Release Notes for Ext JS 4.0.1

Release Notes: May 17, 2011
Version Number: 4.0.1

Bugs Fixed

  • Charts and Drawing
  • [EXTJSIV-144] - Grouped Stacked Negative 0 point not aligned properly
  • [EXTJSIV-148] - Pie chart labels should be along the centerline of the text, not the baseline.
  • [EXTJSIV-1769] - Draggable sprite broken
  • [EXTJSIV-1811] - Problem with hiding items via legend with grouped bar chart
  • [EXTJSIV-1822] - setAttributes - scale only works on first item
  • [EXTJSIV-1878] - Line chart scaling incorrect
  • [EXTJSIV-1892] - Pie chart is not rendering it's shadow properly on initial render
  • Panel
  • [EXTJSIV-237] - Vertical alignment of the Panel title is not consistent between quirks and strict HTML modes
  • [EXTJSIV-963] - Vertical headers lack proper centering
  • [EXTJSIV-1102] - When panel collapse animates, there's some flashing
  • [EXTJSIV-1814] - Panel doesn't fire close event in TabPanel
  • Examples
  • [EXTJSIV-482] - Logos example has a few cosmetic issues
  • [EXTJSIV-1001] - Form is missing in Safari 3.2 with form/form-grid-access.html
  • [EXTJSIV-1083] - Themes Example: Progress bar doesn't show any text
  • [EXTJSIV-1118] - Portal Drag and Drop IE 6 & 7
  • [EXTJSIV-1121] - feed viewer - highlight on mouse over incorrect
  • [EXTJSIV-1141] - Sliding Pager Extension Example: There's no Panel Resizing at the bottom of the grid
  • [EXTJSIV-1142] - FeedViewer: apply sensible minWidth on feeds panel
  • [EXTJSIV-1165] - Summary Grid: Need an Icon in the Panel
  • [EXTJSIV-1172] - Grid Plugin Example: No Checkbox Plugin in the bottom example
  • [EXTJSIV-1173] - Grid Filtering Local: ID Column should have a smaller width
  • [EXTJSIV-1180] - Rest proxy example - notification is missing when updating
  • [EXTJSIV-1193] - Combo Box Example: State name Combo Boxes are too wide
  • [EXTJSIV-1204] - Ext.Action Example should port the existing Action Example over
  • [EXTJSIV-1211] - Double clicking in Manager Details header doesn't always open the combo box
  • [EXTJSIV-1460] - Panel resizer ux not working properly or styled correctly
  • [EXTJSIV-1474] - Black background in desktop/desktop.html example in quirks mode
  • [EXTJSIV-1481] - form/xml-form is broken in Safari 3.2 with transitional DOCTYPE
  • [EXTJSIV-1496] - Desktop cascading doesn't set correct z index
  • [EXTJSIV-1499] - Desktop example's accordion window does not react to clicking the refresh icon
  • [EXTJSIV-1535] - Array grid example advertised as stateful. But it does not remember column state
  • [EXTJSIV-1860] - Nested Loading example is using widget.header alias which is reserver for standard Panel Headers
  • [EXTJSIV-1861] - Portal example is having to synchronously load Ext.layout.component.Body.
  • [EXTJSIV-1919] - Error in charts/draw code on portal example
  • [EXTJSIV-1922] - Error in grid multiple sorting example
  • [EXTJSIV-1923] - Error on editor example
  • [EXTJSIV-1924] - FormDashboard chart example fieldset is too short
  • [EXTJSIV-1927] - Text rotation example missing text
  • Toolbars
  • [EXTJSIV-939] - Artifact in search toolbar only with Chrome 5
  • [EXTJSIV-980] - Background color in bottom toolbar should be blue
  • [EXTJSIV-1109] - disabled text color in buttons is too light
  • [EXTJSIV-1865] - Toolbar with removeAll() crashes when used with overflow
  • Layout
  • [EXTJSIV-1846] - Infinite loop, IE Border layout
  • [EXTJSIV-1867] - Resizers on border layout do not constrain during drag
  • [EXTJSIV-1931] - collapsedCls not applied in border layout
  • [EXTJSIV-1845] - hideCollapseTool ignored in border layout/panel
  • [EXTJSIV-1780] - Collapsing large grid in border layout fails
  • Windows
  • [EXTJSIV-1708] - Desktop example - windows don't move or resize
  • [EXTJSIV-1737] - Opera 10.6: Windows cannot be moved vertically
  • [EXTJSIV-1751] - Ext.Window Maximize doesnt account for browser window resize
  • [EXTJSIV-1792] - Window fails with preventHeader: true
  • [EXTJSIV-1945] - Window doesn't constrain properly when animating
  • Styling
  • [EXTJSIV-1269] - Checkbox in header does not line up with checkbox in the data rows
  • [EXTJSIV-1271] - Arrow is not vertically centered in the overflow toolbar
  • [EXTJSIV-1317] - Slightly rounded corners on menu item highlights
  • [EXTJSIV-1322] - Window header color is different to 3.x
  • [EXTJSIV-1417] - The text "Powered by" in logo is not legible
  • [EXTJSIV-1516] - Menus are not in access-theme colors for the access example
  • [EXTJSIV-1540] - Disabled buttons are really hard to read
  • [EXTJSIV-1764] - Accessibility theme missing images
  • [EXTJSIV-1841] - $panel-border-radius does not work
  • [EXTJSIV-1825] - Button mixin in SASS is inconsistant with other UI mixins - quick fix
  • [EXTJSIV-1826] - Window does not adhere to $base-color
  • [EXTJSIV-1842] - 2 issues with button variables, not working correctly.
  • [EXTJSIV-1851] - Errors when building template my-ext-theme.scss
  • [EXTJSIV-1854] - Remove breaking comments from layout/_layout.scss
  • [EXTJSIV-1862] - ui theme does not apply to window drag & drop proxy
  • [EXTJSIV-1918] - Can't set overflow hidden on component style
  • Form
  • [EXTJSIV-1758] - Checkbox field does not report correct value
  • [EXTJSIV-1775] - combo box autoSelect attribute non-functional
  • [EXTJSIV-1781] - Combo Picker doesn't shift when window resizes
  • [EXTJSIV-1798] - serializeForm tries to call .format
  • [EXTJSIV-1809] - Html encoding issues on forms with standard submit
  • [EXTJSIV-1834] - Keyup doesn't fire on combo
  • [EXTJSIV-1838] - Checkbox getModelData incorrect
  • [EXTJSIV-1839] - Fieldset doesn't render items when collapsed
  • [EXTJSIV-1847] - Weird form field height display
  • [EXTJSIV-1849] - Performance issues when adding multiple items to a form
  • [EXTJSIV-1857] - Combo - Allow exclusion of queryParam
  • [EXTJSIV-1869] - DisplayField alignment incorrect
  • [EXTJSIV-1899] - field.Date refocuses on blur when picker is expanded
  • [EXTJSIV-1902] - NumberField ignores disableKeyFilter
  • [EXTJSIV-1942] - NumberField doesn't return number type when value is 0.
  • [EXTJSIV-1943] - Checkbox should check for undefined uncheckedValue
  • Grid / Tree
  • [EXTJSIV-1689] - Selection model selectAll/deselectAll fire selectionchange event for every record
  • [EXTJSIV-1757] - Grid loses row striping after editing
  • [EXTJSIV-1762] - Grid: CellEditing problems destroying
  • [EXTJSIV-1767] - ActionColumn fails when creating a global handler
  • [EXTJSIV-1771] - Deselect doesnt fire in multi select mode
  • [EXTJSIV-1773] - itemmousenter/itemmouseleave fire on every mouseover/mouseout event bubbled from *within* a View item
  • [EXTJSIV-1778] - PropertyGrid crashes on destroy
  • [EXTJSIV-1782] - PropertyGrid crashes when removing from store
  • [EXTJSIV-1788] - Cell Editor doesn't update context
  • [EXTJSIV-1794] - Crash when rootVisible false
  • [EXTJSIV-1800] - RowNumberer incompatible with groupingSummary
  • [EXTJSIV-1802] - Editor doesn't hide on grid scroll - FF
  • [EXTJSIV-1819] - Grid in accordion layout doesn't show headers
  • [EXTJSIV-1824] - PropertyGrid has no alias
  • [EXTJSIV-1831] - Checkbox Selection model missing alias.
  • [EXTJSIV-1848] - Row Editor doesn't work with grid filtering
  • [EXTJSIV-1871] - PropertyGrid doesn't update source correctly
  • [EXTJSIV-1872] - PropertyStore refers to wrong object
  • [EXTJSIV-1875] - Tree doesn't allow string store id.
  • [EXTJSIV-1881] - PreviewPlugin overwrites features
  • [EXTJSIV-1926] - Safari: scrolling via wheel in grid also scrolls the page
  • [EXTJSIV-1932] - NodeInterface callback params incorrect.
  • [EXTJSIV-1939] - ProgressBar Pager fails with empty store
  • [EXTJSIV-1958] - View DD contains redundant check
  • General
  • [EXTJSIV-988] - ToolTip/QuickTip steals shadow from modal window
  • [EXTJSIV-1003] - Accessibility Theme has several glitches (IE9 Quirks)
  • [EXTJSIV-1047] - Validation change steals focus in Safari (3.? and 4 at least)
  • [EXTJSIV-1217] - Localization files are missing a bunch of strings - NL, DE, etc
  • [EXTJSIV-1218] - Validation looks wrong in a frame panel with checkboxes
  • [EXTJSIV-1295] - TextField focus method does not focus, DelayedTask at fault?
  • [EXTJSIV-1510] - The close button in accordion does a refresh instead.
  • [EXTJSIV-1528] - The previous/next buttons do not always un-focus after clicking on it and moving the mouse away
  • [EXTJSIV-1562] - Collapse icon does not relocate after resizing the browser window
  • [EXTJSIV-1648] - Checkbox selection doesn't fire selection change
  • [EXTJSIV-1650] - Programmatically disabled before rendered prevents enabling
  • [EXTJSIV-1654] - Using Quicktips on Frameset only page cause hard error
  • [EXTJSIV-1736] - IE6 - Slider doesn't show up
  • [EXTJSIV-1756] - Disabled text in forms have regressed in IE 6
  • [EXTJSIV-1766] - Image Component crashes when rendered in IE
  • [EXTJSIV-1779] - beforetabchange returning false doesn't stop tab changing.
  • [EXTJSIV-1784] - Warn statements need to wrapped to check of the existence of the console
  • [EXTJSIV-1790] - Observable shouldn't fail when removing an event that doesn't exist
  • [EXTJSIV-1807] - Application fails when no controllers are specified
  • [EXTJSIV-1813] - Store Can't read grouping info when specified on the class definition
  • [EXTJSIV-1817] - Removed unused code: getSortState
  • [EXTJSIV-1818] - NodeInterface destroy shadows Model destroy
  • [EXTJSIV-1852] - JSBuilder doesn't build .jsb3 files correctly if using relative paths
  • [EXTJSIV-1853] - JSBuilder not producing build correctly.
  • [EXTJSIV-1856] - WebKit browsers lose selection in TEXTAREA elements
  • [EXTJSIV-1864] - Store cannot set filters via prototype properties
  • [EXTJSIV-1880] - Change autoCreateViewport to be false by default on
  • [EXTJSIV-1888] - Ext.Error.raise embeds an alert in IE or FF w/o Firebug (not good for many uses)
  • [EXTJSIV-1889] - Splitter dragging doesn't work with iframes
  • [EXTJSIV-1890] - Record raw property set too late
  • [EXTJSIV-1895] - Ext.Array#include doesn't return anything, but docs say it does
  • [EXTJSIV-1896] - should be spelled persistenceProperty

Documentation Improvements

  • [EXTJSIV-739] - Improved Ext.fx.Animator docs
  • [EXTJSIV-751] - Improved Ext.grid.GridPanel docs
  • [EXTJSIV-769] - Improved Ext.tip.ToolTip docs
  • [EXTJSIV-1074] - Improved docs
  • [EXTJSIV-1227] - Improved Ext.chart.Mask
  • [EXTJSIV-1229] - Added docs for
  • [EXTJSIV-1238] - Add documentation to tabPanel private methods
  • [EXTJSIV-1293] - Documented Store.removeAll
  • [EXTJSIV-1421] - Documented the Organizer example
  • [EXTJSIV-1433] - Better docs for
  • [EXTJSIV-1891] - documented loadMask configuration property of Ext.Component and descendants
  • [EXTJSIV-1894] - Documented Ext.draw.Sprite events not documented
  • [EXTJSIV-1898] - Removed Ext.getModel from data guide
  • [EXTJSIV-1901] - Documented Ext.CompositeElement documents methods without names
  • [EXTJSIV-1903] - Bad reference to Ext.panel.Panel#frame for more documentation
  • [EXTJSIV-1904] - Added missing image: guides/tree/simple-tree.png
  • [EXTJSIV-43] - Documented the fact that attributes are transformed to model fields
  • [EXTJSIV-1485] - SDK Bootstrapping Guide and Build Tools for Developers
  • [EXTJSIV-1248] - More docs for Surface
  • [EXTJSIV-1244] - Added docs for Gauge AXIS
  • [EXTJSIV-1796] - Character Encoding issues on deployed docs
  • [EXTJSIV-1906] - a typo / encoding issue in the getting started guide

General Improvements

  • [EXTJSIV-1961] - Added callbackName option to
  • [EXTJSIV-853] - Tooltips: Renamed initTarget to setTarget
  • [EXTJSIV-1536] - Added a vertical toolbar example