


上图显示的就是/proc/cpuinfo的信息了,CPU嘛,重点了解的就是几颗,几核,是否支持超线程了,那我们要了解这些,就需要查看processorphysical id, siblings,core id,cpu cores这几个字段了,它们分别代表什么,图上已经有注释,所以只需要说明一下判断依据了。

1.              拥有相同physical id的所有逻辑处理器共享同一个物理插座。每个physical id 代表一个唯一的物理封装,即一颗CPU.

2.              Siblings表示位于一个物理封装的CPU上逻辑CPU的个数。

3.              每个core id 均代表一个唯一的处理器内核,所有带有相同core id 的逻辑CPU均位于同一处理器内核上。

4.              如果有一个以上逻辑CPU有用相同的core idphysical id ,则说明系统支持超线程(HT)技术。

5.              如果有两个或两个以上的逻辑CPU拥有相同的physical id ,但是core id不同,则说明这是一个多内核处理器,cpu cores字段也可以表示是否支持多内核。


1.       逻辑CPU个数:

# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep “processor” | wc –l


   # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep “physical id” | sort | uniq | wc –l


   # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep “cpu cores” | wc –l

4.是否支持超线程?如果两个逻辑CPU具有相同的“core id”,那么说明超线程是打开的。


  # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep “siblings”


o    processor — Provides each processor with an identifying number. On systems that have one processor, only a 0 is present.

o    cpu family — Authoritatively identifies the type of processor in the system. For an Intel-based system, place the number in front of "86" to determine the value. This is particularly helpful for those attempting to identify the architecture of an older system such as a 586, 486, or 386. Because some RPM packages are compiled for each of these particular architectures, this value also helps users determine which packages to install.

o    model name — Displays the common name of the processor, including its project name.

o    cpu MHz — Shows the precise speed in megahertz for the processor to the thousandths decimal place.

o    cache size — Displays the amount of level 2 memory cache available to the processor.

o    siblings — Displays the number of sibling CPUs on the same physical CPU for architectures which use hyper-threading.

o    flags — Defines a number of different qualities about the processor, such as the presence of a floating point unit (FPU) and the ability to process MMX instructions.

需要注意的是 physical id  core id 不一定连续



