FreeBSD 8.0 install with a USB-Stick

A friend of mine posted in the German a
nice howto to use an USB-Stick as a installmedium.
(German only i’ve translated to english ;-))

here is a quick howto:

1: clear your stick:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=1k count=1

2: make the USB-Stick bootable

bsdlabel -Bw da0 auto

3: create an UFS2 Filesystem with GEOM Lable “FreeBSD”

newfs -L FreeBSD /dev/da0a

4: mount ISO-Image:

mdconfig -a -t vnode -f 8.0-HEAD-20090609-JPSNAP-i386-dvd1 -u 0 && mount -r -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /mnt/iso

5: mount your USB-STICK

mount /dev/da0a /mnt/USB-Stick

Now copy all files from your mounted cd
in to your USB-Stick, after that you need
to create a fstab for your USB-Stick:

vi /mnt/USB-Stick/fstab and put following in:

/dev/ufs/FreeBSD / ufs ro 0 0

save it. Now you can boot from the USB-Stick.
That’s nice to have for Netbooks or PCs without
a cd/dvd drive. :-).