升级到FF3.6的朋友肯定发现了现在使用火狐浏览器访问my oracle support 时许多页面打开为空白页,譬如这篇介绍FF3.6与目前oracle support site兼容性的文章: explore my oracle support using firefox 3.6_ORA
Firefox 3.6 Not Officially Supported by My Oracle Support

Although much of the functionality of My Oracle Support is accessible via Firefox 3.6, please be aware that Firefox 3.6 is not officially supported by My Oracle Support at this time. Please review the My Oracle Support FAQ (Knowledge Document #747252.5) for details on the current browser requirements for accessing My Oracle Support.

We are aware of a current issue when viewing Knowledge documents using Firefox 3.6. Using Firefox 3.6, when clicking on a link for a Knowledge document the document appears blank.  The workaround is to instead open the documents in a new tab or new window.

We are working on a fix for this issue and hope to have this resolved in the near future. We apologize for any inconvenience.
FF升级到3.6的时间已经超过一个月了;oracle support 之前曾发表将解决该兼容问题的声明,原本以为这只是一个小case,因该在数周内彻底解决。但目前又发布了暂时不官方支持的声明(大部分文档可以通过在新窗口内打开方式阅读)。 看起来大型网站的建设维护确实不是Oracle的特长,apex或者说htmldb又真的适合超大型web site吗?