1 语法:将来进行时:
     1>将来一段时间内将要发生的动作;will,shall,be going to +do+v;
        You will be killing youself.   
        l will be thinking of you.
        They will b e expect  me

2 New words and expressions(短语)
  group                  n.;
  pop singer            n.;
  club                     n.;
  performance         n;
  occasion               n.

  1>band  乐队; pop singer;
  2>dollar 美元$ penny 便士,美分;     RMB.人民币;    pound 英磅;
  3>give sb Green light  开绿灯,走后门;                             He give me Green light on study English.
      have Green fingers  从事绿色植物工作的人;
      have Green house   温室
  4>Group-A/O/AB  A血型的人;  blood 血;                         He blood group is Group-AB.
  5>pop corn [k>:n]  爆米花;
  6>nightclub      夜总会                                                  He wasn't gone nightclub.
      clubman       俱乐部男成员;
      clubwoman   俱乐部女成员,交际花;
      golden age club   老年人俱乐部;
      club ,大的俱乐部,pub,bar 小的酒吧,俱乐部;
      泡吧:go clubbing;    go pubbing;   go barring ;
      clubbed together    一起出的钱买东西看某人;
  7>performance;       give a woudful performance     ------------------------
  8>On --- occaion 在某场合;
      take occaion to do   有机会做;
  9>spade ;heart;diamond,club;    ( 黑桃,经桃,方块,梅花)
  11>you will be killing youself.                        你简直在自杀.
        l will be thinking of you.
        They will b e expect  me
   12>sing to the piano;    跟差钢琴唱
         sing along the music;跟差音乐唱
         sing sb to sleep;      推眠曲;
         be sung to death;    歌听腻了;
   13>It comes the save to me;
         the same again please;
         one more;
         me, too;
         same here;
    15>Keep order ;
    16>as usual   和往常一样;
    17>by train,by air;by bus;
    18> all part of the country.全国各地;
           all part of the world.           world: 世界; word:词;
    19>will be arriveing 不及物;
          trip                 及物;
    20 目前:
           at present;
           at moment;