
The following guide will show you how to enable syntax colors for VI/VIM.




1.Connecting via SSH to your server

2.Browse to your user directory with the following command:

cd ~

3.Create a .vimrc file with the following command:

vi .vimrc

4.Click i for insert mode.

5.Type the following command below to enable syntax and give a specific colorscheme.

   This example uses the desert colorscheme:

syntax on

colorscheme elflord


6.Hold Shift and hit : then type wq to save and quit the file.

7.You should now be able to use vi and the colorscheme you choose to edit files on your (gs) Grid-Service.


Additional color schemes

The following is a few color schemes installed on the (gs) Grid-Service:


Enabling vi syntax color_color



Enabling vi syntax color_vim_02



Enabling vi syntax color_syntax_03



Enabling vi syntax color_syntax_04


Enabling vi syntax color_vim_05



Enabling vi syntax color_color_06


The rest of the colorschemes installed are as follows: morningpeachpuffbluemurphyronzellnerdarkbluedesert,koehler, and shine.





Can I install my own colorscheme?

Yes, first connect to your server via SSH and type the following:

cd ~

Next, you need to create a .vim/colors directory with the following command:

mkdir .vim .vim/colors

Next, you can upload your own colorscheme into the colors folder you created.

Finally, just follow the steps from earlier to set it as your default colorscheme.



  • You can change color schemes at anytime in vi by typing colorscheme followed by a space and the name of the color scheme. 
  • For more color schemes, you can browse this library on the vim website.
  • You can enable or disable colors by simply typing "syntax on" or "syntax off" in vi. 
  • For more information about vi, please visit: Understanding basic vi (visual editor).