of operator generated during Exploration (Logical => Logical) and Implementation (Logical => Physical) Phase, the process is similar. There are no Transform / CXform for Optimization Phase, so have excluded it from the below diagram. Will talk about Optimization phase a little later.

  1. Get the Group Expression to optimize
  2. Get the CXform Applicable for it
  3. Xform Pattern directs the Expected Child Group Expression to be extracted from the MEMO for that transform (CXform).
exploration xform pattern code snippet:
CXformExpandNAryJoinDPv2::CXformExpandNAryJoinDPv2(CMemoryPool *mp)
 : CXformExploration(
       // pattern
       GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CLogicalNAryJoin(mp),
                  GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CPatternMultiLeaf(mp)),
                  GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CPatternTree(mp))))
Above exploration pattern represents the below tree shape

implementation xform pattern code snippet:
CXformImplementUnionAll::CXformImplementUnionAll(CMemoryPool *mp)
:  // pattern
CXformImplementation(GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(
          mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CLogicalUnionAll(mp),
                          GPOS_NEW(mp) CExpression(mp, GPOS_NEW(mp) CPatternMultiLeaf(mp))))
Above implementation pattern represents the below tree shape
  1. Construct the expression tree by pulling out Group Expression from the MEMO matching the pattern. If there is no match, that’s fine, it just means that the transform is not applicable in this case
  2. Apply the ::Transform method of the xform to produce the resulting expressions
  3. Insert the resulting expression back to the MEMO
  4. Newly inserted expressions will be eligible to be pulled if they have PxfsCandidates to be applied, and will go through Step 1 -> 6
                              │    6.Insert the resulting Expressions Back to the MEMO                                                                                                                                       │
                              │                                                                                                                                                                                              │
                              │                                                                                                                                                                                              │
                              ▼                                                                                                                                                                                              │
┌───────────────────────────────┐                                                                                                                                                                                            │
│MEMO                           │                                                                                                                                                                                            │
│                               │                                                                                                                                                                                            │
│                               │                                                                                                                                                                                            │
│  ROOT                         │ 4.Extract the Group Expressions from the MEMO based on                                                                                                                                     │
│ ┌───────────────────────────┐ │    the Xform Pattern                                                                                                                                                                       │
│ │ Group N                   │ │ ◄─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                                                                                                    │
│ │ Group Expression 1[x x]   │ │                                                                       │                                                                                                                    │
│ │                           ├─┼──────┐                                                                │                                                                                                                    │
│ └───────────────────────────┘ │      │                                                                │                                                                                                                    │
│     .                         │      │                                                                │                                                                                                                    │
│     .                         │      │                                                                │                                                                                                                    │
│     .                         │      │                                                                │                                                                   Possible Number of Outputs >= 0                  │
│ ┌───────────────────────────┐ │      │1. Get the Group Expression                                     │                                                                                                                    │
│ │ Group 2                   │ │      │                                                                │                                                                                                                    │
│ │ Group Expression 2[x x x] │ │      │                                                                │                                                                   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
│ └───────────────────────────┘ │      ▼                                                                │                                                               ┌──►│ Output Logical / Physical Expression Tree 1 ├──┤
│                               │  ┌──────────────────────────────────┐      ┌──────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┐   ┌───────────────┐              │   └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘  │
│ ┌───────────────────────────┐ │  │                                  │      │                            Xform Pattern              │   │4.Constructed  │              │                                                    │
│ │ Group 1                   │ │  │  Group Expression 2 - Xform 1    ├─────►│  Group Expression [x x x]  C<Operator><Identifier>    │   │   Logical     │     ┌────────┴───────────┐                                        │
│ │ Group Expression 3[x x x] │ │  │                                  │      │                                      +-CPatternLeaf   ├──►│     or        ├────►│   5.Apply Xform    │                                        │       
│ │                           │ │  │  Group Expression 2 - Xform 2    │      │                                      +-CPatternLeaf   │   │   Physical    │     └────────┬───────────┘                                        │
│ └───────────────────────────┘ │  │                                  │      │                                      +-CPatternTree   │   │   Expression  │              │                                                    │
│                               │  │  Group Expression 2 - Xform 3    │      │3.Take the 1st GE - Xform combination and lookup the   │   │               │              │   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
└───────────────────────────────┘  │  (All Combination for GE  )      │      │     child GEs from MEMO based on the Xform Pattern    │   │               │              └──►│ Output Logical / Physical Expression Tree 2 ├──┘
                                   └──────────────────────────────────┘      └──────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┘   └───────────────┘                  └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
┌───────────────────────────────┐      ▲                             ▲                      │
│ Xform PxfsCandidates for      │      │                             │                      │
│ operator of Group Expression  │      │                             │                      │
│                               │      │2. Get Exploration           │                      │
│  Exploration:                 │      │          or                 │                      │
│   Xform 1                     │      │   Implementation            └──────────────────────┘
│   Xform 2                     │      │         Xform                   7. Take the next combination
│   Xform 3                     │      │    for the Group
│                               │      │     Expression
│  Implementation:              │ ◄────┘
│   Xform 4                     │
│   Xform 5                     │
│   Xform n                     │
│                               │


ORCA优化器浅析——Exploration and Implementation Apply CXform Phase_Group

如上图所示导出红线的虚线直角框图就是CJobGroupExpressionImplementation和CJobGroupExpressionExploration任务进行Apply CXform(Get the Group Expression to optimize和Get the CXform Applicable for it)的流程。获取Group Expression就无需解释,其实就是这些任务中的m_pgexpr成员。而Get the CXform Applicable for it流程中,首先需要获取Group Expression中的操作副的规则位图 【每个操作符,都存有自己需要的规则ID构成的规则的子集,这里面包括了逻辑变换和实现变换的规则】,如下代码中的PxfsCandidates就是获取操作符的规则位图,从下图中的CLogicalExternalGet代码中可以看出其规则位图为xform_set->ExchangeSet(cxform::ExfExternalGet2ExternalScan);然后需要和逻辑变换集合或实现变换集合取与【Exploration阶段,拿操作符的规则集和逻辑变换集合取与,得到操作符这个阶段需要的规则;Implementation阶段,拿操作符的规则集和实现变换集合取与,得到操作符这个阶段需要的规则集】,如下图代码CXformFactory::Pxff()->PxfsExploration()CXformFactory::Pxff()->PxfsImplementation()就是获取CXformFactory中的m_pxfsExploration和m_pxfsImplementation,它们分别为bitset of exploration xforms和bitset of implementation xforms。

void CJobGroupExpressionExploration::ScheduleApplicableTransformations(CSchedulerContext *psc) {
	// get all applicable xforms
	COperator *pop = m_pgexpr->Pop();
	CXformSet *xform_set = CLogical::PopConvert(pop)->PxfsCandidates(psc->GetGlobalMemoryPool());

	// intersect them with required xforms and schedule jobs
	ScheduleTransformations(psc, xform_set);


void CJobGroupExpressionImplementation::ScheduleApplicableTransformations(CSchedulerContext *psc){
	// get all applicable xforms
	COperator *pop = m_pgexpr->Pop();
	CXformSet *xform_set = CLogical::PopConvert(pop)->PxfsCandidates(psc->GetGlobalMemoryPool());

	// intersect them with required xforms and schedule jobs
	ScheduleTransformations(psc, xform_set);


ORCA优化器浅析——Exploration and Implementation Apply CXform Phase_Group_02


ORCA优化器浅析——Exploration and Implementation Apply CXform Phase_Express_03



//	@function:
//		CJobGroupExpression::ScheduleTransformations
//	@doc:
//		Schedule transformation jobs for the given set of xforms
void CJobGroupExpression::ScheduleTransformations(CSchedulerContext *psc, CXformSet *xform_set) {	
	CXformSetIter xsi(*(xform_set)); // iterate on xforms
	while (xsi.Advance()){
		CXform *pxform = CXformFactory::Pxff()->Pxf(xsi.TBit());
		CJobTransformation::ScheduleJob(psc, m_pgexpr, pxform, this);


如下为CJobTransformation任务实际执行的函数,其从类成员中获取到表达式和规则,并调用表达式的Transform方法实现【Xform Pattern directs the Expected Child Group Expression to be extracted from the MEMO for that transform (CXform);Construct the expression tree by pulling out Group Expression from the MEMO matching the pattern. If there is no match, that’s fine, it just means that the transform is not applicable in this case;Apply the ::Transform method of the xform to produce the resulting expressions】,最终Insert the resulting expression back to the MEMO。

CJobTransformation::EEvent CJobTransformation::EevtTransform(CSchedulerContext *psc, CJob *pjOwner) {	
	CJobTransformation *pjt = PjConvert(pjOwner); // get a job pointer
	CMemoryPool *pmpGlobal = psc->GetGlobalMemoryPool(); CMemoryPool *pmpLocal = psc->PmpLocal();
	CGroupExpression *pgexpr = pjt->m_pgexpr; CXform *pxform = pjt->m_xform;

    ULONG ulElapsedTime = 0; ULONG ulNumberOfBindings = 0;
	// insert transformation results to memo
	CXformResult *pxfres = GPOS_NEW(pmpGlobal) CXformResult(pmpGlobal);	
	pgexpr->Transform(pmpGlobal, pmpLocal, pxform, pxfres, &ulElapsedTime, &ulNumberOfBindings);
	psc->Peng()->InsertXformResult(pgexpr->Pgroup(), pxfres, pxform->Exfid(), pgexpr, ulElapsedTime, ulNumberOfBindings);
	return eevCompleted;