def print_dict():
    contect_file = 'contect_list.txt'
    f = file(contect_file)  #读取
    contect_dic = {}
    for line in f.readlines():
        name = line.split()[1]
        contect_dic[name] = line  #是修改也是添加
    #print contect_dic  #调试输出
    for n,v in contect_dic.items():
         print "%s \t%s" % (n,v),  #调试输出看
    while True:
        inputvales = raw_input("Please input the staff name:").strip()
        if len(inputvales) == 0:
        if contect_dic.has_key(inputvales):
            print "%s \t"% contect_dic[inputvales]
            print 'Sorry ,no staff name find!'


def print_show():
    f = file('shop.txt')
    products = []
    prices = [0]
    shops_list = [0]
    for line in f.readlines():
        new_line = line.split()
        print new_line[0]
        prices.append(int(new_line[1])) #如果不改变类型,这样加进入是str类型
    #print products
    #print prices

    salary = int(raw_input("please input your salary:"))
    while True:
        print "welcome ,things you can buy as below:"
        for p in products:
            p_index = products.index(p)
            p_price = prices[p_index]   #通过索引查找对应值
            print p,p_index,p_price    #验证结果
        choice = raw_input('Please input what your want to buy:')
        f_choice = choice.strip()
        if f_choice in products:
            print 'Yes ,it is in list!'
            f_index = products.index(f_choice)
            f_price = prices[f_index]
            # print f_price  ,type(f_price) #调试
            if salary >= f_price:
                print "Congrautations,added %s to shop list "% f_choice
                salary = salary - f_price
                print "Now you have %d left !keep buying!" % salary,
                if salary < min(prices):
                    print "Soory ,your can not buy anththing !bye!\n"
                    print "you have bought :",shops_list
                    print "Sorry ,money is not enough to buy %s ,please tyr another one!"% f_choice
            print 'Sorry ,%s  not in the list ,pleass try another one :'% f_choice

def open_file():
    #f = open('contanct_list.txt','r+')
    with open('data.txt','r+') as f:
        old = f.read()
        f.seek(36)       #单行修改
        f.write("liwen is back is good")


def open_file_01():
    for line in fileinput.input("data.txt",backup="bak",inplace=1): #back 备份
        line = line.replace('meingli','liwen is good')  #只有meingli 就 替换
        print line
