10 free security tools that actually work

Author: Susan Harkins
作者:Susan Harkins


Category: 10 things, Security

Tags: Malware, Tool, Security Tool, PC Security, Malwarebytes, WinPatrol, Spyware, Adware & Malware, Cyberthreats, Spyware, Security
标签:恶意软件,工具,安全工具,电脑安全, Malwarebytes, WinPatrol,间谍软件,广告软件和恶意软件,网络威胁,间谍软件,安全

英文出处: ​​http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=624&tag=nl.e101​

Plenty of solid products are available to help you protect your system — and some of them don’t cost a dime. Here’s a list of some of the most popular and effective free tools for defending yourself against a variety of threats.



PC security is a hot industry, thanks to forces from the Dark Side. Your system, more than finances, will determine the tools you use to protect it. However, for the casual home or business computer, a number of free security products work well. Almost all of these products offer a paid version with more features, and many users eventually upgrade — which is why these companies can afford to offer free products.


Before you spend your hard-earned money on expensive security products, check out the following free tools.


1: AVG Anti-virus Free Edition(AVG Anti-virus免费版)

Without doubt,​​AVG​​is probably the most popular, free, antivirus software. It protects your system against both viruses and spyware. Initially, the free version of AVG was stable and effective. As the Dark Side advances, AVG has fallen behind a bit, but, it is still a good product if you combine it with other products (specifically, #2 and #3). Don’t depend solely on AVG.

毫无疑问,AVG大概是最流行的免费反病毒软件。它保护你的系统免受病毒和间谍软件的侵害。起初,免费版的AVG是稳定有效的。由于黑暗方前进了,AVG已落后了一点,但是,如果结合其他产品(特别是 #2和#3),它仍是一个好的产品 。不要完全依赖AVG。

2: Malwarebytes

​Malwarebytes​​fights malware — programs designed with malicious intent. Unfortunately, there’s no way to uninstall malware once it’s installed, because it doesn’t show up in the Control Panel. In addition, these files usually install helper programs that re-download then reinstall the malware if you delete it. Malware includes viruses, worms, rootkits, spyware, and trojans. As these products evolve, they are harder to detect and remove. Malwarebytes is one of the best programs, free or not, for detecting and removing malware.


3: Spybot - Search & Destroy

Spyware tracks your Internet usage to create a marketing profile that is then sold, without your knowledge, to advertising companies. If you notice a new toolbar in your browser, most likely you’re being tracked by spyware. Sometimes, these programs hijack your browser homepage, forcing you to browse the Internet through their system. Although spyware isn’t inherently destructive, it usually affects performance. If your system suddenly slows down, chances are you’ve been infected.​​Spybot - Search & Destroy​​detects and removes spyware, which isn’t covered by many other anti-malware applications.

间谍软件跟踪你在互联网上的使用情况,从而建立一个市场概况,然后在你不知晓的情况下出售给广告公司。如果您在浏览器中发现一个新的工具栏,那您极有可能正在被间谍软件跟踪。有时,这些程序劫持您的浏览器主页,迫使你通过它们的系统来浏览互联网。虽然间谍软件不总是有破坏性,它通常会影响电脑的性能。如果您的系统突然变慢,没准您已经被感染了。  Spybot - Search & Destroy侦测并移除间谍软件,这是其他许多反恶意软件应用程序没有涉及的。

《endurer注:1、market profile:市场概况》

Note: A combination of #1, #2, and #3 provides adequate protection for most single-user systems. They’re easy to use and don’t require special technical knowledge.

注:#1、 #2 和#3的组合为大多数单用户系统提供了足够的保护。它们易于使用,并且无需特别的技术知识。 

4: WOT

Within the context of the market,​​WOT​​is a fairly new offering that adds security, via an add-in, for your browser. It will keep your system safe from online scams, identity, theft, spyware, spam, viruses, and suspect commerce sites. As WOT encounters suspect sites, it alerts you. Of course, you decide whether to continue or not, but at least you go into the transaction forewarned.


5: WinPatrol

​WinPatrol​​is a robust security monitor that alerts you to hijackings, malware attacks, and changes made to your system without your permission. Traditional security programs scan your hard drive, searching for specific threats. WinPatrol uses a heuristic (discovery) behavior to detect attacks and violations by taking snapshots of critical resources and alerting you to changes.

WinPatrol是一个强大的安全监控程序,可以提醒未经你许可的劫持,恶意攻击,和系统更改。传统的安全软件扫描您的硬盘驱动器,搜索特定的威胁。 WinPatrol采用启发式( 发现)行为,通过采集关键资源快照并将改变提醒您,来检测攻击和侵犯。

6: Secunia Personal Software Inspector

Most of us have at least one insecure program installed, which puts our systems at risk.​​Secunia Personal Software Inspector​​(SPI) scans your PC for insecure programs. It also keeps you informed of updates and patches for your installed programs.

我们大多数人都至少安装有一个不安全的程序,这使我们的系统处于危险之中。Secunia个人软件检查员( SPI )扫描你的电脑中不安全的程序。它也使你了解已安装程序的更新和修补程序。

7: Sysinternals Security Utilities(Secunia个人软件检查员)

This free​​utility from Microsoft​​​performs a number of important security functions:

  • Lets you know who has access to files, Registry keys, and other Windows services.
  • Finds programs configured to run on startup.
  • Uses command-line utilities to list processes running on local or remote systems.
  • Scans system for rootkits.
  • Offers a Department of Defense-compliant secure delete program.

8: Wireshark

System administrators will appreciate​​Wireshark​​, a network protocol analyzer. Security features include, among other things:


  • Live capture and offline analysis.
  • Display filters.
  • Rich VoIP analysis.
  • Decryption support for many protocols.

9: Nmap

​Nmap​​is a network-mapping utility for network exploration and security auditing. Uses for Nmap include:


  • Determining what hosts are available.
  • Determining what services hosts are offering.
  • Determining what operating systems are running.
  • Determining the type of packet filters and firewalls in use.

10: Online scans(在线扫描)

If you suspect your system has been infected and your current tools aren’t able to deal with it, try one of the following free online scan services:


In addition, you can test your firewall at​​ShieldsUP​​.



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