HyperLeger Fabric SDK开发(六)——resmgmt



resmgmt支持在Fabric网络上创建和更新资源。resmgmt允许管理员创建、更新通道,并允许Peer节点加入通道。管理员还可以在Peer节点上执行与链码相关的操作,例如安装,实例化和升级链码。 官方文档: https://godoc.org/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/pkg/client/resmgmt


resmgmt使用基本流程如下: A、准备客户端上下文 B、创建资源管理客户端 C、创建新通道 D、将Peer节点加入通道 E、将链码安装到Peer节点的文件系统 F、在通道上实例化链码 G、查询通道上的Peer节点,已安装/实例化的链码等 使用示例:

// Create new resource management client
c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

// Read channel configuration
r, err := os.Open(channelConfig)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to open channel config: %s\n", err)
defer r.Close()

// Create new channel 'mychannel'
_, err = c.SaveChannel(SaveChannelRequest{ChannelID: "mychannel", ChannelConfig: r})
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to save channel: %s\n", err)

peer := mockPeer()

// Peer joins channel 'mychannel'
err = c.JoinChannel("mychannel", WithTargets(peer))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to join channel: %s\n", err)

// Install example chaincode to peer
installReq := InstallCCRequest{Name: "ExampleCC", Version: "v0", Path: "path", Package: &resource.CCPackage{Type: 1, Code: []byte("bytes")}}
_, err = c.InstallCC(installReq, WithTargets(peer))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to install chaincode: %s\n", err)

// Instantiate example chaincode on channel 'mychannel'
ccPolicy := cauthdsl.SignedByMspMember("Org1MSP")
instantiateReq := InstantiateCCRequest{Name: "ExampleCC", Version: "v0", Path: "path", Policy: ccPolicy}
_, err = c.InstantiateCC("mychannel", instantiateReq, WithTargets(peer))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to install chaincode: %s\n", err)

fmt.Println("Network setup completed")
// output:
// Network setup completed




type chaincodeProposalType int

// Define chaincode proposal types
const (
   InstantiateChaincode chaincodeProposalType = iota


// InstallCCRequest contains install chaincode request parameters
type InstallCCRequest struct {
   Name    string
   Path    string
   Version string
   Package *resource.CCPackage


// InstallCCResponse contains install chaincode response status
type InstallCCResponse struct {
   Target string
   Status int32
   Info   string


// InstantiateCCRequest contains instantiate chaincode request parameters
type InstantiateCCRequest struct {
   Name       string
   Path       string
   Version    string
   Args       [][]byte
   Policy     *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
   CollConfig []*common.CollectionConfig


// InstantiateCCResponse contains response parameters for instantiate chaincode
type InstantiateCCResponse struct {
   TransactionID fab.TransactionID


// UpgradeCCRequest contains upgrade chaincode request parameters
type UpgradeCCRequest struct {
   Name       string
   Path       string
   Version    string
   Args       [][]byte
   Policy     *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
   CollConfig []*common.CollectionConfig


// UpgradeCCResponse contains response parameters for upgrade chaincode
type UpgradeCCResponse struct {
   TransactionID fab.TransactionID


//SaveChannelRequest holds parameters for save channel request
type SaveChannelRequest struct {
   ChannelID         string
   ChannelConfig     io.Reader             // ChannelConfig data source
   ChannelConfigPath string                // Convenience option to use the named file as ChannelConfig reader
   SigningIdentities []msp.SigningIdentity // Users that sign channel configuration


// SaveChannelResponse contains response parameters for save channel
type SaveChannelResponse struct {
   TransactionID fab.TransactionID


func MarshalConfigSignature(signature *common.ConfigSignature) ([]byte, error) MarshalConfigSignature为由[]byte级联的给定客户端打包一个ConfigSignature(配置签名)。 func UnmarshalConfigSignature(reader io.Reader) (*common.ConfigSignature, error) UnmarshalConfigSignature将从reader读取1个ConfigSignature为[]byte并将其解码。


type Client struct {
   ctx              context.Client
   filter           fab.TargetFilter
   localCtxProvider context.LocalProvider
func New(ctxProvider context.ClientProvider, opts ...ClientOption) (*Client, error)

New返回资源管理客户端实例。 使用示例:

ctx := mockClientProvider()

c, err := New(ctx)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

if c != nil {
    fmt.Println("resource management client created")
// output:
// resource management client created


func (rc *Client) CreateConfigSignature(signer msp.SigningIdentity, channelConfigPath string) (*common.ConfigSignature, error) CreateConfigSignature为指定的客户端、自定义签名者、channelConfigPath参数的通道配置创建一个签名。 返回由SDK在内部签名的ConfigSignature对象,可以传递给WithConfigSignatures()选项。 func (rc *Client) CreateConfigSignatureData(signer msp.SigningIdentity, channelConfigPath string) (signatureHeaderData resource.ConfigSignatureData, e error) CreateConfigSignatureData将准备一个SignatureHeader和用于签名通道配置的完整签名数据。 一旦SigningBytes在外部签名(使用OpenSSL等外部工具签署signatureHeaderData.SigningBytes),需要执行以下操作:  A、创建一个common.ConfigSignature {}实例  B、使用返回的字段'signatureHeaderData.signatureHeader'为其SignatureHeader字段赋值。  C、使用外部工具生成的'signatureHeaderData.signingBytes'签名为其Signature字段赋值。   D、然后使用WithConfigSignatures()选项传递此新实例以进行通道更新


func (rc *Client) InstallCC(req InstallCCRequest, options ...RequestOption) ([]InstallCCResponse, error) InstallCC允许管理员将链代码安装到Peer节点的文件系统上。如果未在选项中指定Peer节点,默认属于管理员MSP的所有Peer节点。 参数: req包含必备的链码名称,路径,版本和背书策略的相关信息 options包含可选的请求选项 返回:Peer回复的安装链码提案的响应 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

req := InstallCCRequest{Name: "ExampleCC", Version: "v0", Path: "path", Package: &resource.CCPackage{Type: 1, Code: []byte("bytes")}}
responses, err := c.InstallCC(req, WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to install chaincode: %s\n", err)

if len(responses) > 0 {
    fmt.Println("Chaincode installed")
// output:
// Chaincode installed     


func (rc *Client) InstantiateCC(channelID string, req InstantiateCCRequest, options ...RequestOption) (InstantiateCCResponse, error) InstantiateCC使用可选的自定义选项(指定Peer节点,过滤的Peer节点,超时)实例化链码。如果未在选项中指定Peer节点,则默认为所有通道Peer。 参数: channelID是必备的通道名称 req包含必备的链码名称,路径,版本和背书策略的相关信息 options包含可选的请求选项 返回:带有交易ID的实例化链码响应 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

ccPolicy := cauthdsl.SignedByMspMember("Org1MSP")
req := InstantiateCCRequest{Name: "ExampleCC", Version: "v0", Path: "path", Policy: ccPolicy}

resp, err := c.InstantiateCC("mychannel", req)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to install chaincode: %s\n", err)

if resp.TransactionID == "" {
    fmt.Println("Failed to instantiate chaincode")

fmt.Println("Chaincode instantiated")
// output:
// Chaincode instantiated


func (rc *Client) JoinChannel(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) error JoinChannel允许Peer节点使用可选的自定义选项(指定Peer节点,已过滤的Peer节点)加入现有通道。如果未在选项中指定Peer节点,则将默认为属于客户端MSP的所有Peer节点。 参数: channelID是必备的通道名称 options包含可选的请求选项 返回:如果加入通道失败,返回错误 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

err = c.JoinChannel("mychannel", WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to join channel: %s\n", err)

fmt.Println("Joined channel")
// output:
// Joined channel    


func (rc *Client) QueryChannels(options ...RequestOption) (*pb.ChannelQueryResponse, error) QueryChannels查询Peer节点已加入的所有通道的名称。 参数: options包含可选的请求选项,注意,必须使用WithTargetURLs或WithTargets请求选项指定一个目标Peer节点。 返回:Peer节点加入的所有通道 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

response, err := c.QueryChannels(WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to query channels: %s\n", err)

if response != nil {
    fmt.Println("Retrieved channels")
// output:
// Retrieved channels        


func (rc *Client) QueryConfigFromOrderer(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (fab.ChannelCfg, error) QueryConfigFromOrderer从orderer节点返回通道配置。如果没有使用选项提供orderer节点,则将默认为通道的orderer节点(如果已配置)或随机从配置中选取orderer节点。 参数: channelID是必备的通道ID options包含可选的请求选项 返回通道的配置


func (rc *Client) QueryInstalledChaincodes(options ...RequestOption) (*pb.ChaincodeQueryResponse, error) QueryInstalledChaincodes查询Peer节点上已安装的链码。 参数: options包含可选的请求选项。注意,必须使用WithTargetURLs或WithTargets请求选项指定一个目标Peer节点。 返回:指定Peer节点上已安装的链码列表 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

response, err := c.QueryInstalledChaincodes(WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to query installed chaincodes: %s\n", err)

if response != nil {
    fmt.Println("Retrieved installed chaincodes")
// output:
// Retrieved installed chaincodes      


func (rc *Client) QueryInstantiatedChaincodes(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (*pb.ChaincodeQueryResponse, error) QueryInstantiatedChaincodes在指定的通道的Peer节点上的查询实例化链码。如果没有在选项中指定Peer节点,则将在此通道上随机查询一个Peer节点。 参数: channelID是必填通道名称 options包含可选的请求选项 返回实例化链码列表 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

response, err := c.QueryInstantiatedChaincodes("mychannel", WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to query instantiated chaincodes: %s\n", err)

if response != nil {
    fmt.Println("Retrieved instantiated chaincodes")
// output:
// Retrieved instantiated chaincodes      


func (rc *Client) SaveChannel(req SaveChannelRequest, options ...RequestOption) (SaveChannelResponse, error) SaveChannel创建或更新通道。 参数: req包含必备的通道名称和配置的相关信息 options包含可选的请求选项  如果选项有签名(WithConfigSignatures()或1个或多个WithConfigSignature()调用),则SaveChannel将使用选项的签名而不是为req中找到的SigningIdentities创建一个签名。 确保req.ChannelConfigPath / req.ChannelConfig具有与签名匹配的通道配置。 返回带有交易ID的保存通道响应 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to create client: %s\n", err)

r, err := os.Open(channelConfig)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to open channel config: %s\n", err)
defer r.Close()

resp, err := c.SaveChannel(SaveChannelRequest{ChannelID: "mychannel", ChannelConfig: r})
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to save channel: %s\n", err)

if resp.TransactionID == "" {
    fmt.Println("Failed to save channel")

fmt.Println("Saved channel")
// output:
// Saved channel


c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to create client: %s\n", err)

r, err := os.Open(channelConfig)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to open channel config: %s\n", err)
defer r.Close()

resp, err := c.SaveChannel(SaveChannelRequest{ChannelID: "mychannel", ChannelConfig: r}, WithOrdererEndpoint("example.com"))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to save channel: %s\n", err)

if resp.TransactionID == "" {
    fmt.Println("Failed to save channel")

fmt.Println("Saved channel")
// output:
// Saved channel


func (rc *Client) UpgradeCC(channelID string, req UpgradeCCRequest, options ...RequestOption) (UpgradeCCResponse, error) UpgradeCC使用可选的自定义选项(指定Peer节点,过滤的Peer节点,超时)升级链码。如果没有在选项中指定Peer节点,则将默认为通道的所有Peer节点。 参数: channelID是必备的通道名称 req包含必备的链码名称,路径,版本和背书策略的相关信息 options包含可选的请求选项 返回带有交易ID的升级链码响应 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

ccPolicy := cauthdsl.SignedByMspMember("Org1MSP")
req := UpgradeCCRequest{Name: "ExampleCC", Version: "v1", Path: "path", Policy: ccPolicy}

resp, err := c.UpgradeCC("mychannel", req, WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to upgrade chaincode: %s\n", err)

if resp.TransactionID == "" {
    fmt.Println("Failed to upgrade chaincode")

fmt.Println("Chaincode upgraded")
// output:
// Chaincode upgraded


type ClientOption func(*Client) error

// WithDefaultTargetFilter option to configure default target filter per client
func WithDefaultTargetFilter(filter fab.TargetFilter) ClientOption

WithDefaultTargetFilter选项为每个客户端配置默认目标过滤器 使用示例:

ctx := mockClientProvider()

c, err := New(ctx, WithDefaultTargetFilter(&urlTargetFilter{url: "example.com"}))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

if c != nil {
    fmt.Println("resource management client created with url target filter")
// output:
// resource management client created with url target filter   


//RequestOption func for each Opts argument
type RequestOption func(ctx context.Client, opts *requestOptions) error
type requestOptions struct {
   Targets       []fab.Peer                        // target peers
   TargetFilter  fab.TargetFilter                  // target filter
   Orderer       fab.Orderer                       // use specific orderer
   Timeouts      map[fab.TimeoutType]time.Duration //timeout options for resmgmt operations
   ParentContext reqContext.Context                //parent grpc context for resmgmt operations
   Retry         retry.Opts
   // signatures for channel configurations, if set, this option will take precedence over signatures of SaveChannelRequest.SigningIdentities
   Signatures []*common.ConfigSignature

func WithConfigSignatures(signatures ...*common.ConfigSignature) RequestOption

WithConfigSignatures允许为resmgmt客户端的SaveChannel调用提供预定义的签名。 func WithOrderer(orderer fab.Orderer) RequestOption WithOrderer允许为请求指定一个orderer节点。 func WithOrdererEndpoint(key string) RequestOption WithOrdererEndpoint允许为请求指定一个orderer节点。orderer将根据key参数查找。key参数可以是名称或url。 func WithParentContext(parentContext reqContext.Context) RequestOption WithParentContext封装了grpc父对象上下文 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

clientContext, err := mockClientProvider()()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to return client context")

// get parent context and cancel
parentContext, cancel := sdkCtx.NewRequest(clientContext, sdkCtx.WithTimeout(20*time.Second))
defer cancel()

channels, err := c.QueryChannels(WithParentContext(parentContext), WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to query for blockchain info: %s\n", err)

if channels != nil {
    fmt.Println("Retrieved channels that peer belongs to")
// output:
// Retrieved channels that peer belongs to  

func WithRetry(retryOpt retry.Opts) RequestOption WithRetry设置重试选项 func WithTargets(targets ...fab.Peer) RequestOption WithTargets允许覆盖请求的目标Peer节点。 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

response, err := c.QueryChannels(WithTargets(mockPeer()))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to query channels: %s\n", err)

if response != nil {
    fmt.Println("Retrieved channels")
// output:
// Retrieved channels  

func WithTargetEndpoints(keys ...string) RequestOption WithTargetEndpoints允许覆盖请求的目标Peer节点。目标由名称或URL指定,SDK将创建底层Peer节点对象。 func WithTargetFilter(targetFilter fab.TargetFilter) RequestOption WithTargetFilter为请求启用目标过滤器。 使用示例:

c, err := New(mockClientProvider())
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to create client")

ccPolicy := cauthdsl.SignedByMspMember("Org1MSP")
req := InstantiateCCRequest{Name: "ExampleCC", Version: "v0", Path: "path", Policy: ccPolicy}

resp, err := c.InstantiateCC("mychannel", req, WithTargetFilter(&urlTargetFilter{url: "http://peer1.com"}))
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("failed to install chaincode: %s\n", err)

if resp.TransactionID == "" {
    fmt.Println("Failed to instantiate chaincode")

fmt.Println("Chaincode instantiated")
// output:
// Chaincode instantiated

func WithTimeout(timeoutType fab.TimeoutType, timeout time.Duration) RequestOption WithTimeout封装了超时类型、超时时间的键值对到选项,如果未提供,则使用config的默认超时配置。


var (
   sdk           *fabsdk.FabricSDK
   org           = "org1"
   user          = "Admin"

// 区块链管理
func manageBlockchain() {
   // 表明身份
   ctx := sdk.Context(fabsdk.WithOrg(org), fabsdk.WithUser(user))

   cli, err := resmgmt.New(ctx)
   if err != nil {

   // 具体操作
   cli.SaveChannel(resmgmt.SaveChannelRequest{}, resmgmt.WithOrdererEndpoint("orderer.example.com"), resmgmt.WithTargetEndpoints())