All in one:将RHEV管理机同时作为一个host,该机器既是管理者,也是计算资源提供者,可以充分利用该机器的计算和存储资源。


  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.1

  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.2

  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.3

  • A host matching the hardware requirements outlined in the in the installation guide.



  • Install rhevm-setup-plugin-allinone :

root@host # yum install rhevm-setup-plugin-allinone -y
  • Start the regular RHEV Manager setup procedure as described in the installation guide

root@host # rhevm-setup
  • You will be asked 3 additional questions:

- Configure VDSM on this host? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] : yes
- Local storage domain path: /data
- Confirm root password : <provide password here>
  • After all answers are provided, the setup will install the engine and configure VDSM, including local cluster, local datacenter and local host


RHEV 3.1 / 3.2/3.3安装All In One的方法_操作系统