
作者:Sonja Thompson
翻译:PurpleEndurer,2009-06-09 第1版
标签: 开发人员, 测试人员, Sonja Thompson


虽然我被这个测试员发出这些消息的仓促给惹恼了,但我也因为这这个一系列电子邮件而偷乐了一阵子。“测试员会尽力打破一天的单调, ”我想。

然而,玩笑之余,如果您是开发人员,我相信您遇到一些测试员,他们似乎将测试定义为“测试开发人员。 ”他们的字典似乎如下所示:

测试 名词 测试开发人员或其耐心的艺术

你把程序发给他们,他们尽职尽责地把程序投入测试——通过双击可执行文件或在命令行输入可执行文件的名称,并按下回车键。然后来个快速回应, “拉维,程序不能正常工作! ”





除了与测试员偶尔缺乏合作外,开发人员可能遇到测试员似乎缺少一些基本技能的情况。一个搞开发的同事曾经告诉我他与一个不熟练的测试员的体会。该项目正在UNIX上测试运行。它包括一系列的程序和UNIX shell脚本,程序和脚本运行序列封装在专属工具包内。当测试员遇到问题时,联系我的同事寻求协助,得到的反馈建议为:最佳选择可能是逐步跟踪该包并尝试按顺序手动运行每个程序或脚本。当听到测试员回答说: “我要如何手动运行脚本呢? ”时,他惊呆了。



Developers: Are testers testing your patience?
Author: Sonja Thompson
Category: Contributors, TR Out Loud, guest post
Tags: Developer, Tester, Sonja Thompson

I got back to my desk after a short break and found several new e-mails in my inbox. One name instantly caught my eye. It was a colleague who had been assigned to test a script I had written. There were three e-mails from him, all within the space of about six minutes. The first e-mail just said “The script does not work.” The second one, which was time-stamped about two minutes later, read, “I had not made the script executable! But now it seems to produce garbage!” And the third exclaimed, “Ravi, it is all fine! I was looking in the wrong directory!”

《PurpleEndurer注:1、catch the eye of:引起...的注目/意
2、all very fine:不错(很好,固然可以...但是)
3、look in:顺便看望》

Though I was annoyed about the haste with which the tester had shot off these messages, I did take a moment to chuckle to myself about this series of e-mails. “Testers do try to do their bit to break the monotony of the day,” I thought to myself.

《PurpleEndurer注:1、be annoyed about the matter:因这事烦恼
2、chuckle to oneself:窃喜,独自暗中地笑》

However, jokes aside, if you’re a developer, I’m sure you’ve come across some testers who seem to define testing as “testing the developer.” Their dictionary seems to read:

Testing n. the art of testing the developer, or his patience

You send them a program, and they dutifully put it through the test — either by double-clicking on the executable or typing in the name of the executable on the command line and hitting Enter. And then comes the pat response, “Ravi, the program does not work!”

Sometimes there’s something more than just that terse statement — a brief line or two describing what happens when the program executes, or perhaps an even more elaborate explanation. There may even be a screenshot, which hopefully shows you what’s wrong or at least where to start looking. Rarely is there any mention of efforts made to analyze the problem or to eliminate some factors and isolate the cause of the problem.

《PurpleEndurer注:1、more than just:不仅仅是
2、mention of:提及》

Of course, the error could be a comma, a colon, or some other simple thing that you missed when you were tracking the football score rather than your code. In such cases, I’m sure you are suitably contrite, apologize, and try to make up in some way. However, just as often or probably more so, difficulty arises when the tester is watching something other than the program execution or the program’s results.

《PurpleEndurer注:1、in some way:在某种意义上,有一点,有些》

I’ve come across many instances where simple actions on the tester’s part could have helped him or her get past the reported obstacle, or at least explain the cause of the apparent failure of the program. This includes checking to see if the system had a reasonable amount of free disk space, reading the messages that you — the thoughtful developer that you are — made the program display when running into problems, or viewing the log files that are, after all, meant to be read by the user.

《PurpleEndurer注:1、come across:碰到(遇到,无意中发现)
2、get past:通过
3、mean to:对...重要;be meant to do:想要做什么》

The tester depends on the developer to think of all possible errors and trap them. He also expects that the developer will create enough of a trail to be able to track an error back to its cause. However, I believe it’s at least a part of the tester’s duty to attempt to identify the problem correctly and also the cause, if possible.

The tester should, at the very least, accurately report the problem that he or she comes across when testing. Often a program, or a set of programs, passes through several intermediate steps before concluding. If the program runs into an error, surely the tester can attempt to determine the steps that were completed before aborting. This not only gives the developer a clue about what could have gone wrong, but it also helps speed up the resolution of the error, as well as the conclusion of the development and testing cycle.

《PurpleEndurer注:1、pass through:穿过(透过,流过,通过)》

Apart from the occasional lack of cooperation from the tester, developers might come across situations where the tester appears to lack some basic skills. A developer colleague once told me about his experience with an inept tester. The project being tested ran on UNIX. It consisted of a bunch of programs and UNIX shell scripts that were put together inside a proprietary package, which ran the programs and scripts in sequence. When the tester ran into problems, he contacted my colleague for assistance, who in turn suggested that the best option was perhaps to step through the package and try to run each program or script manually, in sequence. He was flabbergasted when the tester responded, “How do I run the script manually?”

《PurpleEndurer注:1、proprietary packages > 自有/专属工具包
2、in turn:依次,轮流;反之,反过来
3、step through:逐步跟踪》

While some questions can be raised about the project manager’s choice of tester, it isn’t unreasonable to expect that the tester has a basic knowledge of the environment on which the program or project runs.


It may not seem like it, but I do sympathize with testers. They have an unenviable job, having to run the same program again and again, looking for errors that may never show up. And testers do help discover those instances when the developer bungled before a client does. But if they would pay some heed to the areas I have mentioned, life could be a lot easier for us all.

《PurpleEndurer注:1、pay heed to:注意(留意)》