from selenium import webdriver

from time import sleep

import tempfile

import os,sys

import pandas as pd

import geopandas as gpd

import time

# 构建查询地址

def GetURL(ProductID,StartTime,EndTime,search_file):

     # 查询边界

     data = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(search_file)

     bbox = (data.bounds.values)[0].tolist()

     # 研究区范围,左上角和右下角。根据需要构造字符串

     Area = str(round(bbox[0],1))+','+str(round(bbox[3],1))+','+str(round(bbox[2],1))+','+str(round(bbox[1],1))

     # 输入 MODIS 轨道矢量

     modis_grid_file = 'E:\***\modis_WGS84_grid_world.shp'

     modis_grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(modis_grid_file)

     # 查询边界覆盖的轨道中心坐标

     modis_intersection = modis_grid[modis_grid.intersects(data.geometry[0])]

     path_row = 'Tile:'

     for mv in modis_intersection.values:

         path_row += "H"+str(mv[1])+"V"+str(mv[2])+","

     # 根据以上信息构建 Search 页的网址

     path_row = path_row[0:-1]


     return url

# 使用 Selenium 查询影像

def SearchFileList(url):

     # 创建文件夹,命名规则为程序运行的时刻

     # 将使用 selenium 下载的文件使用该文件夹存储

     csvdir = 'E:\\***\\' + str(time.time()).replace('.','')


     # 配置 selenium 的参数

     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

     prefs = {'profile.default_content_settings.popups': 0, 'download.default_directory': csvdir}

     options.add_experimental_option('prefs', prefs)

     chromedriver = r"C:\***\Google\Chrome\Application\chromedriver.exe"#chromedriver.exe 的本地路径

     # options.add_argument('--headless')  # 有无浏览器界面模式,根据需要设置

     driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriver,options=options)

     # 自动打开 Search 页


     # 浏览器打开 Search 页后,外汇跟单gendan5.com还要留足时间让服务器进行数据检索

     # 所以这里 sleep50 秒,可以根据网速自行设定


     # 当然也可以判断搜索结果,也就是包含 csv 的标签是否出现

     # WebDriverWait(driver,

     # 下载 csv 文件

     # 找到文本包含 csv 的标签

     # csvElement = driver.find_element_by_link_text('csv')

     csvElement = driver.find_element_by_xpath('// *[ @ id = "tab4download"] / a[2]')

     # 点击下载

     # 留下下载 csv 文件的时间


     # 关闭浏览器


     return csvdir

# 下载影像

def MODISDown(FileDir):

     # 获取下载的 csv 文件的文件名

     csvfilename = os.listdir(FileDir)[0]

     # 构造文件路径

     csvfilepath = os.path.join(FileDir, csvfilename)

     # print(csvfilepath)

     csvvalues = pd.read_csv(csvfilepath).values



     # 下载数据

     file_count = 0

     for cv in csvvalues:

         file_count += 1

         # 构建数据的下载链接


         outdir = 'E:/***/MODIS/'+(cv[1].split("/"))[5]

         # outdir = 'E:/Temp/' + (cv[1].split("/"))[5]

         if not os.path.isdir(outdir):


         path = outdir + '/' + (cv[1].split("/"))[7]

         if not os.path.exists(path):

             print("({0}/{1}) Downloading {2}".format(file_count, len(csvvalues), modislink.split("/")[-1]))

             with open(path, 'w+b') as out:

                 geturl(modislink, out)

# 获取下载链接并下载影像数据

def geturl(url,out=None):

     USERAGENT = 'tis/download.py_1.0--' + sys.version.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')

     headers = { 'user-agent' : USERAGENT }

     token = '******' # 你的 token, 可登陆 Earthdata 网站后在 profile 中得到

     headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token


         import ssl

         CTX = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)

         from urllib.request import urlopen, Request, URLError, HTTPError


             response = urlopen(Request(url, headers=headers), context=CTX)

             if out is None:



                 start = time.time()

                 # 将连接中的下载文件写入临时文件 并返回文件写入进度

                 chunk_read(response, out, report_hook=chunk_report)

                 elapsed = max(time.time() - start,1.0)

                 # 平均下载速度

                 rate = (get_total_size(response) / 1024 ** 2) / elapsed

                 print("Downloaded {0}b in {1:.2f}secs, Average Rate: {2:.2f}MB/sec".format(get_total_size(response), elapsed, rate))

                 # shutil.copyfileobj(response, out)

         except HTTPError as e:

             print('HTTP GET error code: %d' % e.code(), file=sys.stderr)

             print('HTTP GET error message: %s' % e.message, file=sys.stderr)

         except URLError as e:

             print('Failed to make request: %s' % e.reason, file=sys.stderr)

         return None

     except AttributeError:

         # OS X Python 2 and 3 don't support tlsv1.1+ therefore... curl

         import subprocess


             args = ['curl', '--fail', '-sS', '-L', '--get', url]

             for (k,v) in headers.items():

                 args.extend(['-H', ': '.join([k, v])])

             if out is None:

                 # python3's subprocess.check_output returns stdout as a byte string

                 result = subprocess.check_output(args)

                 return result.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(result, bytes) else result


       , stdout=out)

         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

             print('curl GET error message: %' + (e.message if hasattr(e, 'message') else e.output), file=sys.stderr)

         return None

#  chunk_read modified from

def chunk_read( response, local_file, chunk_size=10240, report_hook=None):

     # 完整文件大小

     file_size = get_total_size(response)

     # 下载文件大小

     bytes_so_far = 0

     # 文件写入本地

     while 1:


             # 从地址中读取固定大小文件对象

             chunk =


             sys.stdout.write("\n > There was an error reading data. \n")



             # 将读取出的文件对象写入本地文件


         except TypeError:


         # 写入完成即更新已下载文件大小

         bytes_so_far += len(chunk)

         if not chunk:


         if report_hook:

             # 获取下载进度

             report_hook(bytes_so_far, file_size)

     return bytes_so_far

def chunk_report( bytes_so_far, file_size):

     if file_size is not None:

         # 计算下载进度百分比

         percent = float(bytes_so_far) / file_size

         percent = round(percent * 100, 2)

         sys.stdout.write(" > Downloaded %d of %d bytes (%0.2f%%)\r" %

                          (bytes_so_far, file_size, percent))


         # We couldn't figure out the size.

         sys.stdout.write(" > Downloaded %d of unknown Size\r" % (bytes_so_far))

def get_total_size(response):


       file_size ='Content-Length').strip()

    except AttributeError:


          file_size = response.getheader('Content-Length').strip()

       except AttributeError:

          print ("> Problem getting size")

          return None

    return int(file_size)

if __name__ == "__main__":

     # 定义要下载数据的信息

     ProductID = 'MOD021KM--61/'  # 产品号 #sys.argv[1]#

     # 设置数据的起始和截至时间。其实就是根据需要构造一个简单的字符串

     StartTime = '2020-06-01'  # 开始时间 #sys.argv[2]#

     EndTime = '2020-06-03'  # 截至日期 #sys.argv[3]#

     search_file = r'E:\***\ 北京市 .shp'  # 查询范围 #sys.argv[4]#

     # 构建查询地址

     url = GetURL(ProductID,StartTime,EndTime,search_file)

     # 获取数据列表

     csvdir = SearchFileList(url)

     # 根据列表下载数据
