H3C 团体字的配置顺序是先确定 读写,再确定读写的 团体字

 [H3C]snmp-agent community ?

  read   Read-only access for this community string
  write  Read-write access for this community string
[H3C]snmp-agent community rea
[H3C]snmp-agent community read ?
  STRING<1-32>  SNMP community string
如果要删除SNMP的管理,直接输入undo 加上要删除的条目
Cisco是先确定要读写的 团体字,再确定 读写
Router(config)#snmp-server community ?
  WORD  SNMP community string
Router(config)#snmp-server community read
Router(config)#snmp-server community read ?
  <1-99>       Std IP accesslist allowing access with this community string
  <1300-1999>  Expanded IP accesslist allowing access with this community string
  WORD         Access-list name
  ipv6         Specify IPv6 Named Access-List
  ro           Read-only access with this community string
  rw           Read-write access with this community string
  view         Restrict this community to a named MIB view
Router(config)#snmp-server community read ro
如果要删除SNMP的配置,输入 default snmp-server,然后重新配置