在《iPhone & iPad Cocos2D游戏开发实战》一书中在看第四章时候遇到陌生知识,然后在网上找到相关知识点,再此记录;


-(void) runSpiderMoveSequence:(CCSprite*)spider { // 随着时间慢慢增加蜘蛛的移动速度  numSpidersMoved++;//定义的int型变量 if (numSpidersMoved % 8 == 0 && spiderMoveDuration > 2.0f) { spiderMoveDuration -= 0.1f; } // 用于控制蜘蛛移动的动作序列 CGPoint belowScreenPosition = CGPointMake(spider.position.x, -[spider texture].contentSize.height); CCMoveTo* move = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:spiderMoveDuration position:belowScreenPosition]; CCCallFuncN* call = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(spiderBelowScreen:)]; CCSequence* sequence = [CCSequence actions:move, call, nil]; [spider runAction:sequence];  } 

RunSpiderMoveSequence方法的作用是跟踪已被放下的蜘蛛数量。每次到第八个蜘蛛时,spiderMoveDuration的值就会被减少,从而提高所有蜘蛛的移动速度。%这个符号叫作“余数运算子”(Modulus Operator),用于得到运用除法以后得到的余数。比如,如果numSpidersMoved可以用8除尽,那么“余数运算子”的计算结果就应该是0。





CCCallFuncN 带有一个参数,这个参数本身是一个Action,相当于他的参数就是一个BUtton;与它类似的还有

CCCallFunc 不带参数, 执行回调函数方法,

CCCallFuncND 带两个参数,一个是Action动作,另一个是自定义的参数

CCCallFuncO 也是两个参数,和CCCallFuncN参数一样,


// // CallFunc // #pragma mark CCCallFunc  @implementation CCCallFunc  @synthesize targetCallback = targetCallback_;  +(id) actionWithTarget: (id) t selector:(SEL) s { 	return [[[self alloc] initWithTarget: t selector: s] autorelease]; }  -(id) initWithTarget: (id) t selector:(SEL) s { 	if( (self=[super init]) ) { 		self.targetCallback = t; 		selector_ = s; 	} 	return self; }  -(NSString*) description { 	return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@ = %p | Tag = %ld | selector = %@>", 			[self class], 			self, 			(long)tag_, 			NSStringFromSelector(selector_) 			]; }  -(void) dealloc { 	[targetCallback_ release]; 	[super dealloc]; }  -(id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*) zone { 	CCActionInstant *copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone: zone] initWithTarget:targetCallback_ selector:selector_]; 	return copy; }  -(void) update:(ccTime)time { 	[self execute]; }  -(void) execute { 	[targetCallback_ performSelector:selector_]; } @end   
 // // CallFuncN // #pragma mark CCCallFuncN  @implementation CCCallFuncN  -(void) execute { 	[targetCallback_ performSelector:selector_ withObject:target_]; } @end   
 // // CallFuncND // #pragma mark CCCallFuncND  @implementation CCCallFuncND  @synthesize callbackMethod = callbackMethod_;  +(id) actionWithTarget:(id)t selector:(SEL)s data:(void*)d { 	return [[[self alloc] initWithTarget:t selector:s data:d] autorelease]; }  -(id) initWithTarget:(id)t selector:(SEL)s data:(void*)d { 	if( (self=[super initWithTarget:t selector:s]) ) { 		data_ = d;  #if COCOS2D_DEBUG 		NSMethodSignature * sig = [t methodSignatureForSelector:s]; // added 		NSAssert(sig !=0 , @"Signature not found for selector - does it have the following form? -(void)name:(id)sender data:(void*)data"); #endif 		callbackMethod_ = (CC_CALLBACK_ND) [t methodForSelector:s]; 	} 	return self; }  -(id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*) zone { 	CCActionInstant *copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone: zone] initWithTarget:targetCallback_ selector:selector_ data:data_]; 	return copy; }  -(void) dealloc { 	// nothing to dealloc really. Everything is dealloc on super (CCCallFuncN) 	[super dealloc]; }  -(void) execute { 	callbackMethod_(targetCallback_,selector_,target_, data_); } @end   
 @implementation CCCallFuncO @synthesize  object = object_;  +(id) actionWithTarget: (id) t selector:(SEL) s object:(id)object { 	return [[[self alloc] initWithTarget:t selector:s object:object] autorelease]; }  -(id) initWithTarget:(id) t selector:(SEL) s object:(id)object { 	if( (self=[super initWithTarget:t selector:s] ) ) 		self.object = object;  	return self; }  - (void) dealloc { 	[object_ release]; 	[super dealloc]; }  -(id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*) zone { 	CCActionInstant *copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone: zone] initWithTarget:targetCallback_ selector:selector_ object:object_]; 	return copy; }   -(void) execute { 	[targetCallback_ performSelector:selector_ withObject:object_]; }  @end 



id action1 = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:2 position:ccp(100,100)]; id action2 = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:2  position: ccp(80,80)]; id action3 = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:2  position: ccp(0,80)]; [sprite runAction: [CCSequence actions:action1, action2, action3, nil]];


注意的是,在这些动作中不能有 CCRepeatForever 这种无限的动作(就是不停的一直持续的动作),必须是那种可以在有限的时间内完成的。 

另外在博客上看到其他几个类似的类的用法,都是cocos2d常用动作 原文连接 http://leeyin.iteye.com/blog/1306557


这个与上面的 CCSequence 不同的是,排列的动作是同时执行的,执行的时间以子动作中的最长的时间为准。代码示例:

id action = [CCSpawn actions: 		[CCJumpBy actionWithDuration:2 position:ccp(300,0) height:50 jumps:4], 		[CCRotateBy actionWithDuration: 2 angle: 720], 		nil];   [sprite runAction:action];

上面这段代码的意思是,sprite 在两秒钟内,向右跳四次,总共跳跃距离是300,跳跃高度是50,在跳跃过程中 同时旋转720度。 



id a1 = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1 position:ccp(150,0)]; id action1 = [CCRepeat actionWithAction: 		[CCSequence actions: [CCPlace actionWithPosition:ccp(60,60)], a1, nil] 		times:3]; [sprite runAction:action1];

上面这段代码的意思是,先将sprite 放置在(60,60)位置,然后一秒内向右移动150的距离。这两个动作重复3次。



CCRotateBy* rotate = [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:1.0f angle:360]; CCRepeatForever* action2 = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:rotate]; [sprite runAction:action2];

就像上面讲的这段代码会让这个 sprite 一直不停的 以每秒360度的转速永远的旋转下去。