新换了一个macbook m3pro的电脑,准备在电脑上面安装一个虚拟机,结果发现一只安装不上。然后去bing上面搜索了一下,结果找出来原因,并且给出了解决方案。
- 阿里云镜像仓库地址:aliyun centos镜像
- 清华大学开源软件镜像站 :清华大学镜像
下载之后总是安装失败,然后下载arm专用,结果还是安装不上。 如下图所示
原因很容易找到: 基本解释是:
The aarch64 kernel is set to use "64KB page size", which is apparently normal for run of the mill ARM, but the Apple M1 only supports 4KB and 16KB page size.
CentOS 7 or 8 will not boot on the Tech Preview because their kernels are built with a 64KB page size that Apple Silicon hardware does not support. RHEL 7 and 8 suffer from the same issue.
RHEL 9 changed the page size on ARM architectures to 4KB. CentOS 9 Stream made the same change. They both will boot ( well they did before the recent round of kernel releases that cause pretty much all Linux distros to not boot on the TP - that’s another story altogether)
- 方案一:In principle a rebuild of kernel package could solve that
- 方案二:下载新版本的镜像
方案一,已经有人做了,现在网络上有一些作者已经重新编译了镜像,不过非官方的。 B站视频-在m1芯片的MacBook上安装centos7
安装新版本linux版本,我这边选择的是centos 9 stream, centos 9 stream下载地址 下载之后重新安装没啥问题了。
我这边使用的是vmware fusion13进行安装的,然后修改一下网络,让电脑和虚拟机联通。