Oracle 11G 引入Memory_max_target和Memory_target参数用于数据库的内存自动管理(AMM),本意是修改该两个参数超过物理内存的大小,视图看看数据库报什么错误。


$cp spfileorcl.ora spfileorcl.ora.bak


Oracle 手动修改spfile后的现象记录_Oracle Memory_target

两个值得大小分别修改为6,815,744,000,000≈6.7T 实际物理内存为16G左右

$ free -g

Oracle 手动修改spfile后的现象记录_Oracle Memory_target_02


SQL> startup nomount;

ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters

LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/DBBK/oracle/product/'

[oracle@021Y-SH-BKAP dbs]$ oerr ora 1078

01078, 00000, "failure in processing system parameters"

// *Cause:  Failure during processing of INIT.ORA parameters during system startup.

// *Action:  Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

[oracle@021Y-SH-BKAP dbs]$ oerr lrm 109

109, 0, "could not open parameter file '%.*s'"

// *Cause: The parameter file does not exist.

// *Action: Create an appropriate parameter file.



$ file spfile.ora

spfile.ora: data


SQL> show parameter spfile;


-------- ---------- ------------------------------

spfile   string   /DBBK/oracle/product/


SQL> select * from v$version;



Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE      Production

TNS for Linux: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production

SQL> alter system set memory_max_target=6800G scope=spfile;

SQL> alter system set memory_target=6500G scope=spfile;

System altered.


SQL> startup nomount;

ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

SQL> startup nomount;

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 56 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap(2,1)","fixed allocation callback")

SQL> startup nomount;

ORA-04031: unable to allocate 10272 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap(1,0)","KGLSG")


$ oerr ora 845

00845, 00000, "MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system"

// *Cause: The MEMORY_TARGET parameter was not supported on this operating system or /dev/shm was not sized correctly on Linux.

// *Action: Refer to documentation for a list of supported operating systems. Or, size /dev/shm to be at least the SGA_MAX_SIZE on each Oracle instance running on the system.


Starting ORACLE instance (normal)

WARNING: You are trying to use the MEMORY_TARGET feature. This feature requires the /dev/shm file system to be mounted for at least 536870912000 bytes. /dev/shm is either not mounted or is mounted with available space less than this size. Please fix this so that MEMORY_TARGET can work as expected. Current available is 8363978752 and used is 0 bytes. Ensure that the mount point is /dev/shm for this directory.


$ df -Ph

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

tmpfs                 7.8G 1017M  6.8G  13% /dev/shm



Oracle 手动修改spfile后的现象记录_Oracle Memory_target_03

Oracle 手动修改spfile后的现象记录_Oracle Memory_target_04

SQL> alter system set sga_max_size=0 scope=spfile;

SQL> alter system set sga_target=0 scope=spfile;

SQL> startup nomount;

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1068994560 bytes

Fixed Size           2220072 bytes

Variable Size         671092696 bytes

Database Buffers       390070272 bytes

Redo Buffers          5611520 bytes


Oracle 手动修改spfile后的现象记录_Oracle Memory_target_05那么得出一个结论:SGA的大小首先由与SGA有关的参数来决定。同理可以判断PGA亦是如此。


ORA-04031: unable to allocate 56 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap(2,1)","fixed allocation callback")

很明显提示说不能再分配给shared memory 56bytes的空间,后面的细节也说明是分配的对象是shared pool

04031, 00000, "unable to allocate %s bytes of shared memory (\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")"
// *Cause:  More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared
//          pool.
// *Action: If the shared pool is out of memory, either use the
//          DBMS_SHARED_POOL package to pin large packages,
//          reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of
//          available shared memory by increasing the value of the
//          initialization parameters SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE and
//          SHARED_POOL_SIZE.
//          If the large pool is out of memory, increase the initialization
//          parameter LARGE_POOL_SIZE.


而其中提示sga heap(2,1)的信息来自哪?

尝试转储shared pool的信息:

alter session set events 'immediate trace name heapdump level 2';

Oracle 手动修改spfile后的现象记录_Oracle Memory_target_06



  11G以后引入了memory_max_target和memory_target参数进行内存的自动化管理(Automatic Memory Management),但实际上SGA和PGA的分配还是由各自的参数先行决定,比如sga_target、sga_max_size、pge_aggregate_target。


 AMM管理的是SGA和PGA的分配关系,ASMM(Automatic Shared Memory Management)则管理的是SGA的各组件的分配关系,ASEMM(Automated SQL Execution Memory Management)则是管理PGA的自动分配关系。